Breakfast ideas - Low carb, no eggs



  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    I'm sorry. I'm really NOT trying to be a horse's rear here, but you're on a weight loss site. You just have to plug in some numbers, set an activity level, and BAM! A calorie goal with a built-in deficit.

    If your plan is not a sustainable one, it's not worth its salt. (Note: difficult --> not sustainable)
  • teresafromtarana
    teresafromtarana Posts: 28 Member
    I've been eating Lou's Peameal Bacon for protein. It's low fat and lower sodium.
  • lingenft
    lingenft Posts: 6 Member
    Try egg beaters with lots of veggies added.
  • losingdreamie
    I was also an egg person. I switched to egg beaters, which have 0 fat and 5 grams of protein per 1/4 cup which equals one egg. Sometimes I add a little cheese, vegetables, or a lean meat. I can nuke them at work and they taste just as good as regular scrambled eggs. I even use them when I bake in place of eggs and have made a quiche with them as well. All very good!
  • buildingdreams
    buildingdreams Posts: 173 Member
    I use 4 egg whites from the egg not the box, spinach and onions!

    I would cut out the processed/fast food. Your salt intake is IMOO, twice as much as you should have for the day
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member

    I WISH!
    Actually, she listed eight foods you should never eat, bacon was one of them (in fact, all eight were foods I would consider a favorite...)

    this "expert" cannot be trusted!
  • MellyGibson
    MellyGibson Posts: 297 Member
    What I eat for breakfast just about every morning (unless life interrupts):

    4 egg whites
    1/2 cup Whole Grain Quick Oats
    1 TBS Blue agave nectar or honey
    1 TBS Almond extract (can use vanilla, banana, raspberry, etc.)

    Whip items all together in a bowl and pour onto heated non-stick griddle of frying pan coated with spray butter with olive oil (not the best choice, but I enjoy it). Fry just like a pancake.

    Not sure if it fits into your grams and percentages, but I absolutely love it. It gives me a great balance with my macros, fuels me for a few hours.
  • greasygriddle
    greasygriddle Posts: 32 Member
    i hard boil eggs and pop out the yolk, as i am on a low cholesterol diet (for the most part :drinker: ) put some seasoning on there of your choice, and your set!
  • lmkaks
    lmkaks Posts: 119 Member
    I'm sorry. I'm really NOT trying to be a horse's rear here, but you're on a weight loss site. You just have to plug in some numbers, set an activity level, and BAM! A calorie goal with a built-in deficit.

    If your plan is not a sustainable one, it's not worth its salt. (Note: difficult --> not sustainable)

    I agree with you, but the nutritionist doesn't.

    She said calories don't matter, in fact, I shouldn't even monitor them at all. She said if I want to lose weight I have to make sure I eat under 15g of carbs at each snack (3x a day) and under 45g of carbs for each meal, but the carbs cannot carry over (so if I only ate 20 carbs at breakfast, I cannot carry the remaining 25 carbs over to lunch). Then, I have to make sure I eat under 15g of "additional" fat each day. She said just monitoring calories will not work.

    But to start our session, she did say the only way you lose weight is to have a calorie deficit each day, so...

    I only went to her becuase I was on MFP for a month and wasn't losing weight, was at the doctor, mentioned it, and the doctor referred me to her. However, the past two weeks I have lost one lb a week, so maybe it just took a while for my body to adjust.

    I was asking for suggestions just to see if I could get some quick ideas, but I may just stick with my egg and berries.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I'm sorry. I'm really NOT trying to be a horse's rear here, but you're on a weight loss site. You just have to plug in some numbers, set an activity level, and BAM! A calorie goal with a built-in deficit.

    If your plan is not a sustainable one, it's not worth its salt. (Note: difficult --> not sustainable)

    I agree with you, but the nutritionist doesn't.

    She said calories don't matter, in fact, I shouldn't even monitor them at all. She said if I want to lose weight I have to make sure I eat under 15g of carbs at each snack (3x a day) and under 45g of carbs for each meal, but the carbs cannot carry over (so if I only ate 20 carbs at breakfast, I cannot carry the remaining 25 carbs over to lunch). Then, I have to make sure I eat under 15g of "additional" fat each day. She said just monitoring calories will not work.

    But to start our session, she did say the only way you lose weight is to have a calorie deficit each day, so...

    I only went to her becuase I was on MFP for a month and wasn't losing weight, was at the doctor, mentioned it, and the doctor referred me to her. However, the past two weeks I have lost one lb a week, so maybe it just took a while for my body to adjust.

    I was asking for suggestions just to see if I could get some quick ideas, but I may just stick with my egg and berries.


    Don't count calories but to lose weight you need a calorie deficit? I is confused.

    Not trying to be mean, but a lot of that sounds contradictory.

    And there is nothing wrong with a 1lb/week loss.
  • lpina2mi
    lpina2mi Posts: 425 Member
    With added protein, you will be in a better position than I was to restrict fats! Go for it. Your experience will tell you how this works for You.

    BTW. the greek yogurt suggestion might be winner! There is a brand that is 0% fat. Basically, greek yogurt is strained regular yoghurt, which dramatically increases the protein content.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Why is your doctor telling you to restrict FAT and CARBS?? This does not make any logical sense whatsoever. If you restrict carbs where are those other calories going to go if you can't add some fat? So basically you're on Atkins? Super high protein. This just seems like a bad method to me.

  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    I'm sorry. I'm really NOT trying to be a horse's rear here, but you're on a weight loss site. You just have to plug in some numbers, set an activity level, and BAM! A calorie goal with a built-in deficit.

    If your plan is not a sustainable one, it's not worth its salt. (Note: difficult --> not sustainable)

    I agree with you, but the nutritionist doesn't.

