Skipping meals??



  • Calories in vs. calories out is what matters. Your body will not stall with fat loss just cuz your eating in a deficit. Eat more to lose more, like really?!?
  • I skip breakfast daily, just cuz I'm not hungry and practice Eat Stop Eat as well. Do what works for you
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Skipping meals on a daily basis is not a good idea. There is a place for IF for one or two days a week where you only have 500 or 600kcal on these days if using the 5:2 diet. There is clinical evidence to support this however research has also shown that people tend to be thinner if they eat breakfast.

    Your body does go into starvation mode if you skip meals so it is better to have 3 small meals per day than 1 massive meal. Also I'm not sure how you would get all your vitamins and minerals you need in the day if you are only eating one or two meals per day.

    Everyone has their own ways of doing things but balance is important to a diet whether trying to lose weight or weight maintain.

    This is just wrong. Look up leangains style IF.

    I'm talking medical and scientific research. I'm not saying it doesn't work for others, but there needs to be more scientific research on IF but without balance in your diet with vitamins and minerals your body will struggle to work affectively from a biochemical level (can't see this on the outside)

    How is meal frequency relevant? Do you have research that shows having 4 meals say as opposed to 2 impacts this, assuming the same food is consumed?

    Also, do you have anything that shows that your body goes into starvation mode if you skip meals, again, assuming the same total consumption at the end of the day?
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    I don't skip meals but I have been known to skip logging them for various reasons; forgot or not sure how to...
  • loranch
    loranch Posts: 94 Member
    The starvation mode is strong in this thread.


  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Skipping meals can be a bad thing! Because your body will go into lock down and any food that you then intake will automatically turn into fat! Because it thinks your body is starving itself...
    I suggest NO to skipping meals! Eat something light regulary it will do you the world of good!

    This wasn't serious, was it? Please tell me it wasn't...
  • weird_me2
    weird_me2 Posts: 716 Member
    Yes, you're wrong. Intermittent Fasting is a form of "skipping meals", and it's perfectly healthy.

    First off, let me be clear. I"m not trying to dis anybody. As I said, occasionally skipping meals here and there is one thing...Heck, I usually end up only eating two meals on the weekends. On a daily basis is what I was speaking of. Also I am seeing people that are constantly eating one meal a day. THAT cannot be healthy.

    People here are ****s Trisha.
    It isn't healthy. Your body will not burn fat at a consistant rate, and you will not keep your metabolism high. Ocassionally is okay, all the time isn't. You're right to be concerned.

    That's funny, I do IF and I'm losing fat at a nice, healthy rate that I'm happy with AND my average calorie intake every day in January was almost 2400 calories. I work out about 5 hours a week, mostly walking and a couple hours of strength training and I lost 2.9% body weight last month. Yeah, skipping meals does work when you make it work.

    People have to do what works for them and one way isn't better than another. Sometimes a person needs to eat a certain way, but no one has to be like everyone else to be successful. I've struggled for almost 15 years with my weight and most of my dieting efforts I did the "small meals all day" and ate 6 - 8 times a day. I never could stick with it and I always felt deprived and always ended up binging and never getting back on track until the next time I got right back on it. It REALLY is unhealthy to binge eat and to eat over your daily requirement of calories and to weigh 300 lbs. I'll stick with the IF for now as it seems to be a much healthier alternative.

    As an aside, if you are seeing that people "skip" meals based on what they log in their diaries, you really have no clue. If I'm logging all my food at one time, I generally log it in one meal no matter when I eat it. My DH did the same when he logged.
  • Fatandfifty3
    Fatandfifty3 Posts: 419 Member
    Calories in vs. calories out is what matters. Your body will not stall with fat loss just cuz your eating in a deficit. Eat more to lose more, like really?!?

    Ta dah! A ray of light on an otherwise dark and gloomy day!
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Between the start of December and the end of January I was eating pretty badly.
    In the last three weeks of January I regular hit over 4000 calories with loads of fat etc, yet rarely did any cardio exercise.
    I was "lifting heavy" three times a week and rock climbing three times a week.
    I also tried to keep my eating to around 1 - 9pm, though of course it did move around a bit.

    My weight stayed constant for that time - I was expecting a good few lbs at least to be on.

    Never been a big one for breakfast unless it's presented to me (ie at a hotel when it's already paid for).
    The heavy weights I suspect were the main cause; but I also wonder if the not eating breakfast helped.

    Now on a proper 'leangains' style cut started on the 1st; but too early to tell if it's more effective than other options.
  • DamnImASexyBitch
    DamnImASexyBitch Posts: 740 Member
    People here are ****s Trisha.
    It isn't healthy. Your body will not burn fat at a consistant rate, and you will not keep your metabolism high. Ocassionally is okay, all the time isn't. You're right to be concerned.

