Proponents of 5+ meals a day



  • kristina1709
    kristina1709 Posts: 119 Member
    I too eat 5 sometimes 6 "meals" a day. I work a desk job so its easier for me.

    Breakfast @ work between 9-930 am (i dont have time to eat at home with getting a 20 month old ready too)
    I usually dont eat a mid morning snack during the week because I get so busy time slips away and its already lunch before I realize the time.
    Lunch : 1230 or 1
    Snack : 3 or 4 pm
    Dinner: 630ish
    Snack: after workout so between 830/9 pm (recently its been a serving of nuts)
  • pwnderosa
    pwnderosa Posts: 280 Member desk drawers are filled with food where the files are supposed to go. Also my workplace encourages eating a lot, so... :drinker:
  • beccaboo2001
    beccaboo2001 Posts: 20 Member
    I also work a desk job but I'm in court a lot. I try to pack stuff the night before and then it's easier for me. I also have a little fridge and microwave in my office. I generally eat 3 "meals" a day and snacks.

    8a - Jimmy Dean's D'Light's breakfast sandwich
    10a - fruit of some kind (usually a banana or grapefruit)
    11:30a or 12p - lunch today was soup and cornbread (or leftovers)
    may or may not eat a snack in the early afternoon, more likely to eat a snack around 5p because my husband and I eat dinner late.
    then 8ish we'll have dinner - protein, veg, and maybe a carb.
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    I prepare 3 of my meals the night before and pack them up in my cooler. It's really not that difficult to portion out some chicken and veggies or whatever and reheat them.

    This. I do almost all of my food prep on Sundays

    Breakfast at 7:30 - protein overnight oats
    Snack 10:00 - greek yogurt or small bar
    Lunch 12:00 - Chicken and veg (sometimes with rice or sweet potato) - I bring Tupperware with portions at the beginning of the week to reheat.
    Snack 2:30 - almonds, yogurt, or apple with PB2
    Meal 4:30 - Same as 12:00 lunch
    Dinner when I get home ~ 8:00 - egg whites and veg, or whatever is in the fridge that is low carb.
  • RenewedRunner
    RenewedRunner Posts: 423 Member
    I dont think people who eat 5 times a day actually eat full meals. (Maybe some do, I dont know). When I think of meals, I think of my larger calorie type eating, like protein/veggie/starch or something like that.

    I eat throughout the day, I dont think I could eat all the food if every meal was like dinner! Plus I would run out of calories by snack #2! :)
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member

    I eat throughout the day, I dont think I could eat all the food if every meal was like dinner! Plus I would run out of calories by snack #2! :)

    Haha seriously! The best part about eating frequently, is that when I don't feel deprived of anything, I don't feel the need to binge.
    Ooooh I really want a Reese cup? How about I make a chocolate shake with peanut butter? Done!
  • andread123
    andread123 Posts: 28 Member
    I work a desk job (and have a freelance writing/editing business, to boot) and I eat 5-6 meals a day. Like many of the posters said, a lot of the "meals" are something as simple as veggies and hummus, or an apple with almond butter. It's very do-able. I only spend about 10 minutes a night preparing my meals for the following work day (one meal in the morning before work, three meals for work -- I worry about the fifth and sixth meals when I get home). It's great if you're a grazer like me (and I've already about 13 lbs in just over a month).
  • odddrums
    odddrums Posts: 342 Member
    I Teach, so I'm working 6:30-4:30 most days. I eat whenever the kids get a break and whenever I get hungry. Lightish breakfast around 6, some fruit around 9, decent lunch around 12 [I usually make a chicken each weekend, debone it and store it, then put it on a big homemade salad each day. I eat that with some nuts or more fruit] maybe a snack around 2 or 3, go for a jog if I can, then dinner around 5 or 6 or whenever I feel hungry. I try not to eat past 7 or 8, just drink water unless I'm feeling really hungry.

    I also keep a water bottle with me all day and fill it up twice or so. Some days I have a big breakfast or big lunch so I cut some snacks. The main thing is I have a pretty regular schedule and I don't force myself to do anything. If I'm hungry, I try to eat something and drink water each time I eat. Listen to your body, it knows what it needs.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    Seems like the thing that mislead me here is the term 'meals'. As mentioned by another poster, to me a meal is a balanced, prepared meal.

    Eating a handful of almonds, or an apple and some cottage cheese at 11am is (to me) a snack. And it's something that I do routinely - not out of any belief it 'jump starts' anything, but because I'm hungry and if I don't I get crabby and tend to end up yelling at someone at work for doing something stupid :laugh:

    So I guess in that sense you can count me as an honorary member of the 'six meals a day' club, only for me it would be meal, snack, meal, snack, meal, snack - and the snacks are completely optional.

    Yet more evidence of my theory that 90% of arguments on the internet (and elsewhere for that matter) are caused by differing interpretations of the same data.
  • lukiealbert
    lukiealbert Posts: 1 Member
    I personally don't see the need in it.... Are we truly to believe that 3 hours later if you have not eaten, you are suddenly kicking into "survival" mode.... this myth has been debunked countless times.
  • I dont think people who eat 5 times a day actually eat full meals. (Maybe some do, I dont know). When I think of meals, I think of my larger calorie type eating, like protein/veggie/starch or something like that.

    I eat throughout the day, I dont think I could eat all the food if every meal was like dinner! Plus I would run out of calories by snack #2! :)

    I'm the exact same way. I'm pretty sure I eat all day...and I have a desk job. I just keep my work fridge stocked with fruit, green smoothies from home, cheese, etc.