Phentermine... yay or nay?

I started phentermine 37.5mg paired with furosemide 20mg 6 days ago. ( I think I will quit taking the furosemide because of all the health precautions) I have lost 7lbs in this time span... I am floored. :noway: I know the weight loss won't be this fast all the way through and will eventually start to plateau but it is a noticeable difference and has helped me pushed myself because i want to see what the next 7lbs will look like and so forth. :love: I have NO appetite at all. I must force myself to eat at all, but I am drinking a lot of water due to dry mouth because of the Phentermine.

So, I said all of that to ask if anyone else is on Phentermine? How much excercise do you get daily? Are you having any side effects?


  • RhondaHefner
    RhondaHefner Posts: 1 Member
    I've been taking it for 5 days. I'm very thirsty....drinking a gallon of water a day which is a good thing. It's flushing out all the garbage. I'm getting mild headaches and my lips are very dry. The hunger is almost completely gone, though. I'm still experiencing a few twinges late in the evening but they're not bad. Just enough for me to notice. I've not started an exercise routine yet.
  • How do you get Phentermine? is it prescribed by a doctor?
  • I've been taking it for 5 days. I'm very thirsty....drinking a gallon of water a day which is a good thing. It's flushing out all the garbage. I'm getting mild headaches and my lips are very dry. The hunger is almost completely gone, though. I'm still experiencing a few twinges late in the evening but they're not bad. Just enough for me to notice. I've not started an exercise routine yet.

    Oh my god, my lips are super dry no matter how much water I drink and chapstick I apply! Grr...
  • How do you get Phentermine? is it prescribed by a doctor?

    Yes. I go to a dietician and the copay is 25 and phentermine perscription is 20 ( I do not have insurance) Just shop around for dieticians in your area and make sure whoever you go to monitors vitals because if they don't they are putting your health in danger.
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member
    It will work. Yes.

    When you stop taking it, it will come back. It helps you lose weight by making you not hungry. It's not a lifestyle change.
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    It will work. Yes.

    When you stop taking it, it will come back. It helps you lose weight by making you not hungry. It's not a lifestyle change.

    It doesn't always come back. That's like saying it always comes back after weight loss surgery too. There are people on this site who've lost weight through weight loss surgery and phentermine and have kept it off for months/years.
  • How do you get Phentermine? is it prescribed by a doctor?

    Yes. I go to a dietician and the copay is 25 and phentermine perscription is 20 ( I do not have insurance) Just shop around for dieticians in your area and make sure whoever you go to monitors vitals because if they don't they are putting your health in danger.

    Do you have to be in the "overweight" section of the BMI?
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    This will be interesting...
  • Nay.
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    Dry mouth is a common side effect. It sucks, but at least it ensures you'll drink lots of water. :) When I took it during the first month of my weight loss, I had to keep a mint in my mouth at all times because it bothered me so much. I stopped taking it after a month and haven't gained any weight back. In fact, I've lost around 32 pounds since I stopped taking it, and I still don't have the constant hunger I used to. While I was on it, I adjusted to only eating a few times per day instead of every hour. It helped "train" me.
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    How do you get Phentermine? is it prescribed by a doctor?

    Yes. I go to a dietician and the copay is 25 and phentermine perscription is 20 ( I do not have insurance) Just shop around for dieticians in your area and make sure whoever you go to monitors vitals because if they don't they are putting your health in danger.

    Do you have to be in the "overweight" section of the BMI?

    Most doctors only prescribe it if you're "obese".
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    I started phentermine 37.5mg paired with furosemide 20mg 6 days ago. ( I think I will quit taking the furosemide because of all the health precautions) I have lost 7lbs in this time span... I am floored. :noway: I know the weight loss won't be this fast all the way through and will eventually start to plateau but it is a noticeable difference and has helped me pushed myself because i want to see what the next 7lbs will look like and so forth. :love: I have NO appetite at all. I must force myself to eat at all, but I am drinking a lot of water due to dry mouth because of the Phentermine.

    So, I said all of that to ask if anyone else is on Phentermine? How much excercise do you get daily? Are you having any side effects?

    nhatalie, you are 18 years old..without sounding rude, what prevents you from controlling you calories and doing some exercise?

    In answer to your question ...a big fat NAY
  • It will work. Yes.

    When you stop taking it, it will come back. It helps you lose weight by making you not hungry. It's not a lifestyle change.

    Thats right, I use to take it and so did my friend and as soon as we stopped taking it, the weight came right back on and more.
  • bwcrouch
    bwcrouch Posts: 105 Member
    From the, for what it's worth category ...

    I was on it a couple of years ago. It works amazing well ... almost scarrey. I could have gone forever without eating. I started it just before Thanksgiving and lost 40ish through the holidays over the next 4 months. It did give me some headaches. It also has a tendency to cause severe constipation. It was actually through this side effect that I learned the most. I needed a way to solve this problem or I wouldn't be able to continue the medication. I did not want to compound my situation by creating a dependency on laxitives. So, I ramped up water (15 - 20 cups a day), minimum 5-6 servings of vegetables and 5-6 servings of fruit each day which always included a ruby red grapefruit. That solved my problem and has become the basis of my diet today. So, now eating like that I can lose weight rather quickly. It's finding the will power to not deviate that is the problem. Note: I took the pill as prescribed the first month - 1 per day. The second 30 pills I took 1 every other day and the third set 1 every 3 days to wean off. This was by doctor direction. I think I had some lingering depression issues following the pill which probably aided in slowly gaining back 30 lbs. But, last summer I signed up with a trainer and using the core diet above (I do eat other things, that is just my minimum) I was able to lose 35 - 40 again.

