Just broke up. ...feeling my motivation slipping away.



  • triathlete5301
    triathlete5301 Posts: 182 Member
    There are two schools of thought here:

    1] Go work out. Smash *kitten*. Run hard. Let the emotions drive you, and when you're done you will feel AMAZING.

    2] Stop at the store, grab some ice cream, get in your jammies and watch a good movie while you cry and eat the whole tub. Emotions are important - we need to feel them and acknowledge them... if you don't take some time to 'cry it out' now, you'll need to eventually.

    My personal choice would be to do 1 and then 2, and feel like a rock star in the morning.
    This! You are only going to make yourself feel worse if you give up- It will be a downward spiral!

    Good luck! :ohwell:
  • Jul158
    Jul158 Posts: 481 Member
    I had this happen on New Year's Day..and it actually helped fuel my motivation. I gave myself five days to get my act together (I hung out with friends, called family, and went to dance classes and kept really busy so I wouldn't look at my phone). I felt like it was a new chance to work on me and focus only on me, no one else! I started paleo and weight lifting to keep my mind busy, it helps : ) try something new, even if youre not sure youll like it! give yourself a few days to sleep/be sad/read/yoga and try to not turn to food. It'll make you feel better in the long run.
  • toscarthearmada
    toscarthearmada Posts: 382 Member
    If anything a nice jog is what you need! I lost a lot of sadness out on that track!
  • 17ChargerGirl17
    I actually used my breakups, and subsequent divorce, as more motivation to get in shape, work out, and lose weight... There is no better revenge than making yourself even better looking and healthier than they remember....

    If you go exercise, remember the endorphin rush will help make you feel better. If your gym has a sauna/steam room/hot tub, take adventage of that and use it to relax and calm your nerves...

  • Simutaytion
    Simutaytion Posts: 5 Member
    I just did too and trust me its sucks for the first couple of days but you will get through this i promise you. You can allow yourself a day to have some ice cream but you have to make sure that the next day you get up and eat right and workout and forget about it all as much as possible and kick some *kitten*! good luck to you! :)
  • sixpacklady
    sixpacklady Posts: 582 Member
    There are two schools of thought here:

    1] Go work out. Smash *kitten*. Run hard. Let the emotions drive you, and when you're done you will feel AMAZING.

    2] Stop at the store, grab some ice cream, get in your jammies and watch a good movie while you cry and eat the whole tub. Emotions are important - we need to feel them and acknowledge them... if you don't take some time to 'cry it out' now, you'll need to eventually.

    My personal choice would be to do 1 and then 2, and feel like a rock star in the morning.

    Love this ^^. Best of both worlds , And also have a warm dark chocolate brownie with the icecream :wink:

    Yeah, I totally agree...We are here to support you. Go kick some butt!!
  • keshiabug1
    There are two schools of thought here:

    1] Go work out. Smash *kitten*. Run hard. Let the emotions drive you, and when you're done you will feel AMAZING.

    2] Stop at the store, grab some ice cream, get in your jammies and watch a good movie while you cry and eat the whole tub. Emotions are important - we need to feel them and acknowledge them... if you don't take some time to 'cry it out' now, you'll need to eventually.

    My personal choice would be to do 1 and then 2, and feel like a rock star in the morning.

    This right here! I went through a pretty nasty break up recently. I kept up (as best as I could) with my workouts, kept up my nutrition BUT i did allow myself time to grieve, be angry and throw all his *kitten* out! (Bitter party of one, you're table is ready!).

    I agree with this! Do 1 and 2... and maybe even add a long nice bath to it! The emotions WILL hit you at some point, so you might as well do it sooner rather than later, but its no reason to give up a healthy lifestyle. Work out, then eat, cry, sleep... whatever! Mental health is just as important as physical health... so take care of both!
  • fuzzieme
    fuzzieme Posts: 454 Member
    I actually used my breakups, and subsequent divorce, as more motivation to get in shape, work out, and lose weight... There is no better revenge than making yourself even better looking and healthier than they remember....

    If you go exercise, remember the endorphin rush will help make you feel better. If your gym has a sauna/steam room/hot tub, take adventage of that and use it to relax and calm your nerves...

