MFP Diary: to share or not to share?



  • jerren
    jerren Posts: 196
    i haven't seen these food police threads. Sorry that you guys have had this experience though. Are the food police actually being judgemental though? Or are they just being concerned neighbors?

    I have a neighbor who leaves his dog out all of the time. Even when its bitter cold or scorching hot. I asked him about it and it turns out he just didn't know better. Am I being a Animal Cop for approaching him about this? Or am I just being a concerned neighbor who has a little knowledge about something who wanted to see the neighbors situation be the best it could be?

    Its crazy how this topic seems to be 50/50. Very interesting.
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    I've always had mine open. I've never had a comment one way or the other about it. Then again, I'm a middle of the road eater. I don't eat all that poorly, or that great either. Heck, after looking at a couple of my days, the reader probably gets bored, since it's almost always the same foods over and over. Lately, I haven't even been logging, since I'm eating the same meal 3 or 4 days in a row.

    Sheesh, I'm boring!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    After being on MFP for 6 months, I finally made mine viewable to friends only. I eat all foods, frequently go out to eat, and drink beer (gasp) and have still lost 50 pounds. I've had many requests from newer members wanting tips - letting them view my diary gives them ideas. My eating isn't perfect but it's much better than when I started on MFP.

    I've chosen to join 3 nice groups and most days these are the only threads I read and post to. I try to skip reading posts that attack people. I am grateful to Mike and Al for creating this great site and proud of my sucsess.

    Good luck to all on your journeys!!!
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    I leave my open, because sometimes people need something to look at! :flowerforyou: And I look at other peoples, (those with great successes) so that I can get ideas, or if I am bored with my diet, or if someone I know tends to eat more protein then I check their diet to see how they are getting extra protein in. If people don't want to share then that's fine, I completely respect their feelings. Also I wonder how people lose so much flipping weight, so sometimes I check to see if they exercised like crazy, ate more calories or less. I am nosey! But never judge!:wink:
  • chandnikhondji
    chandnikhondji Posts: 136 Member
    I like to peek into other people's diaries... not because i am nosy or want to control them or anything but to get ideas of what to eat and how to bring variety into my own eating because i am pretty new to all this healthy stuff and might end up eating the same all over instead of changing.

    And i share mine because 1. i don't care who knows what i eat i am the one who controls me and my eating not others and 2. if i get problems, weight gets stuck, i don't know what to change it is much easier to ask why and let them look at it than if they have blind guesses.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,737 Member
    I share mine because why not? I tend to eat the same things over and over, which works well for me. I don't know if looking at my food diary would ever help anyone else, but it's an open book in case it could.
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    Mine is open and I like to read other peoples food diary's for idea's on what to eat because I would also eat the same thing day in and day out, But I also am one who drinks beer and wine.:drinker: I will have a slimfast for lunch when I am in a hurry. I am on this eating plan for the rest of my life and I want to be able to eat and drink everything. But I want it healthy and controlled. No way am I giving up everything for ever. I just eat lots less of it and pretty much always ate healthy. And I try to stay as natural, not processed as possible.

    Thanks to everyone who shares their diary because my meals have become a lot more interesting. :laugh:
  • thendrick
    thendrick Posts: 102 Member
    Mine is public and to be honest, I would love for the Food Police to call me out!!! (Or congratulate me!)
    I have one friend here and we check each other's food diaries everyday...........the good, the bad, and the ugly! lol
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,737 Member
    Mine is open and I like to read other peoples food diary's for idea's on what to eat because I would also eat the same thing day in and day out, But I also am one who drinks beer and wine.:drinker: I will have a slimfast for lunch when I am in a hurry. I am on this eating plan for the rest of my life and I want to be able to eat and drink everything. But I want it healthy and controlled. No way am I giving up everything for ever. I just eat lots less of it and pretty much always ate healthy. And I try to stay as natural, not processed as possible.

