Ballet workouts, anyone?



  • FireTigerSoul
    FireTigerSoul Posts: 274 Member
    Bumpity bump bump.

    I'm around week 3 with the workouts. Slimmer calves, flexibility, a few less pounds, more energy and a better posture is what I have to show for it so far. Makes me crave more and it seems to break through my laziness. I'd like to find more "class-like" DVD's. Mary Helens are great for so many parts of the body, but I'd like to continue learning ballet. Live classes are out of the question for now. It's "bad" enough that I'm restarting so late in life, I'm not going to display my curvy spanish butt out there in front of these tall thin toe tappers. *scared* LOL!

    I've heard adult ballet classes have people of all sizes. I've never taken one, but it seems about right. You should try looking into one!
  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    I got nervous googling..
  • annapcc
    Hey everyone! I just got back from a real ballet class and am feeling inspired! haha. Did any of you guys ever find a good ballet dvd workout that is more combination based vs. floor barre/strength/etc.? I want more of a cardio workout vs. strength/conditioning. Any ideas??? Thanks, everyone!