Alcohol - two reasons not to drink?

Ok, so we all know that alcohol is high in calories and won't aid us in weight loss, but I wondered if anyone else finds that it effects their motivation and self control? I gave up drinking last year as after a few too many in too many years it was taking it's toll physically and mentally. Now I really fancied a drink this weekend and thought why not, I know I'm not going to go mad with it, no problem. But I ended up having just a couple too many, well enough to give me a hangover, and it has taken me to today to feel motivation to eat healthy again, don't get me wrong I have forced myself to try and come in under on my calories, but the need to snack and want for bad food was overwhelming at times. Is this because the alcohol affected me, or maybe psychologically because I gave in to something I had given up, did I want to give in to bad food as well?

So I am just curious, is this just me and my own alcohol demons, or do others find this as well?

One thing is for sure, I won't be doing it again any time soon!


  • Gerald_King
    Gerald_King Posts: 2,031 Member
    I was a very heavy drinker and i didn't trust myself so i gave up a year ago
  • Searley_Pants
    Searley_Pants Posts: 39 Member
    I was a very heavy drinker and i didn't trust myself so i gave up a year ago

    Was this because you didn't trust yourself to not drink too much or because you lost control with other things too? ie dieting or working out.
  • bgelliott
    bgelliott Posts: 610 Member
    I only gave it up because of the empty calories but I have found that my life is much fuller without it. I do have more energy and motivation to do things other than drink and sit around.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    two reasons not to drink:

    my motorcycle crash and the DWI the next summer
  • moustache_flavored_lube
    Alcohol stimulates your appetite and lowers inibition, it is a dangerous combo which often leads to poor food choices.

    I notice a negative effect on my performance the next day with even 2 drinks
  • kelfer80
    kelfer80 Posts: 78 Member
    I too was a pretty heavy drinker and have recently cut it out (almost) completely. I feel now that it simply isnt worth the calories! If I do indulge and have a few too many it causes me to make really bad food choices and also effects my going to the gym the following morning. So as mush as a nice stiff drink may make me fee at the time it just isnt worth it anymore!!
  • Searley_Pants
    Searley_Pants Posts: 39 Member
    I too was a pretty heavy drinker and have recently cut it out (almost) completely. I feel now that it simply isnt worth the calories! If I do indulge and have a few too many it causes me to make really bad food choices and also effects my going to the gym the following morning. So as mush as a nice stiff drink may make me fee at the time it just isnt worth it anymore!!

    I'm so glad I'm not the only one! Bad food choices is an excellent description of what I get. Luckily I'm much happier without booze in my life, but it would just be nice to think I could have a couple in the future and not have such a negative reaction afterwards.
  • CharityGC
    CharityGC Posts: 499 Member
    I swear as I get older, the less I can handle a hangover. And not even a real hangover but just the tired, run down feeling that comes with the crappy sleep I get when I've had more than two drinks. I do enjoy a glass of wine or cider with dinner and will do that if I'm within my calories for the day but it's not as often as I used to. And I'm positive that there will still be occasions in the future that I have one too many but that's not very common anymore, either. I am lucky in that I am not a "drunk eater" in that I don't run for junk after I've imbibed.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    i only really miss it if i'm around other people drinking.

    I was only really going out to meet someone anyway.

    Can't go out any more tho and i suppose myself and everyone else are better off for it.
  • Can_Change_Natalie
    Can_Change_Natalie Posts: 109 Member
    I have stopped drinking so much, i used to have a glass of wine in week and now i just see it as a waste of calories i could have eaten something yummy instead.

