Do you really lose 30 Lbs on Insanity?



  • tynishabeezfit
    tynishabeezfit Posts: 154 Member
    No one can tell you if it's a waste of money or not. It's what you put into it. I could say the program sucked if I did everything half-arsed, but I didn't. I pushed hard, tried to eat better and gave it my all. I'm only 4'11, but I lost 15 pounds and went from a 35 inch waist to a 27.5. .... and take measurements, Don't always go by the scale.
  • jwiley78
    jwiley78 Posts: 48 Member
    I just finished Insanity 2 weeks ago and lost a little over 20 pounds. I'm currently thinking of doing it again.
  • Elgomez01
    Elgomez01 Posts: 1
    Only lost 2 lbs and I know I have lost inches by the way my clothes fit and I will be starting my 6th week of insanity. I love doing it and feel good also i just wish I would lose more weight. Should I continue on after the 60 days is the. ????
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Not everyone will lose 30lbs of course, but it is a great workout. You may not lose a lot of weight but you WILL see your body change a lot. You have to give it your all though.

    I wouldn't pay $120 or whatever for it, that's insane. I got it off a beachbody trainer on Craigslist for $50. It was worth it.
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    I had to cut my 2nd week short (so I am picking it back up tonight from where I left off) because I had a 5k run (I do two rest days before a 5k race). My weight has gone up a little bit, but i am hoping that once my body gets used to it that it will start to lose again (water retention)
  • Vinyarddog
    Vinyarddog Posts: 67
    Insanity is fantastic - so is the Asylum (part 2) - I didn't lose a pound after doing either for over a year. (I didn't follow the diet) - I now have a better nutrition plan (for me) and coupled with an awesome weight training and aerobic plan (which includes insanity, P90X and Les Mill's Combat, and Tae Kwon Do) I have started to lose weight (and quickly) I always told my doctor during physicals that I am the fittest fat guy she would ever meet. (resting heart rate of 48 BPM) Until I put a good nutritional plan into effect (including being on MFP) I saw no results.

    It will be what you put into it. The magic bullet is nutrition and exercise.

    Add me if you like, (all of you)
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    do you need a lot of space for insanity?
  • CCajina
    CCajina Posts: 11
    Most days I find you could be limited to a four by four space (a little bigger for pushups).
    The most space you could really need is a 8x5 foot space. Depending on how far you jump as well.

    I'm in a very cramped space of 7x3 but I do it just fine. You may not to be able face the TV the entire time but just listen to Shaun T.
  • I did insanity last year and lost 23 lbs. I kept training when I'd finished at the weight stayed off. However I've put back on about 7lbs since then but I'm starting the insanity workout again this week ready for my graduation! It's really hard to start with but it makes you feel amazing, painfully amazing at first but it found it quite addictive an couldn't wait to get home to do the next days workout. At the time I lived in a tiny studio room and managed ok. Advice? have plenty of water and a towel to hand!
  • jodyb23
    jodyb23 Posts: 101 Member
    It's a great work out, so hard but feels great. I just finished month 1, and think it's highly unlikely I'll lose 30 lbs. on the next month. My weight has been at a dead stall since the second week where I lost 4 lbs. and I haven't dropped a lb since. My body is losing inches and looking more toned I'd just like to see the scale drop, but I'm trying not to focus on that.
  • claireables88
    claireables88 Posts: 20 Member
    I am starting it today. Terrified as my friend threw up violently while doing it but i am determined to lose weight and tone up now more than ever. I shall post my before and after pics when i have completed it.
  • projectcosplay
    projectcosplay Posts: 25 Member
    It really depends on how big you are to start. I actually put on about 5 lbs when I did insanity, even though I was watching my calorie intake and working out everyday. I put a lot into insanity too but I lost inches and got very toned. My clothes fit much more loosely afterwards too.

    I obviously saw results but I found it to be better to stop looking at the scale when I did the workout.
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    Insanity has done more for my abs than....anything. I lost some weight, lost some inches, but my main result is a HUGE increase in energy/endurance, and a much slimmer midsection. :)

    I add in circuit/weight training once a week, and bike/run once a week to mix it up. So for me a typical week is 4 days of insanity, 2 days of other workout, one day off. It keeps me from getting bored.
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    My boyfriend lost 30 pounds in two months doing Insanity... he stuck to it religiously, ate PERFECTLY and even quit drinking alcohol which is insanity in itself.
    He just completed it a few weeks ago and is now keeping up with lifting all while continuing a healthy lifestyle (with foods).
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    I am starting it today. Terrified as my friend threw up violently while doing it but i am determined to lose weight and tone up now more than ever. I shall post my before and after pics when i have completed it.

    it is not THAT ^^ bad.....I did it for a couple weeks - its just not for me. I do Shaun T's hip hop ab videos though and love those!
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    The amount of weight you lose it dependent on how much you put into it and how much you have to lose, as well as what your diet looks like while doing it. I completed it last summer and lost 19-20 lbs. Gained it all back due to poor health and poor food choices..bla bla bla lol. But I am about to finish it again in 3 days and I won't give an exact number yet as my weigh-in is Saturday, but it's around there. :)

    It's really hard, and you will struggle both physically and mentally. BUT - It's completely worth it IMO. I love Insanity.

    ETA - during phase 1 (first 5 weeks) I dropped 9.7 lbs and my BF went from 42% to 37%, and melted 21" off from all over my body. :drinker:
    My guy has actually gained 10 lbs doing Insanity as he is eating enough to gain since that was his goal - to cut BF and gain muscle mass. He has decreased his BF by about 3-4% I think, he didn't have much anyway, it's in the teens.
  • randrews0407
    randrews0407 Posts: 216 Member
    It really all depends, for the people that lose a lot of weight on Insanity ... they generally had a lot of weight to lose. If you are say, within 10lbs of goal, the scale probably won't move much.

    I lost inches with Insanity, not pounds - my weight stayed the same but my clothes got more loose and I became more toned and defined. Went I went back to the gym after completing the round, exercises I did previously were no longer challenging - I am stronger and my endurance is better. Its an awesome program, don't focus on pounds though you can become discouraged - take pics and whip out the measuring tape.
  • nickymarie011
    nickymarie011 Posts: 152 Member
    Honestly, people rant and rave about Insanity but I am not a fan. This is just my opinion, so please do not get offended all you Shaun T lovers. The program is great for some folks, it just wasn't for me. In fact, I gained about 6 pounds doing Insanity. Lost NO inches. Gained em' instead! I did not follow the nutrition guide, but I do eat well and in a healthy manner. My thighs were swollen constantly while doing the program and my love handles were about twice the size that they are normally while I did Insanity. I did give it my ALL, in a puddle of sweat after each workout. I don't know what was going on with me and the program, but it sucked the life out of me and the fact that I was getting 'chubbier' was extremely discouraging. I much prefer P90X and am currently doing my third round of that again.

    Like I said, this is not everyone's experience, just mine. Bodies react differently to different programs, mine just did not like Insanity one bit.
  • I'm on day 4 and I love is really hard, but the feeling I get when the workout is done is incredible!! I always try to keep in mind that it's not our bodies that quit, it's our minds. If you keep your mind in it, you will succeed!! I'm not worrying too much about my weight although I would like to lose a bit more. As long as I lose some inches I will be happy and by the looks of things, I think that will be happening! Good luck to you and definitely buy it from craigslist or something like that. I got mine off of ebay for $60. :smile: