Basically the Same Weight After a Month

I started MFP on New Years and have since never gone over my calorie goal (1220). I even bought a FitBit to keep precise track of how much exercise I am actually getting and adjusting my calories for that.

I used to sit around all day long at a desk job, and play video games/watch Netflix when I got home. I ate fast food every single day and was supremely unhealthy. Now I eat a very healthy diet (with all the nutrients i need, etc), walk 10k steps a day and do various exercises like squats to make walking easier. (I plan to eventually do more, but jumping and running physically hurt right now. I am working up to that.)

Anyway, I started out weighing 245 and I have been fluctuation between 232-237 since the first week. It's been a solid 4 weeks since I lost the first 10lbs, and I seem to gain weight every time I look at the scale.

I became very down about it last night, and I really need to know what I'm doing wrong. I'm so dedicated to this change of life, and it kills me that despite my huge effort to lose weight, nothing has happened.

Has anyone else experienced this? It can't possibly be a plateau this early in the game, and if it's the whole "muscle weighs more than fat" thing, I don't buy it. Not after a month. Shouldn't I be seeing a change in weight, despite muscle gain, after this long?

Thanks for your help guys! <3

P.S. Just checked to be sure: My waist, chest and arms are the same size they were when I first started. My legs are bigger (muscle I assume). If it weren't for how good I feel now, I'd think I was imagining the diet and exercise, lol.


  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    Is 1220 the number calories that MFP gives you for a day? It gives me 1590 and all I do is stick to that number. If I exercise the number goes up so I eat more to reach that number but I keep my calorie deficit set at what MFP recommends. Sometimes I plateau but I just stick with it and over the long run I keep losing the weight.
  • IryshWhiskey
    IryshWhiskey Posts: 20 Member
    Yeah, MFP gives me 1220 and I usually get an extra 300 from the walking. So 1500-ish total. I read somewhere that maybe I'm eating too little, that I'd have more success in the 1800 range, but it seems like there was ultimately more of an argument to stay at 1220 after all.
  • I feel like I am in the same boat!! It's not just least you have lost something! I started Jan.1 as well. I went first two weeks and my calorie intake is around 1600 a day (1 pound per week). In looking back I was going a little above that and so chalk those two weeks to trial and error. I have worked out everyday in my book. Strength training 3 days a week on my Bowflex and 2-3 day on a Treadclimber(very hard when your out of shape by the way!) I have done this EVERY WEEK since the beginning of the year. I have a BodyMedia fit band and have been using that for almost 2 weeks. I'm now adjusting to the intake and deficit thing. Since Jan. 1st I have only lost 0.6 lbs as of Feb 5th. I think in my perspective i have been gaining muscle and that's part of it, but the rest is my calories. I have it set at 1650 per day with a goal of burning 2400 a day. (750 deficit/day). I just locked this in Monday so we will see what happens now.

    Personally I have been EXTREMELY frustrated as well!! Was about ready to give up! I think you need to up your calories just a bit, (possible starvation mode?). I have a problem with "white" carbs. I need to keep a better eye on this. I think we need to hang in there and keep working at it. I know that something has to change. This is much more of a lifestyle change for me than a diet. So much of mine is trial and error.....trying to find a happy medium.

    I hope I have at least helped with the idea that you are not alone!!!:happy: Just remember the tortiose wins the race...
  • phildawson75
    phildawson75 Posts: 205 Member
    It won't be new weight from muscle, you don't gain muscle on deficits you lose it. Exercising helps reduce the amount lost.

    Something is not right if you are definitely logging everything you eat and drink and its coming to 1220 and not losing.

    I assume your TDEE is ~2220, and its set to lose 2 lb a week ? A TDEE - 20-30% is recommended, that would be (2220/100)*25=555 cal deficit

    Might be worth changing it to -1lb each week and see if that does anything.
  • IryshWhiskey
    IryshWhiskey Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks Mandi, it does help actually!