    Also i find when i go out drinking at the weekends i always make bad choices with food and never want to do anything the next day. I haven’t stopped drinking all together but now i think twice and when i know i am going to drink alcohol i eat a big meal beforehand to try and stop me getting something bad while im out. I also log my drinks it keeps me aware of how many calories im consuming just through alcohol.
  • soccerella
    soccerella Posts: 623 Member
    even if i dont feel hungover, the "effects" of drinking are still with me the next day - im not gonna get up early to work out and may not make the best choices because you are still craving crappy stuff. Im not giving it up completely, but no longer going to sit and have a glass of wine at night just because
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Maybe you felt crappy, so it triggered your emotional need to eat comforting foods. Whenever I'm sick I eat all sorts of crap, and it triggers my binge eating.
  • flynnegan
    flynnegan Posts: 32 Member
    After a boozy night out, which to be fair is few and far between these days, i find all i want to do is eat, chipper (take away resturant) on the way home from the pub and or some crisps while in the pub!!

    The after mat is never good, the day after is usually a wash out, and usually it takes a good two/three days to get my motivation back!!!

    As i said its few and far between these nights out and im happy to go and enjoy myself on the splurge. If i had a glass of wine in th evening on a weekend night at home it doesnt affect my excersise the next day. But i would be inclinded to look for a snack with my glass of wine. Humous with some carrots sticks have seen me through sometimes!

    Though i have heard of a packet of roasted/chilli flavoured chickpeas that are very low in calories in comparison to other crisps type things
  • Summer_Lunatic
    Summer_Lunatic Posts: 543 Member
    Alcohol stimulates your appetite and lowers inibition, it is a dangerous combo which often leads to lack of self control.
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    I like drinking but was drinking far too much in the past 6 months. I've cut it down to 1 or 2 nights per week, and try really hard to limit it to 2 max. I've found that choosing drinks that you sip has helped. I've cut beer, vodka, and any big fruity or mixed drinks like margaritas. Instead I choose wine, whiskey, or bourbon.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    I don't think alcohol does anything to me, but I have only drank a few times in my life. I will turn 23 April 6th of this year. The one time I went out to dance & drink, I drank what others considered a lot (strong long islands, cosmopolitans, jägermeister shot, etc) and I was not tipsy or affected, but it may have been because I danced a lot. (?) I was not hungry at all and didn't eat, but I felt very relax & happy the entire time. I went back to where we were staying with my now husband and went to sleep. That was it. I wonder if when people drink often they become more "addicted" to it, even if they aren't really addicted to it, and it causes them more side effects.
  • Erienneb
    Erienneb Posts: 592 Member
    I stopped drinking entirely because it was hard for me to control. I would make poor food choices not only during the time I was drinking, but the entire next day as well.

    It was getting harder to just have one, and I didn't like how that made me feel. I have only ever been flat out drunk once, but I was spending more of my weekends tipsy and I don't want people to be friends with that person, I want them to know me.

    I decided to cut it out for February and reassess my feelings in March.
  • gerrielips
    gerrielips Posts: 180 Member
    Interesting post & replies...I rarely drink, but if I do it is with dinner but no more than once a month and one glass. Yet on Sunday night I had 2 glasses of wine over an episode of Downton Abbey ...have noticed fatigue and sleeping difficulties since then and I've been way over calories (and self-control) on Monday & Tuesday...I'm also insulin-resistant. It is likely that I'm one of those people who shouldn't have any alcohol at all to have had two glasses of wine have such an impact.
  • unnur16
    unnur16 Posts: 140 Member
    I am not a heavy drinker but i like to drink couple of drinks with my friends sometimes, and on the day i drink i go to the gym and work crazy hard, and then i´ve already buy my food for the next day so i dont have to make poor choices about my meals.
  • Searley_Pants
    Searley_Pants Posts: 39 Member
    I am not a heavy drinker but i like to drink couple of drinks with my friends sometimes, and on the day i drink i go to the gym and work crazy hard, and then i´ve already buy my food for the next day so i dont have to make poor choices about my meals.

    That's a really good idea actually, I plan in advance for my fast days and also most main meals for the week, so why not plan my 'hangover day' and buy in some tasty treats that are also healthy and make sure there is nothing else in the house to tempt me!