Join me in Jillian Michaels 30 day shred starting 2/10



  • natascha212
    natascha212 Posts: 10 Member
    id love to join :):) & i already started :)
  • Maxibris
    Maxibris Posts: 61 Member
    Her 30 day shred is pretty easy to find on youtube. just and FYI so you don't spend money!
  • JackieA47
    JackieA47 Posts: 52 Member
    I ordered mine before realising you can get them for free on Youtube. D'oh! Am hoping I get it either today or tomorrow so would be up for starting with someone, to encourage one another to keep going and see how we get along. I'm really excited, have read a lot of good about it. Good tip about taking measurements before and not just go by the scale, thanks :) add away like minded peeps! :)
  • August_1958
    August_1958 Posts: 110 Member
    I've been pondering the start of this DVD... I'll go to Walmart this weekend and buy it! I'll start Sunday and check back to see how you and everyone is doing!

  • picklesuccess2013
    I will join you- sounds like a great idea.
  • natascha212
    natascha212 Posts: 10 Member
    Add me as a friend if you r joining Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred
  • allibasile
    Hi All!

    For those of you who do not have the video here are the links on Youtube! Get ready for our kickoff Sunday!!!!

    Level 1

    Level 2

    Level 3

    No more excuses, only results :)
  • cmpollard01
    I'm game! I have 30DS and Ripped in 30-I've made it through about 12 days of Ripped so far. I stopped 30DS after about 8 days in to L2. How sad is that?

    I need the motivation, and I'm ready to kick some tail!
  • kellegg22
    kellegg22 Posts: 53 Member
    I'm in! I started in on Wednesday. Ive done it before but only through level 2.
  • AckieJ
    AckieJ Posts: 199 Member
    Finishing up Level 2 by Saturday. So ready to try level 3. I was in level 1 for like a week here and there since October. LOL So I'm ready to finish this program!!!
  • allgoodthings
    allgoodthings Posts: 82 Member
    I'm in, too! I've gotten through Level 2 before and then stopped. This was just the motivation I needed. Maybe it will push me past this frackin' plateau. ("Frackin'. Yes, it's a Battlestar Galactica reference.)

    The first time around I lost inches, not pounds, so I second/third the need to measure before starting. Good luck all!
  • sissypunks
    I bought this one and shred it with weights and have yet to get thru a week of either one i plan to start getting serious on Monday again something always comes up with hubby and kids and my weight loss gets put on hold 15 pounds in a year is terrible at this rate i will be 43 before i lose all my 140 pounds! Am determined to lose 40 by Christmas this year no matter what!!
  • mrfrodogetdown
    mrfrodogetdown Posts: 54 Member
    Me! I did a week of level 1 at the end of january, then things kept coming up and I haven't done it since. Need to do it though- want to be a few inches trimmer for a wedding I'm attending at the end of March!
  • melil07
    melil07 Posts: 17 Member
    :happy: Please add me.. I just bought the DVD last Wednesday and I watched it over the weekend to see what I was up against! This just gave me the motivation to start! Thanks
  • msnew40
    msnew40 Posts: 29 Member
    Ok I am up for the challenge! I am just getting over being sick for about a month and am trying to get back on track to my new healthier lifestyle. I have a Miami trip in April and want to look good!
  • AngieMaria3
    AngieMaria3 Posts: 12 Member
    Count me in! I just started the other day, but I will wait to do it again on Sunday! Will you start a group or accept a friend request?

    Let me know!

    Thanks for the challenge!
  • farren_talon
    farren_talon Posts: 65 Member
    I'll be starting it Monday with a couple people in my group anyway, so count me in! I'm looking forward to starting this, cause finding a good program to make me more lean is something I'm totally for.

    I'm all for posting before and after photos (wherever we can do that), too.
  • violinkeri
    I just ordered teh DVD a few days ago! it should arrive next week so once that starts i am IN
  • JenPock
    I'm in. Level 2 last day today and then for level 3. I'm ready for this!
  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    I started it last Saturday, taking 2 days off. So I'm techinically on L1 D5 today. But I have a feeling if I don't have accountability I'll NEVER finish!!! So I'm in!
    Woot Woot!!!
    I will say that doing the 10 days straight is killer. Not like you're dying but you're pretty darn soar.

    Oh and I took before shots that I've put up already as well!! So that's step one, I guess. I have not taken measurements which I think would be awesome since a lot of ppl do not lose a ton but lose a ton of inches, I'll do that tonight.