10 lb slump!!! Please help!

I've lost 10 lbs so many times. I'm there again, and I'm already tired of tracking and paying attention all the time. Help me move past it.


  • snowy_sk
    snowy_sk Posts: 117 Member
    Hey, I totally sympathise. I was in floods of tears this weekend, saying the exact same thing to my sister. I basically said that I have been here so many time before and I don't know if I can do it again. Her reply was this; you just have to do it, don't give up, keep going one pound at a time and eventually you will be there, at the weight you have always dreamed of. Only you can do it, so do it!

    Something just struck a chord with me.... she's right. I either do this or I don't. If I don't, I stay unhappy. If I do, I become the person I want to be. I just have to do it. So I'm doing it, and so can you!