WAHmbulance thread - NonScaleDEmotivators

So, I was all happy about the results of working out and losing weight and was feeling kind of sexy about it, and suddenly my man starts talking about some girl from work who works out for 4 hours a day and how hot she looks. DEFLATION. Wah-wah. I took it really hard and really personally. Even though he was probably just being WAY clueless. But next time I looked in the mirror all I could see were flaws.

Had to jump on here to get some motivation, which helped a ton.

But sometimes it helps to vent.

Anyone else feeling a bit delicate in the feelings department today? Or have you had a similar experience? How did you bounce back?:grumble:


  • kristina1709
    kristina1709 Posts: 119 Member
    That was not very nice of your BF. My husband would never talk like that in front of me. He thinks it disrespectful.

    Who has time to work out for 4 hours every single day?! Not me that's for sure! You just remember how good YOU feel!! Think of the great work you have put into yourself and will continue to put into yourself.
  • Chris5138
    Your beautiful, sexy, successful, and you have a great smile!!! Don't ever forget it and never give up. Keep your eye on the goal!!!
  • thick_to_fit
    ugh remind your man how much you need his support and how much it would help. my boyfriend every once in awhile will tell my my legs look toner or somethingg along the lines and it really is motivating. have him get on board!! who cares about how good that girl looks...i'm sure there's plenty of other great looking guys you've noticed too!

    you are doing great! don't lose focus keep on track! you've come far already
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Obviously you need to quit your job, move into the gym, and hire a nanny to watch the kids and do all the house stuff. Tell your husband you just put your notice in and see what he says! :laugh:
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    OUCH! That one would've deflated me, too...

    I don't know if there is a quick fix to turn it around. If it were me, I'd talk to him about it and tell him how it made me feel. Chances are that he thinks you're sexy & look great, too, but was just sharing some other thought he had. Once you tell him I'd bet he'll have the same compliments to pay you that he paid the other girl.

    Also... tally your successes for yourself & don't compare your list to anyone else's. There will ALWAYS be someone out there that is working out longer, lifting heavier, running further and/or faster, etc. Someone else doing something that you aren't doesn't make what you're doing any less awesome! Be proud of yourself every day. I'll bet your husband is.
  • fairbanksk
    fairbanksk Posts: 52 Member
    From where I stand I see no flaws at all, you are a very attractive lady. Would be more then happy to call you my own. Sorry that your man was so inconsiderate to speak without thinking first. You need to let him know how this bothered you so that he can learn from his mistake.
  • lizlkbg
    lizlkbg Posts: 566
    You guys are all so kind. Thank you. I was hoping to that others would share similar things, but maybe it's just too embarassing.

    And, I did say something, but was told that I'm a bit too sensitive and was reading into things that weren't there. So there ya go.
  • lizlkbg
    lizlkbg Posts: 566
    From where I stand I see no flaws at all, you are a very attractive lady. Would be more then happy to call you my own. Sorry that your man was so inconsiderate to speak without thinking first. You need to let him know how this bothered you so that he can learn from his mistake.

    You are sweet and any woman would be lucky to have you.
  • lizlkbg
    lizlkbg Posts: 566
    Your beautiful, sexy, successful, and you have a great smile!!! Don't ever forget it and never give up. Keep your eye on the goal!!!

    You are so kind. Thanks!
  • lizlkbg
    lizlkbg Posts: 566
    Obviously you need to quit your job, move into the gym, and hire a nanny to watch the kids and do all the house stuff. Tell your husband you just put your notice in and see what he says! :laugh:

    Bwah hahahaha! Great idea!
  • WhoTheHellIsBen
    WhoTheHellIsBen Posts: 1,238 Member
    come visit Boston sometime, I'll make sure you leave feeling very sexy and very appreciated :drinker:
  • lizlkbg
    lizlkbg Posts: 566
    come visit Boston sometime, I'll make sure you leave feeling very sexy and very appreciated :drinker:

    Boston is such a slut.
  • PopCorn_Said
    Today, I was offered the pregnant lady seat... I am blaming the shirt I am wearing. I DO NOT look pregnant!
    I did take the seat though... bus was full... And my ego was wounded!
  • WhoTheHellIsBen
    WhoTheHellIsBen Posts: 1,238 Member
    come visit Boston sometime, I'll make sure you leave feeling very sexy and very appreciated :drinker:

    Boston is such a slut.

    an awesome slut! With a Sam Adams plant, duh!
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    And, I did say something, but was told that I'm a bit too sensitive and was reading into things that weren't there. So there ya go.

    Hmph. Seems that many gents always play the 'you're being too sensitive' card. For the record, men can also be surprisingly sensitive and can be treated the same way about it ('man up, dude' etc). All people can be hurt by things, even small ones. If it bothers you, it's a valid feeling for you to have and you should get an understanding response to your feelings, not to be told that you're somehow 'wrong' or "'too *thisorthat'" to be feeling that way.

    I can't imagine he'd be too keen for you to look at him naked, and then start talking about how hot Brad Pitt is or something like that, for example. He'd be deflated too and likely wonder why you felt the need to say it, etc.
  • amandat_79
    amandat_79 Posts: 221 Member
    Ugh, sometimes they just don't think before they talk, do they?

    This weekend I was stoked to get into a size of pants I've NEVER been in before!! I felt SO good!! Then yesterday my 5 year old touches my stomach and says "oh you're having a baby"... wah wah. There goes all my good feelings (and no, there's no baby in there... ugh).
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    come visit Boston sometime, I'll make sure you leave feeling very sexy and very appreciated :drinker:

    Boston is such a slut.

    A sexy, sexy slut.

    I find myself getting MORE embarrassed now when people look at me in disgust when I am eating, even when I am eating something healthy, then I ever did when I was 100+ pounds heavier. I have no idea what that's about...nor why people feel the need to judge what anyone else is eating or whether they have the "right" to eat it, no matter what size they are. Ugh...
  • lizlkbg
    lizlkbg Posts: 566
    come visit Boston sometime, I'll make sure you leave feeling very sexy and very appreciated :drinker:

    Boston is such a slut.

    A sexy, sexy slut.

    I find myself getting MORE embarrassed now when people look at me in disgust when I am eating, even when I am eating something healthy, then I ever did when I was 100+ pounds heavier. I have no idea what that's about...nor why people feel the need to judge what anyone else is eating or whether they have the "right" to eat it, no matter what size they are. Ugh...

    Ugh, to those a holes I say "B*TCH - she's amazing!!!" You are! 112 lbs gone! My god, that's epic!
  • lvisel
    lvisel Posts: 11 Member
    Okay, the day I got on the scale and lost 20 pounds (picture the music of angels descending from heaven) one of my coworkers told me she heard I was pregnant. lol
  • Cappicorn
    Cappicorn Posts: 83 Member
    My hubby is famous for giving compliments that quickly turn into unintentional insults. I was walking up the stairs the other day with him in tow and he exclaims, "Hey babe, your *kitten* is lookin' good!" <PREEN>.."Man, for awhile there, when I walked behind you up the stairs I was thinking, 'her butt is getting REALLY big', but yeah, now it looks good."

    I resisted the urge to push him down the stairs with my now-good lookin' *kitten*. Gah, I love him.