    Plenty of actual peer-reviewed studies linked in that thread which prove the above totally incorrect.

    Because some people on MFP are trying it it's fact now? Bogus and wrong. I prefer to keep with ACTUAL STUDIES not what some people on a message board claim to think they know.
  • efirkey
    efirkey Posts: 298 Member
    I don't skip meals for the most part, but I see nothing wrong with it if it is because you were pre-occupied with something else and totally forgot.

    A lot of people swear by Intermittent fasting and skipping breakfast has been around since the dawn of time....nothing new there.
  • weird_me2
    weird_me2 Posts: 716 Member
    People here are ****s Trisha.
    It isn't healthy. Your body will not burn fat at a consistant rate, and you will not keep your metabolism high. Ocassionally is okay, all the time isn't. You're right to be concerned.

    Plenty of actual peer-reviewed studies linked in that thread which prove the above totally incorrect.

    Because some people on MFP are trying it it's fact now? Bogus and wrong. I prefer to keep with ACTUAL STUDIES not what some people on a message board claim to think they know.

    Actually, the link was posted because the post contains links to several PEER reviewed studies and other anecdotal studies. It wasn't posted as evidence simply because people posted on there who are supporting it.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    People here are ****s Trisha.
    It isn't healthy. Your body will not burn fat at a consistant rate, and you will not keep your metabolism high. Ocassionally is okay, all the time isn't. You're right to be concerned.

    Plenty of actual peer-reviewed studies linked in that thread which prove the above totally incorrect.

    Because some people on MFP are trying it it's fact now? Bogus and wrong. I prefer to keep with ACTUAL STUDIES not what some people on a message board claim to think they know.

    You very clearly did not actually go into that thread and from there, go to the actual research that I've attached in that thread showing that meal frequency is not a factor in diet induced thermogenesis.

    Additionally, if you have any research showing that it is frequency dependent, now is your opportunity to back that statement up.
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    People here are ****s Trisha.
    It isn't healthy. Your body will not burn fat at a consistant rate, and you will not keep your metabolism high. Ocassionally is okay, all the time isn't. You're right to be concerned.

    Plenty of actual peer-reviewed studies linked in that thread which prove the above totally incorrect.

    Because some people on MFP are trying it it's fact now? Bogus and wrong. I prefer to keep with ACTUAL STUDIES not what some people on a message board claim to think they know.


    Great post.

    Please provide these ACTUAL STUDIES.
  • DamnImASexyBitch
    DamnImASexyBitch Posts: 740 Member

    That's just to start. So yeah, just because YOU feel justified in skipping meals doesn't make it a healthy choice. The bottom line is that the majority of people SHOULD NOT be skipping meals, and don't "fast" in a healthy fashion. They do it as a quick fix weightloss "tool".
  • DamnImASexyBitch
    DamnImASexyBitch Posts: 740 Member

    This is a great article/study about how skipping meals because you have no other choice in low income families and how it affects their MENTAL HEALTH as well as physical.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member

    That's just to start. So yeah, just because YOU feel justified in skipping meals doesn't make it a healthy choice. The bottom line is that the majority of people SHOULD NOT be skipping meals, and don't "fast" in a healthy fashion. They do it as a quick fix weightloss "tool".

    Are you aware of the difference between research and livestrong articles?
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member

    This is a great article/study about how skipping meals because you have no other choice in low income families and how it affects their MENTAL HEALTH as well as physical.

    ^ Thank you, this is research and I'll look at it.

    EDIT: Total nutrient intake was not controlled. This study has absolutely nothing to do with the idea that meal frequency effects metabolism. You are looking at a study where children skip meals and as a result, suffer from inadequate nutrition. This is due to them not getting in enough nutrients over the course of time.

    In a population where intake is monitored (hint: everyone using myfitnesspal), nutrient intake is monitored.
  • DamnImASexyBitch
    DamnImASexyBitch Posts: 740 Member

    This is a great article/study about how skipping meals because you have no other choice in low income families and how it affects their MENTAL HEALTH as well as physical.

    ^ Thank you, this is research and I'll look at it.

    EDIT: Total nutrient intake was not controlled. This study has absolutely nothing to do with the idea that meal frequency effects metabolism. You are looking at a study where children skip meals and as a result, suffer from inadequate nutrition. This is due to them not getting in enough nutrients over the course of time.

    In a population where intake is monitored (hint: everyone using myfitnesspal), nutrient intake is monitored.

    Hahaha the idea that you think that MFP logging is a controled study makes anything else you say invalid and laughable. I'm done talking to you about anything.