  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    I don't indulge my sadness. I exercised my way through my divorce and came out hotter than when I went in. I'm guessing that felt way better that gaining 20 lbs being miserable and feeding the misery. Food is not a good coping mechanism.
  • zumbarock
    zumbarock Posts: 86 Member
    Totally agree with using it for fuel! Anger and sadness are great for working out, getting motivated is the hard part! Who wants to work out when they are sad. Once you start though........you'll be glad that you did! Then eat the ice cream!! You'll deserve it :flowerforyou:

    Rough one, so sorry!
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    There are two schools of thought here:

    1] Go work out. Smash *kitten*. Run hard. Let the emotions drive you, and when you're done you will feel AMAZING.

    2] Stop at the store, grab some ice cream, get in your jammies and watch a good movie while you cry and eat the whole tub. Emotions are important - we need to feel them and acknowledge them... if you don't take some time to 'cry it out' now, you'll need to eventually.

    My personal choice would be to do 1 and then 2, and feel like a rock star in the morning.

    I agree. It's ok to feel down. Just don't let it keep you down.
  • ApexLeader
    ApexLeader Posts: 580 Member
    you're single? should give you more motivation
  • teachnc
    Give yourself a day or two to absorb the change in your life. Then call up a friend and go for a walk or a run. Having someone else there to take some of the attention OFF the ex might be helpful to get you over the hump. If you do go on a binge just remember that you are most likely NOT going to gain 5 lbs from one day of ice cream and it won't ruin your entire fitness plan.
  • Dementedllama
    Dementedllama Posts: 177 Member
    My boyfriend and I just broke up, like literally, within the hour, and I can already feel my will to push forward weakening. This morning I was looking forward to going for a run after work, and doing some lifting. ...now I just kind of want to go home and go to sleep. I could use some help from someone who has gone through this before. How did you keep from losing your motivation? I can only imagine my desire to do some emotional eating will crop up soon too. I've been completely on track for a month. Eff.

    I was where you are just last month. I allowed myself one day of horrible eating (I ate a LOT of ice cream!) with no exercise. But then the next day you really just need to pick up where you left off. Imagine how many guys will fawn all over you when you're at your GW! A lot! You'll find one even better with your new body and new gained confidence, look at it that way. Let it motivate you to be better so that he'll see what he really missed out on! <3
  • freshstart14
    freshstart14 Posts: 49 Member
    I just went through this! Someone who was a very important part of my life for 4 years was suddenly no longer in my life at all - and I am NOT one of those "so upset I can't even eat" people.

    I honestly think you have to come to terms with it to really deal with it correctly. Binge eating won't help and working out just to make him jealous won't either from my experience.. I've never been able to change myself for someone else's sake.

    Just remember, the best revenge is living well (in general! and for your own sake! no binging or obsessing)

    Good luck! And I swear every day is easier than the one that came before.
  • ChristiH4000
    ChristiH4000 Posts: 531 Member
    Been there! Force yourself to go exercise. It will help you. The emotions can really weigh us down, but you can help yourself by keeping yourself in motion. Exercise helps keep us from wallowing in our misery. With love!
  • bellaa_x0
    bellaa_x0 Posts: 1,062 Member
    I actually used my breakups, and subsequent divorce, as more motivation to get in shape, work out, and lose weight... There is no better revenge than making yourself even better looking and healthier than they remember....

    If you go exercise, remember the endorphin rush will help make you feel better. If your gym has a sauna/steam room/hot tub, take adventage of that and use it to relax and calm your nerves...


  • KarenJean91
    KarenJean91 Posts: 283 Member
    ! I've been through a lot of breakups...... they suck and hurt so bad. I got super depressed and didn't eat and felt awful. Just like everyone says, time heals all.... always thought that was BS, but it really is true. Try to use your hurt as motivation... that always makes me feel better.
  • JULIEdance
    JULIEdance Posts: 139 Member
    I would give myself a day or two off. If you feel like running, fine. If you don´t, try to go for a walk instead (this works the best for me). If you want to sleep, do it. Whatever helps you at the moment.
    Just try to awoid emotional eating. Maybe it could make you feel better for a while, but for me it simply doesn´t work. I would feel even more miserable - while eting or the minute afterwards. Try to have a nice cup of tea and something healthy to have energy instead. Also resisting will help you feeling stronger and it will be easier for you to get back to on track and feel motivated again.
  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    They do give out awards for best break up revenge body. :)

    Seriously though, Don't give someone else that kind of control over yourself. Sure, maybe tonight calls for a tub of ice-cream and a bottle of wine, but do not give yourself permission for anything past that. We are creatures that are amazing at making excuses, we can come up with a justification for about anything, don't give into them!