Hi, any 40 or 50 year olds trying to lose weight?



  • I am 42 trying to lose over 100 Pounds
  • 52 here and losing!
  • lauralind5
    lauralind5 Posts: 133 Member
    Yep 51 and Ive lost 25 on MFP and 30 before, but its taken me 3 years. Hormones and life and falling off the wagon. But here I am still, trying for the next 30 !
  • blood6338
    blood6338 Posts: 90 Member
    I'm 48 and have just recently adopted a vegetarian lifestyle. It's helped me pull off about 60 pounds so far and have another 70 or so to go to get to my goal weight. I've gotten off two different blood pressure meds as well and that's been the best thing because their other side effects were making life pretty miserable. More than anything I credit my success thus far to accepting Christ into my life back in August. I can't do this alone but with God we can do anything. I welcome anyone adding me. Let's do this thing!
  • matti07
    matti07 Posts: 93 Member
    46 here, and finally ready to change my lifestyle. Feel free to add me -- I love to do mutual support! I need to lose about 100 pounds overall, but I'm trying to stay in the moment with the assistance oy MFP's tracking and all of you!
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    i'll be 41 in april - on my second 15 pound goal. feel free to add me.
  • MEKnut
    MEKnut Posts: 7 Member
    55 and on a journey towards losing 40 pounds. This Christmas I came down with the flu, the positive side of that was losing 13 pounds! I could fit into jeans I hadn't worn in 2 years. When those jeans started getting tight :-( I decided it was time to get serious. (Somehow getting the flu again didn't seem like a good idea :-) I joined MFP and bought a fitbit. Mutual support would be great!
  • Hi Everyone, pleased to meet u all :) I am a 43yr old fat mum :( I need as much support as I can get right now, I am very confident but I like my food, always have done, but my health is starting to suffer, I was going to go private for a lap band but it is £6000.00 pounds so before I do that I wanted to have one last go at doing a diet, I am now into week 2 of doing it and so far am doing great, it is later on I will have trouble sticking with it....I need all the help I can get :) I am from the City of Manchester in the United Kingdom :)
  • Hi,

    I will soon be 44 and have been battling the bulge most of my life. This year our community started a biggest loser challenge. Ten weeks to a fitter me is what I am calling it. In the first week I have lost 6.2 lbs. I have followed mfp, stopped drinking diet coke, drink more water, exercise includes ballroom dancing for 3 hrs on tuesdays and a fitness balance ball. I guess we are all in this together so if you like you can add me. I live in St. Philip's, NL, Canada. Take care and keep on movin'....that's my new motto.
  • Hi Im 48 Ive had to watch my weight all my life it seems. I lost 15 lbs last year and got comfortable but would like to loose 10 more. I joined last week and quite enjoying MFP its helping me stay on track. Please feel free to add me as a friend. Have a great day.:smile:
  • adianeschu
    adianeschu Posts: 491 Member

    Iam 53 and need to lose 50 lbs. Feel free to add me as a friend. I started with MFP in June. Haven't lost a lot of weight yet. I"am trying to change up a few things and now am seeing some loss. If you need alot of support this is the place to be!
  • jjeddy
    jjeddy Posts: 26 Member
    Hi, I'm 54, and have just started my MFP journey to lose abut 80 lbs. In the throes of menopause and it seems impossible, but I am determined. Have lost 5 lbs in 3 weeks, but I refuse to give up. MFP is keeping me on track. Good Luck to everyone!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,987 Member
    I will be 53 in June and yes I am trying to lose weight.. love this fitness pal thing so much, first thing I do is choose what I will eat today.. I can load up on protein because I have Poly Cystic Kidney Disease but I have been going to the gym for almost a month now and I feel real good.
    I am doing about 45 minutes on recumbent bike,because I have plantar faciitis and cant do the elliptical or treadmill. then I try and work the machines for 45 minutes, I hope I will slowly work up and get the weight off. I am about 70 lbs overweight and it took awhile to put on, and it will take awhile to take it off . but I will do it!!
    good luck to all that are fightin the fight~
  • Hello everyone! I'm 41 and have lost 64 lbs and have 41 left to go. I have a blog that I journal about my weight loss journey (among other things!) if you'd like to check it out. Feel free to send me a friend request here, too. I love friends! ♥
  • Klaughner
    Klaughner Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I am 44 and need to lose 50 lbs. I have been up and down with my weight my whole life and am ready to go down and stay down. Need all the help and motivation that I can get!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,987 Member
    I will be 53 in June and yes I am trying to lose weight.. love this fitness pal thing so much, first thing I do is choose what I will eat today.. I can load up on protein because I have Poly Cystic Kidney Disease but I have been going to the gym for almost a month now and I feel real good.
    I am doing about 45 minutes on recumbent bike,because I have plantar faciitis and cant do the elliptical or treadmill. then I try and work the machines for 45 minutes, I hope I will slowly work up and get the weight off. I am about 70 lbs overweight and it took awhile to put on, and it will take awhile to take it off . but I will do it!!
    good luck to all that are fightin the fight~:smile:
  • I am turning 50 this summer and decided to kick up my fitness this year. I have always been active and in good shape but wanted to drop about 7-10 lbs. I am 5'7" and weigh 140lbs. I work out with a trainer 4 hours a week and do cardio 5 days a week 45-60 minutes a day! I use my fitnesspal religiously and post everything I eat. I cant seem to move that scale a pound in the last three weeks. So frustrating. I would love to believe I am toning up and shrinking fat and gaining muscle. Not sure if I believe that concept. Maybe hormones are playing a part? Just don't know. I won't give up my working out, but those chips and dips are calling my name,,,
  • Thats me! Harder than heck! We started a challenge in th eoffice. I am the oldest one with the least to loose but having the hardest time. I have used this program before and it helps alot. It is amazing the number of calories you can consume on a day.
  • Seachicken84
    Seachicken84 Posts: 98 Member
    47 here. As with many on here, I am sick of the yoyo. Determined to get fit and live healthier. I am down 37 lbs from my highest weight of 262. My next goal weight is 210. Good luck everyone.
  • martymum
    martymum Posts: 413 Member

    I'm 42 lost 28lbs and have about 30lbs to go...piled on the weight after quitting smoking and have been stalled for about a year now.

    I am here everyday if any wants support glad to be a friend.
