*** Supportive Friends -- Looking to Release 50+ Pounds ***



  • MartialAngel
    MartialAngel Posts: 64 Member
    I am so incredibly disappointed this morning... I let stress eating get the best of me this week. Part of it was running out of healthier groceries before payday, but a large part was stress eating...and I am so disappointed in myself. I gained two lbs this week. My husband eats like a pig all the time and still only gained half a lb. Not a good morning...
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    MartialAngel... Did you eat 7000cals OVER your weekly maintenance calories...(ie if your goal is to lose 1lb/week you'd have your cals set at 3500 under your maintainance cals...so you'd have had to eat 10500cals OVER what mfp allows you for goals for the week...or 1500 over your daily allowance)
    It's highly unlikely...you didn't gain 2lbs in 1 week...you did however eat junk which has sodium, so you'll be retaining water weight...
    drink lots of water, eat better this week and at least 1lb will fall off in no time...probably more...
    Chin up hun, women retain water weight really easily, you probably only put on 0.5lb like your hubby, today is a new week and you can do it! x
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Finally feeling better! I read several post and really enjoyed reconnecting. You're all so motivating.

    Courtney - If I only reply to one person it is going to be you today. Your story really touched me. Every one of us here can relate to your struggles in one way or another. We're all so glad you're here! I can't wait to hear about your first lifestyle change. "Dareacceptors" reply was dead on! What did you choose to change in your life today? I started by logging all my meals and drinking 10 glasses of water. Then I added exercise slowly. You can do this. Make small changes and log each accomplishment. We'll be right here to encourage you!!

    I went to the gym today which felt great. Staying up for the superbowl last night didn't help my cause though. I'll be ready for bed by 7 tonight! Drank loads of water and ate better than I have in days. Planning to keep things light tonight so I can feel some sense of accomplishment in the morning.

    Move it Monday!
  • Hey - only had a minute today, but wanted to mention that Bokwa class. Awesome - highly reccommend, good for the non coordinated and easily adjusted for your level. It felt great physically, and in the fact that I did not feel like an idiot who couldn't follow. There is no DVD of it yet, but reccommend it if you find a class:)

    Good luck to everyone!
  • heaterrr
    heaterrr Posts: 75 Member
    Hi My name is Heather and I've lost a total of 117lbs with about 135lbs more to lose... looking for people with idea's I workout 5-6 days a week and follow WW PP program.
  • likerebecca
    likerebecca Posts: 57 Member
    Count me in! I have my goal set at 86 and am 13 pounds down since 1/3 (which is 15% - not too shabby). I've been gradually gaining weight at a rate of about 10 pounds per year for the past 12 years... NOT FUN.. I've dieted here and there but never get very far. This time it doesn't feel like a diet. Using MFP has been the best thing for me because I truly eat what I want. I work about 10 hours a day but I commute almost 2 hours each way.. so finding time for activity is difficult on work days. This year I've promised myself I would try and live a more balanced life and so far I've got myself to only 9 hour days and am leaving later to catch a lighter traffic patttern, so it's saving me commute time... I'm sure this isn't want you want to read but it's all part of the "new way of life" - - - It gives me more time to make planned healthy food choices. Having friends on here is helping keep me motivated, so please feel free to add me.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Well where is everyone?? Come on, lets be supportive of one another and post how we are doing!!!!

    I only lost 0.6lbs this week but I didn't weigh in last week cause it showed me up 5lbs and I didn't know if it was real or TOM or the anti inflammatory. I am just glad to see that they are gone so I will happily take 0.6 released! Been doing a lot of soul searching and realising that since having the baby I have lost me and that I can't blame other people for that. It is up to me to make me more than just mommy. So...I have decided to step back and let hubster do more...can't blame him for not being engaged when I jump in and do everything. And I used this as a way to get some of my exercise in. Last night be did bathtime and bedtime while I did 30DS and snagged a child-free/interruption free shower. And I felt more relaxed with him afterwards and he got some important one on one time with Kenzie.

