Have a hard time eating 1200 calorie minimum

Hey, so I've been working at losing weight for about four weeks now. Currently I'm about 10lbs down, but I've been having a bit of a problem: I seem to struggle when it comes to eating a 1200 calorie minimum. I get full quickly and I hate feeling bloated, so I normally will eat between 800-1200 calories a day. I don't get dizzy or feel tired or even sick. I feel normal. I exercise on an elliptical for about an hour a day and even then I'm not tired. Is this a bad thing? I keep hydrated (6-8 glasses of water a day) and make sure not to eat junk food. I'm confused :/. Any input would be appreciated


  • BlueObsidian
    BlueObsidian Posts: 297 Member
    For a 20 year old male who exercises an hour a day, that's way too little fuel for your body. How much protein and healthy fat are you eating? (If you open your diary, people can give you more specific advice)
  • Minerva624
    Minerva624 Posts: 577 Member
    I've been having the exact same problem. I guess I just have to force myself to eat more because I'm not consuming enough net calories which is starting to slow down my weight loss. Maybe you can make healthy smoothies and slowly sip on them to fulfill your caloric needs. Sneaking some olive oil or nuts on the side of your meals might help too.
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    I average about 2,000 calories a day. I eat every 2-3 hours, and when your body gets used to it, you will actually feel hungry on a more regular basis. Make sure you add calorie-dense foods such as nut butters, nuts and seeds, avocado and healthy oils. I'm sure you could stomach a handful of almonds between meals or a couple of spoonfuls of nut butter, that's a couple hundred calories right there! The more your body gets used to the increase in food, the more ready it will be to accept it. Best of luck!
  • Than go to 1800 and every week cut a little more back. Your body is telling you that you are cutting back to fast. I started at 2,000 and for the lst 6 months have been at 1800 and have dropped 19 pounds. I am now about to cut back to 1700 and in a few months to 1600. You body need to get used to eatting less and doing more. If you feel hungry all the time you will give up on your weight loss and put more on, because you will not care anymore.
  • Thank you all for the replies! Thinking back on it, I normally wouldn't have eaten more pre-weight loss than I do now. Would upping my intake cause weight gain? I'll still continue exercising for an hour a day, I just don't want to think I've done all of this work so far for nothing :/

    BlueObsidian: I just opened up my diary :D. My protein intake is always close to max for the day (eggsssssssss :P)
  • serofex
    serofex Posts: 23 Member
    Get coconut oil and use it instead of margarine or other oils! It's high in calories and has a lot of health benefits. I use it instead of butter/margarine on my toast, sandwiches ,in baking, stirfrys, etc. It's a healthy fat and will add calories to your usual meals.
  • cre8freedom
    cre8freedom Posts: 63 Member
    Eat breakfast :)
  • crowunruh
    crowunruh Posts: 246 Member

    I suggest you read this. You are eat way to low. You will be losing muscle not fat.
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    Assuming you weight more than 55KG (121lb), why are you eating less than what I'd eat to lose? I'd lose weight eating 17-1800kcal sitting on my *kitten* all day.

    What's more important to you, fat loss, or just "weight" loss in general? If the latter, have fun being a smaller you. If the former, eat more. Seriously, dude.
  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 2,390 Member
    My 2 year old puts away more food than that...
  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 2,390 Member
    Oh, and that's a class A misdemeanor for breaking the laws of thermodynamics, I'm going to need to see a license and registration.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Your protein is too low = loss of muscle mass
    Your fats are too low = loss of libido

    Eat more.
  • KaitDW
    KaitDW Posts: 21 Member
    Looking over your diary you don't have a lot of fruits of vegetables... Can you add in more ? Your body is going to need more fuel than you are eating. Your metabolism is going to drop which is going to hurt your long term weight loss. Protein Shakes are a good option as an easy meal/snack. Feel free to message me!
  • unicornhug
    unicornhug Posts: 68 Member
    must be nice! lol I get really angry that im ONLY eating 1200 calories a day!! what the heck.. i dont think its bad if you arent unhealthy...
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    must be nice! lol I get really angry that im ONLY eating 1200 calories a day!! what the heck.. i dont think its bad if you arent unhealthy...

    A 20 year old guy eating less than 1,000 calories? Not bad??
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    must be nice! lol I get really angry that im ONLY eating 1200 calories a day!! what the heck.. i dont think its bad if you arent unhealthy...

    Class unhealthy? Would you say losing your muscle mass and becoming skinny fat as looking unhealthy? Because that's what's going to happen to the OP if he carries on abusing his body by eating so little. Urgh. Not good. Especially on a man. Eat and grow!!!
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    Your protein is too low = loss of muscle mass
    Your fats are too low = loss of libido

    Eat more.

    (and considering it comes from one of the most knowledgeable people on here? not a surprise.)

    listen to the lady.

    I'd guess you really ought to be netting at least 1,500 -- and that's after eating back the hundreds that you are burning while working out. so you might be needing around, say, 2,000 intake daily. about double or, some days, even triple what you are getting now, it seems.
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    I eat between 1700-2100 a day...and I'm a 5'3" chick. I'm losing fat and gaining muscle. Eat, dude.
  • silversociety
    silversociety Posts: 222 Member
    I was under the impression that when you joined this website that it says how many calories you're supposed to eat. Set your goal to either one pound a week or maybe half a pound a week and at your age I'm assuming it'll give you a calorie intake of like 2k+. I'm not a biologist or anything but I'm pretty sure if you're too low your metabolism will slow down considerably to compensate (which would sucks balls).

    Beer is empty calories.... just saying...
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Eat the whole egg. :) The yolk's the best part.