Muscle weighs more than fat (?!!!)



  • ramonafrincu
    ramonafrincu Posts: 160 Member
    It is true that muscle weighs the same as fat. One lb of muscle weighs the same as one lb of fat. The idea or reasoning behind people saying that maybe you are gaining muscle when you are working out but not losing weight is not a complete fallacy. People at relatively healthy weights doing p90x or other types of high intensity exercises gain muscle mass due to muscle hypertrophy and they can be burning fat at the same time. The end result is a change body composition where a person has a lower body fat percentage, leaner figure (due to muscle being more dense and taking less volume with the same weight) while maintaining the same weight.

    Source of post: I'm a medical student with training in nutrition, graduated with BS in physiology with teaching experience in exercise physiology, kinesiology and physical training.

    Beautifully put!
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    By volume, muscle weighs more than fat
    by weight, fat takes up more space than muscle.

    I have never seen anyone on here claim that 1lb of muscle weighs more than 1lb of fat, despite the many many threads that get started about this.
  • deniseblossoms
    deniseblossoms Posts: 373 Member
    ........... But what you're ignoring is the burning off of fat and turning that into muscle.

    Is that what you meant? Turning fat into muscle?

    That's pretty much impossible, two separate functions. That would be a special thing indeed/:
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    ........... But what you're ignoring is the burning off of fat and turning that into muscle.

    Is that what you meant? Turning fat into muscle?

    That's pretty much impossible, two separate functions. That would be a special thing indeed/:

  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    Two people weigh 150 pounds. One has a much higher body fat percentage than the other. The one with the higher body fat percentage will look fatter than the other one. Is that right?


    Think about someone who is 5'7 and weighs 150, versus someone who is 5'1 and weighs 150.

    IMO the only way the 5'1 person wouldn't look "fatter" is if they were 100% solid muscle and lean meat. That would look pretty funny though.

    Or even if you have 2 people who are 5'7 and 150 lbs, one may have a small frame and the other a large. So the one with the small frame may look overweight while the one with the large frame may look perfectly fit.

    This was my light bulb moment for me. I was watching The Biggest Loser, and I saw a women on there who weighed "maybe" 20 lbs more than I do, who looked extremely large (I kept thinking to myself: My gut does NOT spill over my waist to that degree, does it?? OH NO!) Well, she is about 5'5" by my guestimate, and I am 5'10". So, obviously, the size and height of two people who weigh close to the same amount will definitely appear vastly different.
  • Schmelvie
    Schmelvie Posts: 233 Member
    It's really entertaining to watch a bunch of people debate something, and yet they are all saying exactly the same thing; except they use different words and ideas to support their particular perspective.

    If I hang from my feet, is everything around me upside down?
  • qifitness
    qifitness Posts: 49 Member
    In reply to members here who insist on believing this ridiculous idea...

    Read the original post properly before replying.

    If you can't manage that, bear this in mind....

    Humans are not 'weighed' by volume, so 'weight by volume' is completely irrelevant.
    'Weight' is a measurement of the effect of gravity on mass. Nothing to do with 'volume'.

    Do bathroom scales measure volume? No.

    This ridiculous idea ("muscle weighs more than fat") is, unfortunately, entrenched in societal belief and regularly quoted as 'profound knowledge', misleading people with an excuse as to why they haven't lost 'weight'.
    (The explanation of the origin of this is clearly explained in the original post.)

    1lb of muscle = 1lb of fat........ by weight.

    Weight by 'volume' is completely irrelevant.

    Does anyone have scales that measure body composition by volume?
    Simple answer.....No.

    Many studies have conclusively proven that weight (fat) loss is best achieved through a combination of healthy diet, activity/aerobic exercise, and resistance training.

    Resistance training preserves muscle mass but doesn't always mean gain. The method of training determines if muscle mass will be gained. It's more difficult for women that men, due to levels of testosterone. Muscle is the body tissue that burns fat as fuel.

    Rather than using scales, use a tape measure.
    That will indicate fat loss by showing loss of circumference, and body fat, particularly visceral fat in the torso.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Nope, you're still wrong.

    (By volume,) muscle weighs more than fat.