    Today, while wee one played (and laughed at me), I got my sweat on to Just Dance 4. I hadn't looked at the 'just sweat' option in it before and chose the boxing one...wowsers what a sweat!!! It was great. So my goals on a earlier post were to get exercise in at least 4 days a week, not counting walks with baby. Its Wednesday and I've got 2 days in and feel great.

    I also got thinking that I have about 8 weeks until I go back to work (heaves a sigh of guilt about this). I would really really like to be close to triple digits lost again when I go back. That would put me within 20lbs of prepreggers weight and would mean that most of my clothes would fit...which would be nice.

    Welcome likerebecca and heather! Come back and post often!

    Pennsiteach: what is bokwa??

    ReNae: Glad you are feeling better!
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    I forgot how the lack of sleep effects the body. Baby Wyatt is doing great and big sister Eve, doing awesome! Hvent really been following my plan to the T but I do the best I can. Don't know what to do about working out, artic temps, snow and a 6 day old makes it hard to do.
    Sorry not much to say, all I think about is when I can take a nap. Will try and read and respone to everyone posts.
    But keep up the great work everyone!!
  • heaterrr
    heaterrr Posts: 75 Member
    Up 1.4 this week and aunt flow is here now... WTH!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    I forgot how the lack of sleep effects the body. Baby Wyatt is doing great and big sister Eve, doing awesome! Hvent really been following my plan to the T but I do the best I can. Don't know what to do about working out, artic temps, snow and a 6 day old makes it hard to do.
    Sorry not much to say, all I think about is when I can take a nap. Will try and read and respone to everyone posts.
    But keep up the great work everyone!!

    OH MY GOODNESS YOU GOT A WEE ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is fantastic!!!! I'm so happy for you guys :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Try and get some sleep momma, I remember that all too well. Hugs Julie!
  • CoffeeAddict173
    CoffeeAddict173 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello all!
    I'm Becca and I've got about 65 more pounds to go! I lost almost 70 a few years ago and then totally lost sight of any goals after becoming chronically ill and literally working nonstop. I'm back to do this right! Would love to meet others who have lost then gained and are losing again!
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    I forgot how the lack of sleep effects the body. Baby Wyatt is doing great and big sister Eve, doing awesome! Hvent really been following my plan to the T but I do the best I can. Don't know what to do about working out, artic temps, snow and a 6 day old makes it hard to do.
    Sorry not much to say, all I think about is when I can take a nap. Will try and read and respone to everyone posts.
    But keep up the great work everyone!!

    6 day old!!!? Congrats!
    Will try to reply properly at work on my lunch hour x
  • DZFitness
    DZFitness Posts: 19 Member
    My name is David and I'm looking to lose about 70 pounds. I'm trying to make it as a professional singer and looks are ever more important, these days... I'd love to be able to walk around with my shirt off in public.
  • Hi everyone, My name is Rose, I need to lose 137 pounds to get to my ideal weight, or close doesnt really matter. Im currently eating properly all day and then when it gets to night time, i binge.. hate it.. i can kick myself in the mornings when i wake up and the scale is telling me the horrid truth. but hey i believe everyday is a new day and a brand new opportunity to start again. sooo Im back on the wagon and ready to go for it. support sounds like a great help.
  • MTGirl4Life
    MTGirl4Life Posts: 84 Member
    Hello, everyone. I am soooo excited about this group. My name is Brenda, and I grew up in Montana (where my heart remains), but the Air Force took us to S. Dakota, and then to Washington state, where I currently live. Since I am naming states, I should say that my husband is from Iowa. I have three great kids, ages 25, 23, and 17 - all still living at home (the older two are in college). I work full time, and am trying to get back into volunteering (just cannot decide what to commit to yet). I would like to loose a total of 50 pounds, which will bring me to the high-end of what the "books" say I should be at. I have yo-yo'd since about 1989, after the birth of my second child. I have a weight-loss journal since about 1993, and I am tired of keeping it. It seems that every two years or so, I loose about 15 or 20 pounds, and then I regain it, plus a few. I have had blood work done a few different times to ensure it is not a medical issue. I am tired of it. I know what to do to loose weight (healthy eating and exercise), but do I choose to do it? Obviously not. I am here for support because I do not have too much of it, especially not being close to family, and my closest friends have moved away (and the one that remains struggles with her own addictive issue). Yes, I am a food addict/emotional eater. I have come to the realization that it is more than not having the control, and that there is an issue from my childhood that may be part of my "problem". I have started counseling to figure this out, and to take back control. I know that there are other women that have my same issue (food addiction/emotional eating), but I cannot seem to find someone near me that is open to being open about it. I look forward to being a part of this group!
  • Hey guys! Im Rae and wanting to loose 100lbs total
    setting a small goal of 50lb for now :)
    hope i can join the group!
  • MTGirl4Life
    MTGirl4Life Posts: 84 Member
    Hi everyone, My name is Rose, I need to lose 137 pounds to get to my ideal weight, or close doesnt really matter. Im currently eating properly all day and then when it gets to night time, i binge.. hate it.. i can kick myself in the mornings when i wake up and the scale is telling me the horrid truth. but hey i believe everyday is a new day and a brand new opportunity to start again. sooo Im back on the wagon and ready to go for it. support sounds like a great help.