    When I was on the pill, I remember thinking to myself - this is how thin people must think of food. It did open my mind and completely change how I view food. For the first time in my life I would go until I could feel all my energy just fall out which helped me to understand the difference between being hungry and have a grumbly stomach.

    The only thing I would do different while on the pill would be to ramp up protein and exercise. I would also use this site to ensure I am getting enough well balanced calories. At the end, I felt weak and my feet and hands would get cold. I weigh less now than what I did at the end of Adipex but I feel stronger and don't get cold like I did.

    One last thought. If you are looking to drop some weight without using the opportunity to truly change, then I would not do it. But, if you are ready to apply yourself to changing your eating habits to healthy ones for the long haul then it might be the edge you need to get you on track
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    I started phentermine 37.5mg paired with furosemide 20mg 6 days ago. ( I think I will quit taking the furosemide because of all the health precautions) I have lost 7lbs in this time span... I am floored. :noway: I know the weight loss won't be this fast all the way through and will eventually start to plateau but it is a noticeable difference and has helped me pushed myself because i want to see what the next 7lbs will look like and so forth. :love: I have NO appetite at all. I must force myself to eat at all, but I am drinking a lot of water due to dry mouth because of the Phentermine.

    So, I said all of that to ask if anyone else is on Phentermine? How much excercise do you get daily? Are you having any side effects?

    nhatalie, you are 18 years old..without sounding rude, what prevents you from controlling you calories and doing some exercise?

    In answer to your question ...a big fat NAY

    But if she were going to have WLS, everyone would be all, "Yay!!! Good for you!!! Here's a support group." So rearranging your insides to control your hunger = good, but taking a pill that does the same thing without surgery = bad? Yeah, okay. :-P The pill is only for a month or two and doesn't have the same long-lasting side effects.

    And don't give me bull about how the surgery is safer. There are lots of risks with WLS as well.
  • redhatorade
    redhatorade Posts: 41 Member
    The weight comes back when you stop taking it because once the medication is out of your system, then your appetite goes back to normal, hence the reason why it is a proven fact that lasting weight loss requires a lifestyle change. Pills will give you fast weight loss, as will surgery, but if you don't change the way you eat and your relationship with food, you WILL gain it back.
  • asmith0301
    asmith0301 Posts: 25 Member
    I have been on phentermine for 2 weeks now and I love it! The dry mouth is super duper annoying though. The only word of caution I have for you is to make sure you eat enough. I was literally forgetting to eat, and then only eating light things (fruits, salads) and a few days into it I went to the gym and has the WORST workout ever. I felt so lethargic and my body did not want to move. I talked to my doctor about it the next day (I work with him) and he made me start setting an alarm on my phone for every 3 hours to make sure I was getting enough nutrients. The side effects I have had have been relatively minor (dry mouth, break outs) and I figure worth it in the end since it is a short term med. Good luck!
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    It will work. Yes.

    When you stop taking it, it will come back. It helps you lose weight by making you not hungry. It's not a lifestyle change.

    Thats right, I use to take it and so did my friend and as soon as we stopped taking it, the weight came right back on and more.

    You and your friend do not equal everyone. You are two people. Your evidence is anecdotal.

    Check the Success Stories for people who took it the first month or two of their weight loss. I've seen some in there.
  • From the, for what it's worth category ...

    I was on it a couple of years ago. It works amazing well ... almost scarrey. I could have gone forever without eating. I started it just before Thanksgiving and lost 40ish through the holidays over the next 4 months. It did give me some headaches. It also has a tendency to cause severe constipation. It was actually through this side effect that I learned the most. I needed a way to solve this problem or I wouldn't be able to continue the medication. I did not want to compound my situation by creating a dependency on laxitives. So, I ramped up water (15 - 20 cups a day), minimum 5-6 servings of vegetables and 5-6 servings of fruit each day which always included a ruby red grapefruit. That solved my problem and has become the basis of my diet today. So, now eating like that I can lose weight rather quickly. It's finding the will power to not deviate that is the problem. Note: I took the pill as prescribed the first month - 1 per day. The second 30 pills I took 1 every other day and the third set 1 every 3 days to wean off. This was by doctor direction. I think I had some lingering depression issues following the pill which probably aided in slowly gaining back 30 lbs. But, last summer I signed up with a trainer and using the core diet above (I do eat other things, that is just my minimum) I was able to lose 35 - 40 again.

    When I was on the pill, I remember thinking to myself - this is how thin people must think of food. It did open my mind and completely change how I view food. For the first time in my life I would go until I could feel all my energy just fall out which helped me to understand the difference between being hungry and have a grumbly stomach.

    The only thing I would do different while on the pill would be to ramp up protein and exercise. I would also use this site to ensure I am getting enough well balanced calories. At the end, I felt weak and my feet and hands would get cold. I weigh less now than what I did at the end of Adipex but I feel stronger and don't get cold like I did.

    One last thought. If you are looking to drop some weight without using the opportunity to truly change, then I would not do it. But, if you are ready to apply yourself to changing your eating habits to healthy ones for the long haul then it might be the edge you need to get you on track