    Phil: I agree 100%! Something is just not right because I am doing everything right. Maybe I should try for 1lb a week, but it's very hard for me to convince myself that eating more calories is better. =P
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    Your food diary is locked closed so no one can comment on what you are eating, however if you use the mfp exercise calories they are not accurate & are higher than reality, so you may be eating more calories than you think you need to met mfp goal

    PS FWIW I have been stuck since New Year, up a pound, down a pound, so you are certainly not alone
  • IryshWhiskey
    IryshWhiskey Posts: 20 Member
    Your food diary is locked closed so no one can comment on what you are eating, however if you use the mfp exercise calories they are not accurate & are higher than reality, so you may be eating more calories than you think you need to met mfp goal

    I use a FitBit. I automatically tracks steps taken and is painfully accurate. Walking 10k step (5 miles) is only worth 300cal.
  • phildawson75
    phildawson75 Posts: 205 Member
    (possible starvation mode?). I have a problem with "white" carbs.
    nothing to do with starvation mode, this is probably the worst spread myth on MFP caused by lots of misguided people reading and regurgitating the same

    Losing weight is just about eating all kinds of food in moderation, its never the case you should stop eating certain types of food, just stick to a deficit and you'll be using up more calories than you're taking in. You can take exercise out of the equation. You could sit on a sofa just eating crap as long as its less than your TDEE you'll lose. Eat more than your TDEE you'll gain.

    Again you need to be in a position of eating more than your TDEE to be gaining muscle. You only lose fat which reveals your muscles, they aren't getting bigger.
  • EmmaR25
    EmmaR25 Posts: 33 Member
    But your ticker says you've lost 15lbs is that not correct?
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    Your food diary is locked closed so no one can comment on what you are eating, however if you use the mfp exercise calories they are not accurate & are higher than reality, so you may be eating more calories than you think you need to met mfp goal

    I use a FitBit. I automatically tracks steps taken and is painfully accurate. Walking 10k step (5 miles) is only worth 300cal.

    Sort of proves the errors of mfp, mfp reckons my hour walk, leisurely pace was 255 cals. Distance was around 3 miles, and I was not rushing along
  • matawna
    matawna Posts: 27 Member
    I dont have a magic answer - I am in the same boat. I have been the same weight since Dec 19!!! I've lost 37 lbs since September 1st, and now I am just bouncing up and down 1 lb... frustrating. I have tried to increase my calories in the hope that it would change something - so far not so much - getting frustrated too, but am enjoying how I feel, not out of breath so much, not as sore after doing something simple - so I dont want to stop. There is a board here called eat more to weigh less - you can check that out, and there are a bunch of calculators to help you figure out how much you should be eating.
  • IryshWhiskey
    IryshWhiskey Posts: 20 Member
    Your food diary is locked closed so no one can comment on what you are eating, however if you use the mfp exercise calories they are not accurate & are higher than reality, so you may be eating more calories than you think you need to met mfp goal

    I use a FitBit. I automatically tracks steps taken and is painfully accurate. Walking 10k step (5 miles) is only worth 300cal.

    Sort of proves the errors of mfp, mfp reckons my hour walk, leisurely pace was 255 cals. Distance was around 3 miles, and I was not rushing along

    Yeah, it's total BS, lol. Before I got the pedometer I was sure my little bit of activity was magically making me lose a thousand calories, haha. No idea why MFP is so incorrect.
  • Rivmage
    Rivmage Posts: 48 Member
    Also, how much water are you drinking? If you aren't drinking enough with the increase in activity, it can cause your body to retain water. The best way to figure out your water needs is half your weight in oz.

  • phildawson75
    phildawson75 Posts: 205 Member
    Thanks Mandi, it does help actually!

    Phil: I agree 100%! Something is just not right because I am doing everything right. Maybe I should try for 1lb a week, but it's very hard for me to convince myself that eating more calories is better. =P
    I'm guessing it'll be closer to 1700 at 1lb a week loss. I'd try that for four weeks and see how that pans out, at the end of the month see if you're getting a downward trend.

    The other key thing is to make sure when you weigh its the same day of the week, same time, pref naked to reduce the amount of variables. A lot of people weigh ~3-5lbs at different times of the day, and it can change dramatically from food/exercise. It's best not to get disheartened if its the same or even up a few weeks, as long as its a downward trend then your on the right path.
  • IryshWhiskey
    IryshWhiskey Posts: 20 Member
    But your ticker says you've lost 15lbs is that not correct?