    She said calories don't matter, in fact, I shouldn't even monitor them at all. She said if I want to lose weight I have to make sure I eat under 15g of carbs at each snack (3x a day) and under 45g of carbs for each meal, but the carbs cannot carry over (so if I only ate 20 carbs at breakfast, I cannot carry the remaining 25 carbs over to lunch). Then, I have to make sure I eat under 15g of "additional" fat each day. She said just monitoring calories will not work.

    But to start our session, she did say the only way you lose weight is to have a calorie deficit each day, so...

    I only went to her becuase I was on MFP for a month and wasn't losing weight, was at the doctor, mentioned it, and the doctor referred me to her. However, the past two weeks I have lost one lb a week, so maybe it just took a while for my body to adjust.

    I was asking for suggestions just to see if I could get some quick ideas, but I may just stick with my egg and berries.

    What the... Honey, go here if you can't lose... Do what Dan says. If all else fails and you MUST do it according to a nutritionist, please seek a second opinion. Seriously.

    And, yes, a pound a week is actually not bad.
  • greasygriddle
    greasygriddle Posts: 32 Member
    I'm sorry. I'm really NOT trying to be a horse's rear here, but you're on a weight loss site. You just have to plug in some numbers, set an activity level, and BAM! A calorie goal with a built-in deficit.

    If your plan is not a sustainable one, it's not worth its salt. (Note: difficult --> not sustainable)

    I agree with you, but the nutritionist doesn't.

    She said calories don't matter, in fact, I shouldn't even monitor them at all. She said if I want to lose weight I have to make sure I eat under 15g of carbs at each snack (3x a day) and under 45g of carbs for each meal, but the carbs cannot carry over (so if I only ate 20 carbs at breakfast, I cannot carry the remaining 25 carbs over to lunch). Then, I have to make sure I eat under 15g of "additional" fat each day. She said just monitoring calories will not work.

    But to start our session, she did say the only way you lose weight is to have a calorie deficit each day, so...

    I only went to her becuase I was on MFP for a month and wasn't losing weight, was at the doctor, mentioned it, and the doctor referred me to her. However, the past two weeks I have lost one lb a week, so maybe it just took a while for my body to adjust.

    I was asking for suggestions just to see if I could get some quick ideas, but I may just stick with my egg and berries.

    did she have a magic eight ball in the other hand?? come on... you can tell us! :devil:
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    Egg whites are the go to then...
    My favorite breakfast...
    La Tortilla Factory low carb small tortilla
    3 egg whites
    non fat refried beans
    non fat greek yogurt
    slice of avocado
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    Did your quack.. er.. nutritionist not bother to provide any examples?

    Yeah, I'm skeptical of this supposed nutritionist too. The fat in eggs isn't bad for you (and trust me, I eat at least half a carton of eggs a week and I've kept my weight off very successfully). Also, no food should be off limits, in my opinion. If you want bacon, eat some damn bacon (just not the entire package, yeah?) And low carb is fine, but not necessarily the best long term weight loss goal, as far as I'm concerned. It's good for reducing water weight, and it may encourage you to eat more whole grain, veggies, and protein, but I don't think low carb is necessarily the solution.

    And yeah, you need a calorie deficit and that's the biggest component to weight loss. One guy lived off twinkies and he still lost weight because he was eating a deficit. You don't necessarily need to track your calories (I don't, but I'm also in maitenece now) but it certain helps at the beginning.
  • sglover14
    sglover14 Posts: 9 Member
    Calories dont matter? You need to fire her
  • lisa799
    lisa799 Posts: 79 Member
    She said calories don't matter, in fact, I shouldn't even monitor them at all.

    I would seriously consider finding someone new to get counsel / advice on your goals.
  • chriscolh
    chriscolh Posts: 127 Member
    I love these. I make a dozen at a time and it last a few days. Easy to freeze and reheat in the microwave. Maybe they'll work for you:

    Vegetable Quiche Cups
    1 package (10 oz) frozen chopped spinach
    3/4 cup egg beaters (or other egg white product)
    3/4 cup reduced fat cheese
    1/4 cup diced green bell peppers
    1/4 cup diced onions
    3 drops hot pepper sauce (optional)

    Microwave spinach 2 1/2 min on high. Drain the excess liquid. Line a 12-cup muffin pan with paper baking cups. (If you plan on making a bunch of these then freezing them, use foil baking cups and spray them with a little non-stick spray.) Combine all the ingredients and mix well. Divide evenly among the muffin cups. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes or until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean. Makes 6 servings -2 muffin cups per serving. Here's the nutritional info per serving/2 cups: 77 calories, 9 grams protein, 3 g carbs, 3 g fat, 2 g saturated fats, 160 mg sodium, 10 mg cholesterol, 2 g fiber.

    I can eat 2 servings (4 cups) on days when I'm really hungry, and I get totally full for 150 calories! Hope it helps.
  • lmkaks
    lmkaks Posts: 119 Member
    Okay, so I am glad you all are a little skeptical too.

    She did contridict herself. But I have found, through my short six weeks of my weight loss journey, that all the information I am getting is contradictory. I thought maybe a "professional" could sort things out for me, but that doesn't look to be the case.

    I agree that one pound a week IS good, but I wasn't losing that until two weeks ago, but now I am. So yes, I am VERY happy with one lb a week, but it didn't start until recently. I made the appointment with her when I was gaining weight from calorie restriction (and who knows why that was happening. Water? Sodium? Body adjusting? Idk)

    I agree with the PP that you shouldn't have to restrict anything from your diet, just watch how much you eat, but then again, I am 45lbs overweight, so I am not really trusting myself these days.