    Thank you for playing.
  • ILoveTheBrowns
    ILoveTheBrowns Posts: 661 Member
    if i fart and nobodys around....does it still smell?
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    Wrong. Muscle DOES weigh more than fat. 1 cubic inch of muscle WEIGHS MORE than 1 cubic inch of fat. Period.

    You don't weigh yourself by cubic inches.

    Well maybe we should? :laugh:
  • NicholeElizabeth92
    NicholeElizabeth92 Posts: 186 Member
    I agree 1lb of fat does equal 1lb of well anything that you could make weigh a lb in terms of volume (a cubic foot) fat does weigh weigh more
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Obviously, 1 pound of fat is equal to 1 pound of muscle. Just like 1 pound of feathers weighs the same as 1 pound of steel. Obviously the volume would be different, but 1 lb is 1lb. Does that mean that steel doesn't weight more than feathers? If you take a bag of steel, and a bag of feathers, same volume, will the steel not weight more? I have learned from experience that when you initially build muscle, and burn fat at the same time, the muscle will replace the fat. You WILL then lose inches, and not weight. Once you have most of the muscle you will gain, you will continue burning fat, that's when you will see the weight loss. It took me about 2-3 weeks to see a change in the scale, however, I lost 6 inches my first week, and 13 inches the second week.
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Bottom line is, I believe most of us (that are trying to lose weight) are really wanting to lose inches. They're wanting to be smaller. I wouldn't care what the number on the scale said if I was a size 8, and appeared to be "skinny."
  • TheCats_Meow
    TheCats_Meow Posts: 438 Member
    It's 2013, people. Why is this topic still up for debate? :noway:
  • baotzu
    baotzu Posts: 28
    Weight (w) = Mass (m) * Gravity (g)
    Density (d) = Mass / Volume (V)

    m = w/g
    m = dV

    From this, we can say that
    w/g = dV

    Now solve for w..

    This is why "muscle weighs more than fat".

    So now you've got physics and science disagreeing with you, too.
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    You can look at 1lb of fat, and 1lb of muscle, and see the difference in volume. You don't need to be weighed in a pool.
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    Actually a lot of scales do, do this...they measure weight, body fat %, water %, and the remaining is obviously muscle %. These scales have been proven more accurate then the old caliper method. Additionally, if you are overweight and you hit the weights in the gym, you WILL gain weight. If you eat clean, hit the weights, there is a good chance your weight may never change as your body transforms...or you will experience a slight increase in weight. It is virtually impossible to diet, cut weight, and at the same time build lean muscle.
  • SchroederNJ
    SchroederNJ Posts: 208 Member
    "This is why, at Olympic Games level, no afro-carribeans win medals at swimming. Their greater body density means that they sink further into the water an create greater 'drag', so can't reach the speeds of the other swimmers."

  • french_press

    So. if two people of equal weight (on bathroom scales) were assessed by this method, the person with greater muscle mass would appear to weigh more.....under water..... than the person with a higher proportion of body fat. (Body fat means greater buoyancy).

    This is why, at Olympic Games level, no afro-carribeans win medals at swimming. Their greater body density means that they sink further into the water an create greater 'drag', so can't reach the speeds of the other swimmers.

    NOTE: This isn't 'racist'.... it's a simple matter of human physiology.


    NOTE: Saying that you aren't 'racist' doesn't mean that the statement you made wasn't racist...and it's frightening that you actually believe that.
  • perfect_storm
    perfect_storm Posts: 326 Member
    This is why, at Olympic Games level, no afro-carribeans win medals at swimming. Their greater body density means that they sink further into the water an create greater 'drag', so can't reach the speeds of the other swimmers.

    NOTE: This isn't 'racist'.... it's a simple matter of human physiology.


    1 - thank you Thomas for getting Cullen's pic before i could.

    2 - how do you think that essentially saying "black ppl can't swim" is NOT racist?? please, i need this logic explained to me.

    3 - i have a high body fat % (this is obvious if you look at the ticker) i can float like a CHAMP, and i'm a decent swimmer (it's something i enjoy doing) but i could never HOPE to keep up w/ olympic level swimmers. your hypothesis is LAUGHABLE.

    Thank you, to the two users for pointing this out to the genius who posted this ridiculous theory about afro-Caribbean people. Unreal. :angry: OP do some research before posting junk.