    To be honest, I got down to 230 one week, and I don't want to change the ticker for weight fluctuations. If I changed it every time my weight changed, I'd be doing it multiple times a day. Plus, I like to hold on to the fact that at one point, I got to 230. I reeeeally want to break into the 220's!
  • lambchristie
    lambchristie Posts: 552 Member
    Ok, I am new here...what is TDEE?:ohwell:
  • I know that 1lb of muscle is smaller than 1 lb of fat, because it's denser. Therefore, exercising does help you to not lose muscle, but you can definately convert fat weight into muscle weight. I did my first measurements only two weeks ago. I have not lost any in my waist, lower belly or hips, but my thighs have gained 1.5 inches and my biceps have went from 13.5 inches to 15 inches circumfrence in two weeks. So surely building muscle. I'm going to re-measure tonight and start on the Bowflex advanced conditioning workout (since I have a bowflex-4 nights a week) tonight and see what happens in another month. Still fitting in the treadclimer 3 nights a week though.

    So don't feel bad about not losing around the midsection....they say it's that last to go....just keep working at it!! :smile:

    Well Irysh, you have helped me too....gave me a little inspiration that I'm not alone as well. Thanks!!
  • IryshWhiskey
    IryshWhiskey Posts: 20 Member
    Also, how much water are you drinking? If you aren't drinking enough with the increase in activity, it can cause your body to retain water. The best way to figure out your water needs is half your weight in oz.


    It very well could be water related. I try to drink 8 glasses a day, but it's usually more like 6 and rarely more than 8.
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    Honestly, I doubt that you are doing ANYTHING wrong.

    If I am reading this right, you lost 10 lbs initially, then in the last 4 weeks, you've lost 5 more lbs? What is your weight loss goal set to? 1 lb/wk, maybe?

    Even if it is set to 2 lb/wk, the weight loss initially is faster because of differences in water retention. It gives the appearance that you are losing weight pretty fast. In reality, you are just losing water along with some fat. Now, the water has stabilized and your weight loss is mostly from fat/muscle. Considering that the weight is still decreasing, just stick tot he plan?
  • erin4455
    erin4455 Posts: 135
    Have you spoken with your doctor about any possible medical conditions thwarting your efforts (Thyroid, Insulin Resistance, PCOS)? Not suggesting you have any of those but I've had issues with them and I'm no longer surprised when my weight loss takes longer than it would for someone else. I hope it's something a little simpler like you're not eating enough, etc. but it never hurts to get a Dr.'s opinion. Good luck to you and feel free to add me!
  • lpina2mi
    lpina2mi Posts: 425 Member
    This kind of stuckness is frustrating and confusing. I believe everything you have put forth and I believe that your diet has been improved and within healthy realms in content and Kcal. I cannot tell you how to fix your stuckness, but I can point you to some resources that may have answers for you.

    #1 Set up a consultation with a nutrition/health professional of your choice to tweek the parts of your diet so that your body responds as logically as it did in the beginning. The kinds of things that could make a difference are ratios of carbs-proteins-fats. For example, for me eating more fats (good fats) than the standard ratios makes things work better. Also, rooting out hidden sugars or excess sugars so that your carb ratio is mostly made of carbs (vegetable, legume, grain) that are work best in your body. This professional could even suggest supplements for different transition points in your diet (not diet aids). For example, if you are working on reducing sugars there are herbs that either have a naturally sweet taste or may assist in levelling out insulin release.

    #2 Cruise through the Community Msg Brds and Blogs. There is a lot of experience out there by people who have shared information about what worked for them. Many things can affect fat retention: sleep, hydration, meal-timing, exercise-timing, and more.

    Be Persistent! You will find your missing piece.
  • RougeIllusion
    RougeIllusion Posts: 59 Member
    Your ticker says you've lost fifteen much weight were you expecting to lose in a month? Even if you started at 245 and then were 237 at the end of the month that's 8 about 2 a week which is have to be realistic with what you're gonna lose a month, with that said 8 pounds is a good loss.
  • laylaness
    laylaness Posts: 262 Member
    Search for In Place of a Road Map in the forums. Member Helloitsdan started it and it's fantastic. I've started following it and broke a 2-month plateau. I'm losing about a pound a week now.
  • EmmaR25
    EmmaR25 Posts: 33 Member
    15lbs in 5/6 weeks is pretty good going once you average it out.

    My suggestion to you.....put away the scales, don't weigh yourself everyday and analyse the numbers. If you are making the right choices and exercising you WILL lose weight you've just got to keep chipping away. The scales will catch up with the healthy choices.

    Weigh and log everything that passes your lips.

    Maybe open up your diary so we can make some more suggestions.