    A "trick" I have started to use: in the evening when you feel like snacking, brew a cup of tea made from a tea bag of herbal fruit tea (I prefer apple cinnamon, and I generally do not like herbal fruit teas) and a tea bag of decaf green tea (bigelow is the brand I like best - not sure if I spelt is correctly). Let it brew for 5 to 10 minutes. Sit back, relax, and enjoy. It took some getting use to because I was not getting the oral fixation, nor the sweet or salty stuff I preferred, but the more I have done this, the more I am enjoying it, and I do not miss the food.
  • Candypoetrygirl
    Candypoetrygirl Posts: 17 Member
    Hi all!
    So glad to be part of this thread / forum. I'm from sunny Cape Town, South Africa and nice to read you all :)

    I lost 20 kg in 2011 -2012 and gained it all back due to unhealthy eating habits and no exercise :( as well as WORK STRESS!

    Well I am back and 99 lbs to lose is looming.

    I am focused and determined and I realized that I don't LIKE BEING FAT!

    Feel free to add me as a friend
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    Welcome newbies, 1 rule...you have to keep posting and updating!

    My update.... this week has been hard, and although I've been cycling, walking, and eating well at work, in the evenings I've wanted to snack on salty and sugary goodness...for the most part I've resisted, and what I've eaten I've logged, but I could've quite happily consumed the whole box of chocolates/an entire bag of tortilla chips etc...my head just isn't in it. I'm not hungry, I'm bored, and I managed to stop myself, but seriously, I don't even know why I wanted it...
    For this reason I havn't dared weigh, as I know if it's good it'll make me think I can sneak some crap in...and if it's bad I might be driven to junk to control myself...so no weighing til next week or til my head is back. But my small jeans are fitting better, and I'm even wearing them to work since almost all muffin-ness is gone (and I point blank refuse to be seen in the office in anything too tight...I'd prefer to go up a million sizes than admit that my clothes are too small!)

    Becky, get your *kitten* back here NOW! Even if it's just to say that you've not got anything going on. I will drag you here if I have to. Oh but after you've worked out...

    Steph, I can't relate on the mummy thing, but I can relate on losing yourself, and I really hope the tiny amounts of time you start chipping away for some "you" time start helping you get back to you. Good job on making the first step.

    Rose/ladycooper, are you actually hungry in the evenings...or is it boredom binging? If you're actually hungry maybe you need to up your cals and eat more in the day. If not, maybe save some cals for a healthier planned snack? If not, MT's herbal tea idea is a great idea...I do it with low cal hot choc (40cals/mug), and if I still want something after and I have the cals then it's allowed, but only after that...to check it's a real *want*.
  • nancypants43
    nancypants43 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! My name is Nancy. I am a mother of two from Philadelphia who has been about 50 pounds overweight since wonderful slim college! Well, college was 11 years ago and I have no excuse.. I am ready to lose. I recently got a Fitbit, which is great and I have been getting about 10,000 steps a day (which seems to be about 5 miles, but I haven't lost any weight. Regardless of exercise, I can't lose weight without dieting so here I am. I am very excited to begin and be part of this group.