No Scale February



  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    I'm in the midst of a weight loss competition that does weigh ins every two weeks so I can't totally skip it, but I did hide my scale at home and stopped doing daily weigh ins. I've noticed I'm not as stressed about my weight now.
  • snowlily80
    snowlily80 Posts: 18 Member
    I love this idea. Count me in! I have been weighing way too much and its been really messing with my head. Lets do this!
  • Mezoti_Rei
    Mezoti_Rei Posts: 2 Member
    My daily weigh-in is what keeps me motivated and in-tune with my body, but I wish you all good luck and big number weight loss come March 1st!
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    If it was for one week I'd be in. Too scared to do a month right now.
  • lep_623
    lep_623 Posts: 197 Member
    I'm in... I am addicted to the scale... sometimes 3-4 times a day... My boss used to be a Personal Trainer and Body Builder and she said you really should only weight like every 60-90 days, especailly when losing weight b/c it takes time for your body to adjust... I can't wait 60-90 days but I do want to focus more on inches and just getting healthy and fit and let the weight loss follow naturally... I haven't really lost weight in the past week or so so it will be nice to get on at the end of february and see what i've done :)
  • ChristineLondon
    ChristineLondon Posts: 29 Member
    As soon as my alarm goes off I literally run to the scales and do the same when I get in from work!!! Completely ruins my day if I have put on a pound.........God forbid 2!! I can't help myself, even though I know it's awful!
  • thinagain2011
    thinagain2011 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm in. That will just make me push harder so I'm not disappointed at the end of the month. Hope I can meet the challenge. Feel free to add me. Always looking for support and motivation.
  • volleygirl1980
    volleygirl1980 Posts: 121 Member
    I'm already doing monthly, I'm in:) I started Jan 1st..and lost 14 pounds that month! It's too tempting to keep the scale at home, so, I actually left it at my parents in Jan, picked it up Jan 31st, and dropped it off after my weigh-in on Feb 1st...

    I feel so much better and don't get discouraged (i.e. try my best) when I don't see the numbers. And usually, if you're eating well/exercising, you will see a drop at the end of a month...
  • prium01
    prium01 Posts: 306 Member
    As soon as my alarm goes off I literally run to the scales and do the same when I get in from work!!! Completely ruins my day if I have put on a pound.........God forbid 2!! I can't help myself, even though I know it's awful!

    I am in too, I do the same...:tongue:
  • PINKinquisition1908
    I'll try it. My goal is no weigh-in until Valentines. I plan on eating a really nice meal that day. I'll want to know my progress before the meal. After that I'll finish the month. An unrelated goal is to make my net calories goal EVERY SINGLE DAY until valentine's day. I've never had a perfect week; but i'm hoping to have a perfect 7 days from now until then. Wish me luck. :noway:
  • PINKinquisition1908
    Well...I've stayed off the scale, but not because I've been doing well. I've totally bombed my diet for several days and have been afraid to look. Now that I'm back on the wagon (for the last 3 days) I'm feeling much better. But those bombing days really liberated me from the scale. I'm hoping to keep it up until the end of the month. I"m hopeful I'll see good things on the other side of the next 7 days. I'm really hoping to see 146. Cross your fingers with me. :tongue:
  • erinm2629
    erinm2629 Posts: 69 Member
    I am in but it is going to be hard because i am a glutton for punishment and ususally weigh daily! I need to take a break because the number has not been my friend for a couple of weeks. I am totally addicted but looking forward to not stepping on it.

    I will put it away as soon as i get home today :-)