    Thanks to everyone who shares their diary because my meals have become a lot more interesting. :laugh:
    I drink a glass of wine with dinner every night, and I don't intend to give that up. I drank more than that last night, and THAT was probably not a good idea! :laugh:
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    At first it was open only to my friends on the site. When I started to have some success at losing, I had quite a few people asking me what I did, how much I ate, what I ate, etc. I really love helping to give people ideas, so I figured that maybe making it public was a better idea (not that I mind the messages!).

    I wavered with this for a bit because I started to feel guilty about some of my "free days" (or "high calorie days" as I like to think of them) and think that people would judge me or something. But then I figured "No. This is how I eat! Sometimes I have some pizza or some ice cream. I almost always have at least some chocolate. I might have an occasional day that I am over by 900 calories. I try to eat unprocessed foods, but I'm not perfect. BUT, I'm trying to make this about a sustainable lifestyle and all of these things factor into a long-term lifestyle change." I even had someone tell me something to that effect. She said she had poked around in my diary and saw a particularly indulgent day and the fact that I was still losing weight and it made her feel better.

    It also keeps ME accountable knowing that others might be peeking in. I have realized that my biggest problem in the past hasn't been the occasional indulgent meal, but it has been "falling off the food-logging wagon" when my perfectionist tendencies sneak in. I used to only log "perfect days" and as soon as I slipped up I would stop logging all together and pretty soon every day would be a high calorie day because I wasn't keeping track!

    I think different people need different strategies.
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    I share my diary just because. If you want to look at it...go ahead. I may or may not look at yours. ...I am putting everything I eat for me. It may not be what you choose to eat for yourself but it is what I eat. It helps me understand some of the choices I make...where I may be most hungry. Others diaries may be helpful to me to see what people eat in their limited calories and how they make their choices.
    Regarding 'food police'.... remember this...
    "I wake up with myself every morning so the only opinion that really matters is mine. I'm gonna be happy with myself no matter what." (Gabourey Sidibe) what you do for you...not anyone else!
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    I don't eat well 100% of the time. Especially when I travel! My diary is open so that anyone can view it. I've never received anything but positive feedback. I'd welcome negative feedback as long as it was constructive and helpful. Like others have mentioned, I like to get ideas from others diaries.

    Occationally I'll see somethat that may not be eating what I think is enough calories, or too many, or garbage food. It's not something that I discuss with them unless they specifically ask for advice. It really isn't my business unless they ask me to be involved.
  • porkchopz
    porkchopz Posts: 77 Member
    I leave mine open because I love looking at other people's diaries. There's some voyeuristic pleasure in it, but also I like getting new meal ideas!
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    I have mine open to friends because someone asked me to open it. I considered closing it earlier this week because I kind of "took a break" from logging my meals... not an intentional break... life just got a little too hectic to keep up with posting... but then I decided, ya know maybe someone else needs to see that occasionally I don't log all my food and occasionally I go over on my calories and occcasionally I'm under on my calories... and I'm still losing and I'm still here.

    I'll admit, I look at my friend's diaries and if I see a consistent area of concern... I'll check in with them. How we're eating can be an indicator of emotional issues that maybe we need to talk about... "Hey, I noticed that you ate out fast food 3 nights this week... everything ok?" or "I noticed that you're not eating all of your calories, are you feeling okay?" Those private messages have allowed me to be there for people who had a family member in the hospital (hence they were eating out a lot) or who were experiencing sickness (couldn't eat all their calories) or were on the verge of giving up... I'm glad to be able to support friends through the issues that they're having.
  • Mary_Burris
    Mary_Burris Posts: 120
    I keep mine public because it helps me stay accountable, and I have my friends who look at mine and I look at theirs to get meal ideas! I honestly dont pay attention to the hater threads because ive lost 142lbs and I dont give a **** about what they say. :bigsmile:
  • jerren
    jerren Posts: 196
    What a thread! Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this everyone!