    You've done so well you should be proud.....just keep of the scales :)
  • Baloostika
    Baloostika Posts: 203 Member
    It's so frustrating, I can imagine how u feel. I have been on a months fasting and prayer session and after a month am still the same weight that I was before I started the fast. The fast was not for weightloss but for spiritual growth but u would think one will lose a lot fasting. Weightloss is a very complex issue, some find it easy to lose with minimal effort and others don't. Just keep at it, the weight will eventually come off you. Good luck
  • lambchristie
    lambchristie Posts: 552 Member
    I started MFP on New Years and have since never gone over my calorie goal (1220). I even bought a FitBit to keep precise track of how much exercise I am actually getting and adjusting my calories for that.

    I used to sit around all day long at a desk job, and play video games/watch Netflix when I got home. I ate fast food every single day and was supremely unhealthy. Now I eat a very healthy diet (with all the nutrients i need, etc), walk 10k steps a day and do various exercises like squats to make walking easier. (I plan to eventually do more, but jumping and running physically hurt right now. I am working up to that.)

    Anyway, I started out weighing 245 and I have been fluctuation between 232-237 since the first week. It's been a solid 4 weeks since I lost the first 10lbs, and I seem to gain weight every time I look at the scale.

    I became very down about it last night, and I really need to know what I'm doing wrong. I'm so dedicated to this change of life, and it kills me that despite my huge effort to lose weight, nothing has happened.

    Has anyone else experienced this? It can't possibly be a plateau this early in the game, and if it's the whole "muscle weighs more than fat" thing, I don't buy it. Not after a month. Shouldn't I be seeing a change in weight, despite muscle gain, after this long?

    Thanks for your help guys! <3

    P.S. Just checked to be sure: My waist, chest and arms are the same size they were when I first started. My legs are bigger (muscle I assume). If it weren't for how good I feel now, I'd think I was imagining the diet and exercise, lol.

    First, never give up! We've all been there and yet here we are moving forward in our goals.

    One thing that helped me and I started a new lifestyle of eating right and exercising late Oct. 2011; was changing what I eat and when I ate it. For instance I try not to eat (starcy) carbs in the evening. If I want pasta or potato I eat them for breakfast, yes breakfast!

    It sounds like you are doing moderate walking if you walk 5 miles a day and only burning around what 300-500 calories? Perhaps its time to step it up a notch or two in that area. Three half months ago when I started at the gym I couldn't do 50% of what others much heavier than I were doing. I was very out of shape. My body wanted to rebel. I wouldn't let it and I push through it and moved forward. I am happy to say that I can now keep up (for the most part) with most of them. I still can't do a few things but in time I will. I am lucky that I go to a gym, privately owned, and met a great group of people who are all working towards the same goal. We have a personal trainer that works with us 3xs a week in our group and some of us come in on the other two days and work together. In one hour of non-stop fun exercise we burn over 600-700-even 800+ calories. It hurts durning the hour, but once its over we are all grateful we came.

    Keep going,
    PS Always remember, and never forget, this weight didn't come on over night and it won't go away over night. Hang in there you can do this! :flowerforyou:
  • IryshWhiskey
    IryshWhiskey Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you guys so much! To be honest I was cringing at the thought of posting my question because sometimes forums can be cruel.

    You have all been so helpful and supportive. I feel a lot better about it all now. <3
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    Ok, I am new here...what is TDEE?:ohwell:

    Total Daily Energy Expenditure

    The calories you use by just living & doing things in your normal day, varies according to gender, weight, activity, [are you a manual labourer or call centre clerk for instance?]

    You will find many sites to help calculate this
  • Sounds like you have done pretty well in your first month! Maybe try changing up your workout routine a little. My trainer used to tell me to change it up every 4-6 weeks. Try changing the intensity....up it a little and shorten the time. Change the exercises you do. See if that helps a little. Keep the faith! You have already lost! (pounds, that is) It usually does come off a little slower after the initial change in diet & exercise. At least, that has always been my experience!
  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    I was in a similar boat until this week - I upped my calories this week from 1200 (plus majority of exercise calories) to 1550 (and not eating my exercise calories, although upping it a couple hundred calories on days I burned an insane amount which I sometimes do when I play 2 soccer games back to back) and lost 5 lbs! 1220 seems like way to few of calories.

    Don't get discouraged, you've done the hard work, its just a matter of little tweaks now! You don't fail until you quit!