Can people REALLY be motivated by someone else?



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    99% from within...1% external motivation. If you don't have the bulk of it within you, I don't think there's a lot anyone else can do to motivate you further. External motivation is just that extra little push...that extra 1% when you're giving it 99%. Inspiration is another matter entirely.
  • fiferize
    fiferize Posts: 141
    Of course they can!
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    You can help motivate someone but it's not going to happen unless they really really want it! If they don't your wasting your time! I had to be ready, as do those around me who now need to do what I have

    Having cheer leaders is great and really helps... But you have to be fighting for yourself because as much as others can want something for you, and cheer you on... In the end it all comes down to you and how willing you are, and how ready you are to fight for your health and happiness!

    Once I was ready, and id decided I wanted this and I was fighting for it, I found inspiration and motivation from others... But only once I was ready for it! I have a great friends list who inspire me daily! X
  • BPayton27
    BPayton27 Posts: 626 Member
    I am motivated by the people here every single day. That being said, if I didn't want it so badly for myself, I wouldn't keep coming back. They offer that extra push when you need it, but it has to come from within YOU.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    99% from within...1% external motivation. If you don't have the bulk of it within you, I don't think there's a lot anyone else can do to motivate you further. External motivation is just that extra little push...that extra 1% when you're giving it 99%. Inspiration is another matter entirely.

    Sometimes when you are sitting on the fence with a 50/50 attitude that one 1% can push to the right side of the fence. This happened to me last night with my workout, which I seriously was not in the mood for.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    I think it has to come from within...someone else may inspire you..but motivate...not so much.
  • TiffersStr1
    TiffersStr1 Posts: 67 Member
    Yep, you need to "hear the click" to even seriously start the life change, but, having the ability to read about others going thru the difficulties, challenges and triumphs helps to keep one on track, in my opinion. :happy:
  • sherylloveschocolate2much
    Definitely both, I have to feel the motivation for myself first but find that the support I get keeps me going when I feel like quitting and on here I find myself looking at other users exercises and thinking if they can do it then so can I
  • whitmars106
    whitmars106 Posts: 118 Member
    It's both. You have to truly want it for yourself. All anyone else can do is continue to support, and encourage you. If you're letting someone dictate YOUR choices, then you're doing it for them, and not yourself. This may sound bad, but I don't even get butterflies or mildly excited when someone compliments how well I'm doing, or congratulating me on what loss I've had thus far. It's nice, and I appreicate it, but it's all for me. I make me feel good. Period.
  • cljabusc
    Something has to click first, but friends keep me motivated. If I'm feeling dissappointed that I didn't reach a goal, others give me encouragement and i don't feel as bad! Knowing your not the only one who struggles makes me say to myself "its okay, stick with it, it happens". When I hear about other peoples success it makes me motivated as well.
  • Katalyst77
    Yes. On a daily basis.
  • coastie_wife07
    It is both.

    I started lifting weights after seeing another women in my gym do them (I know her outside of the gym)

    Last week she came up to me and said "you should start doing abs with us!" (her and her workout buddy)
    So I jumped on in and did it, every since last weds I have been doing it on my own without them since I have a 2 hr limit (Have to pick up my youngest from the child watch)
  • DaniJeanine
    DaniJeanine Posts: 473 Member
    Absolutely! There's a lot of times that my boyfriend will suggest that we both go to the gym. If we go together, it helps motivate me more to get out of the house--especially now in winter. This site is also motivating when I see that no one else is making excuses today! However, I believe you do have to have some inner drive that leads you to *care* about being in shape. Without that, it doesn't matter what the people around you are doing lol
  • symkat
    symkat Posts: 70
    Sometimes a person can change your view or perception of something. they say something in a different way and you say " hmm, I never thought of it that way." you can't make someone change if they don't want to but you can keep them from giving up when they get discouraged.
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member

    at the gym the other night was on the elliptical and was just about done when this cute girl got on the glider n front of me wearing yoga pants, sports bra and a pony tail. another 20 minutes may not kill anyone but it will make you sore like nobody's business..
    Just sayin...
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Yes OlDave! We can be motivated by other as long as the motivation is non judgemental and given with a gentle nudge. I find the greatest motivators for me are the ones who give helpful comments honestly. People who never give their own personal thoughts are o.k. to have as friends but don't actually motivate me. For instance one of my greatest motivators stated"own it, log it, and move on" when I complained about screwing up my diet for the day.
  • notenoughspeed
    notenoughspeed Posts: 290 Member
    I say you still need some internal drive to do something because if you don't want to do it, you don't want to do it. I can tell you that yes, others can motivate you. I have a friend whom at the time, I had not talked to in two years. When I saw her again, she had dropped like 60 pounds. I was like "Holy Crap!" I was definitely impressed, and it was a motivational factor for me to start to improve my health. It could also be that I was and still am attracted to her, and didn't want her seeing me like I am now. Had to catch up.

    Now, I'm doing this for myself. I want to look in the mirror and see my slim sexy self of yesteryear. I remember what it was like to be in shape (and not the round shape).
  • Car0lynnM
    Car0lynnM Posts: 332 Member
    I was motivated by my doctor to lose weight and be more healthy...he said exactly the right thing to make it happen for me. But, it did have to click inside me. If what he said hadn't resonated with me, it wouldn't have happened.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    It has to come from within. Motivation and support from others is just a bonus.

    And I say this from experience. I used people as crutches in my weight loss attempts before. I'd buddy up with someone and they didn't check in with me as often as I thought they should so it was their fault that I failed. Or they didn't keep up with our gym schedule and that made it ok for me to slack off too. We're adults, we're all accountable for our own actions and it's no one's fault but our own if we fail. If something doesn't work then you figure out another way to make it work. You don't blame someone or something else for your failures.

    For instance, it's not my husband's fault if he tempts me with pizza and I give in...that's on me. But I can find ways to lessen the blow. I plan meals for the week so when he asks me "hey, how about pizza for dinner", I can say "no, I really need to cook up this chicken or it'll go bad, maybe Saturday". This also gives me a chance to plan my calories for Saturday (eat light, exercise) so that I can afford that pizza. And knowing my husband like I do, if he's asking for take-out a lot, it's probably because he's not enjoying the current choices. So maybe I get out the recipe book and come up with some new and tasty options and have a little chat with him about what he'd like since he's obviously bored.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    i have been told several times that i am motivating people. both on here and out in the real world. while it does have to come from within, and for lack of a better word/phrase a person has to hit their lowest point or they have to make a hard decision to change.

    i did the latter strictly so that i could play basketball better. i would guess people seeing that someone with in pissing distance of 300 and eats fast food at least 3-5 days a week can make a change shows them that is possible and that its not a miracle drug or some fad diet.

    all my friends know the decisions i have made to get to where i am and will continue to do from this point on and while they provide me encouragement i to provide them inspiration....