I'm shocked at all the calories I'm consuming.



  • I had an Applebee's chicken fajita rollup. I thought-- chicken, veggies, wrap, good right?? ... 1040 calories!!!!!!!!!!! I was floored!! Thats almost my whole calorie goal FOR THE DAY!!!

    I went to applebees the other day and had half a sandwich and a cup of soup. 1100 calories!!!
  • Try lashing ..makes a big difference. Eating real grains is a completely different reality. 98 percent of cereals are empty calories.
  • Oops... kashi
  • smh1067
    smh1067 Posts: 45 Member
    I had trouble giving up the cereal too!!!

    Kashi makes a Go Lean Crisp that has tons of protein and fiber in it and, no joke, it most of the time keeps me full until lunch! I use light vanilla soy milk (the only store around here that carries unsweetened never has any in stock) and even though it's a little sweet, it's still better than the 2% I was using. Worth a try if you're looking for a stick with you cereal.

    Good luck on reaching your goals :drinker:
  • vbarrient
    vbarrient Posts: 52 Member
    I will eat a PB sandwich as a meal with a cup of skim milk. I use the Nature Own Wheat bread 50 cal a slice and one tablespoon PB with Welches grape jelly. These are the brands I use. The bread is real important though because its 100% wheat bread (no bleached flour) and only 50 calories a slice. Its the only bread I use.

    2 slice Nature Own Wheat Bread 100
    1 Tablespoon Jiffy PB 95 (2 tablespoon 190)
    1 Tablespoon Welches Grape Jelly 50
    Cup Skim Milk 90

    That is 335 calories. Sometimes I will eat the full serving of peanut butter which is 430 calories total as a quick meal when I have been out and come home starving. A peanut butter sandwich really is healthy for you. I use to be the one to get a spoon full of PB here and there as a snack and before you know it you have consumed probably about 600 calories! I love PB and eat the real stuff. LOL. Count those calories and you will do fine. I have the book 400 Calorie Fix by Liz Vaccariello. Its a great book with 400 calorie meals to get together. You ought to check it out. Good luck!
  • slroggemann
    slroggemann Posts: 168 Member
    once i started tracking my calorie, i couldn't believe how horribly i'd been eating even when i thought i was eating at least sort of okay. now, I'm eating much, much, much better. I also have a food scale and it's a huge help!
  • rochellena
    rochellena Posts: 49 Member
    Alcohol and pizza were really my big shockers. I mean, I knew pizza wasn't good for me, and it had a lot of calories, but 350 calories per slice? I used to eat 3 or 4 slices, 2 or 3 breadsticks, a side of cheese, and generally some sort of soda or energy drink. I mean, I would feel super full and know I ate too much, and that I was way over my calories, but 2000 calories for one meal? It seemed crazy.

    Alcohol was the other big shocker. I started tracking everything I was eating for a few weeks before I actually started changing my diet, and boy do those alcohol calories add up fast. A typical weeknight was 200-300, an average Saturday was 500-600, and lord help me if I was going out with my friends, I'd have used half of my daily calories to get drunk! It also really help me realize how much I was drinking and how I was developing some very dangerous behaviors. So I cut down tremendously, limiting my self to one drink on weeknights and 2 or 3 on weekends with friends, and I've actually now gone 9 days without any. It's crazy what just actually seeing you patterns can do.
  • Slaci_Jo
    Slaci_Jo Posts: 69 Member
    Ugh I know! Its a real eye opener to see how many calories are in things!
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    I really do not each much. 3 or 4 times a day. Smaller meals. I am so shocked at how many calories are in the foods that I'm eating. Really, a peanut butter & jelly sandwich is 400 calories.... a bowl of KIX cereal.. a real bowl of 1 cup of cereal with 2% milk is over 600 calories. I guess I'm really going to need help choosing low calorie foods. I'm headed to the nutritionist next week. Thanks for listening.
    Great attisude.
    So many people have no concept of how much they are eating.
  • SusanDoesIt
    SusanDoesIt Posts: 73 Member
    I know what you mean...as others have said..if you measure the amounts you'd really typically eat, it's really high. I NEVER ate what the cereal box had as a "serving". I did treat myself to some cereal recently, and measured very carefully. OMG...there was NOTHING in the bowl!!

    Food scale...it's a MUST HAVE. I don't even allow myself to do use just cup measures for anything dry, because it's easy to overfill them.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    I think you're experiencing the first stage of healthy eating...awareness. Just keep at it and avoid the denial stuff. Once you know what you are doing to yourself with food, you have the power to make better choices.

    Also, cereal pretty much sucks nutritionally. So calorie dense I can't ever satisfy myself on it without blowing my numbers out of the water.
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    I have not had cereal in so long because it is so high in calories. I really miss it. But one serving of any kind of cereal is not going to fill me up. So I had to stop eating it.

    I bet ya Kashi would! Some really good flavors and I am easily full until lunchtime!! :wink:
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    You want a even bigger reality check, buy a food scale the cups and measuring spoons are not accurate for measuring. When
    I got mine I had a lot of fun weighing everything.


    I prefer to graze instead of sitting down to 3 meals a day - these days standard portion sizes are much bigger than they used to be.

    I am pretty staggered that anyone would drink 'normal' soda. That stuff is bizarre!
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    I had trouble giving up the cereal too!!!

    Kashi makes a Go Lean Crisp that has tons of protein and fiber in it and, no joke, it most of the time keeps me full until lunch! I use light vanilla soy milk (the only store around here that carries unsweetened never has any in stock) and even though it's a little sweet, it's still better than the 2% I was using. Worth a try if you're looking for a stick with you cereal.

    Good luck on reaching your goals :drinker:

    YES!!! ^^THIS!!!!
  • There is a flip side, though - I can prepare and eat a big pile of boneless, skinless chicken breasts and a giant salad, and it's significantly less calories than I would expect versus the time it took me to eat it all.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    There is a flip side, though - I can prepare and eat a big pile of boneless, skinless chicken breasts and a giant salad, and it's significantly less calories than I would expect versus the time it took me to eat it all.

    With a little higher tolerance for repetitive chicken eating, a person could do quite well.
  • Sunka1
    Sunka1 Posts: 217 Member
    I too have recently discovered white fish. I take a serving of cod and a veggie and bake them in a pyrex for 30 minutes. IT HAS LOTS of good protein and in combination with the veggies, I am full for three hours or more.
  • It does get easier, I've been tracking my food for well over a year now. I eat pretty much the same thing for breakfast and lunch during the week, with a healthy dinner I cook myself. I've hit my goal weight...and now I'm having trouble not losing weight. It's all I've know for over a year! So once it becomes habit you actually start to crave healthy food. I LOVE salads and find it hard to give them up for lunch even though I should be maintaining instead of losing. Stick with it!
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    You're so right! Once you get in to the habit of counting and monitoring exactly what you're eating, it does get easier and becomes habit.

    Try making your primary consumption leafy greens and lean protein (tofu, turkey, lean beef, fish, etc). It actually takes A LOT of these things to fill your caloric needs for the day - plus, it's loaded with vitamins, minerals & fiber!
  • The food scale is one of my best friends, as well as cottage cheese with berries for a snack or as a breakfast with greek style natural jogurt and müsli (max. 340 kcl/100 g).
    All sorts of veggies I like steamed, not boiled or fried. And chicken breast and white fish - and the occasional serving of shrimp... :love: