(rant) "Help, I can't eat enough calories!"



  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I had no problem hitting 1200+ calories when eating 2 cookies with every meal. It's a lot harder now that I'm not.

    Then go back to eating the 2 cookies. Cookie calories won't stall your progress. Eating too few calories will
  • mcdonoughsr
    mcdonoughsr Posts: 3 Member
    What about people who are set a 2100 calories net goal? Exercise 800-900 calories a day. Not me btw. That's almost 3000 calories. Should he exercise less?
  • heyyoudontgiveup
    heyyoudontgiveup Posts: 64 Member
    I had no problem hitting 1200+ calories when eating 2 cookies with every meal. It's a lot harder now that I'm not.

    Then go back to eating the 2 cookies. Cookie calories won't stall your progress. Eating too few calories will

    This seems extremely counterproductive and not a helpful thing to say at all. I am trying to have a healthy diet and add extra calories through fruits and vegetables. Eating sugar from chocolate and candy makes me feel awful. (Also that's not 2 cookies per day, that's way, way more than that and I was eating way above any rational deficit.) I'd rather slowly figure out how to have a diet that is nutritious than just eat cookies to get up to some arbitrary number.
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    May I give you something to think about? Please.....ok either way - here it goes.....
    How about you think for a moment that people aren't as knowledgable as you on fitness and nutrition? (btw you look awesome) Do you think it may be possible for people mayyyyybe not to know all of the different ways/possiblities to get enough calories in? Especially because they have mayyyyyybe been unhealthy most of their lives? (kind of makes sense)
    Heres another thing to ponder- How about that these people simply want advice or HELP??? IMAGINE THAT!!!???! :laugh: Coming on MFP ASKING FOR HELP!!?? Who would've thought!? The audacity of some.
    And my opinion (wanted or not)- people who try to belittle people who are learning and trying to make life style changes for the better- SUCK (insert anything gross here) as well.
    Lastly I would further argue at how sucky this rant is but I am so full from my ounce of almonds-baggie of carrots and cup of applesauce and 8 ounces of water! IMAGINE THAT AS WELL..... that I just can't possibly type anymore either. :wink:

    ^^^yup totally agree.
  • swishandflick
    For me it's just not knowing what to eat. Usually when I undereat a day it's because I honestly can't think of what else would be yummy to eat and still healthy at the same time. There are only so many spoonfuls of peanut butter a girl can eat. As I get more used to the *system* of eating healthy, it will be easier to have a wide variety of foods to choose from. I've also poured through some of the recipe forums and am saving ideas for later. Years and years of eating processed foods like Lean Cuisines (I only ever allowed myself to eat traditional fast food like burgers once a month) and getting by on my relatively high metabolism made me never really think about what I was putting into my body very much. Now that my metabolism has seem to have slowed down and I *can't* seem to lose any weight, I'm at a loss of options.

    Things I've learned in just the past three weeks of making a concerted effort to be healthy: olive oil has calories (you laugh, but I figured so long as I wasn't pouring on ranch dressing, olive oil and balsamic was a "safe" calorie free choice), and that I shockingly feel like I have more energy without daily calorie "bombs" that I relied on in the past to curb my appetite. Also, I love portabello mushroom pizzas. They are basically bagel bites.

    Today I had no problem meeting that and I'm totally tempted to go over...but I won't because will power!
  • blu_meanie_ca
    blu_meanie_ca Posts: 352 Member
    I see both sides to this- mostly because on days where I exercise (read: most days) I'm usually way under what MFP says I should be eating. That said, on days when I do eat more (like yesterday's EAT ALL THE FOOD evening) I don't worry about it. It also helps not to take what an online calculator says as gospel.

    It's not that I *can't* eat an extra 700 calories- it's not like I'm wearing a Bane mask or something. It's just that many of the foods I eat- fruits, veggies, lean meats, eggs (yes, with the yolk) and other Primal-friendly choices tend to be lower in calories. I also have a severe nut allergy, so it's not like I can just scarf some peanut butter on celery.

    Like I said, though, it's not some great mystery. If I start feeling ill effects, I'll eat more.

    Best imagery ever!!!
  • SKMC0214
    SKMC0214 Posts: 58 Member
    I guess I am one of the people this rant is about. A few days ago, I posted a similar question, I did scroll for several pages worth of entries and could not find anything I was specifically looking for. I was not whining and moaning about things just asking questions from a message board entitled General Diet and Weight Loss Help. Pardon me, i thought this would be the appropriate place for the support and a great place to get guidance from that have done so well. I do have a grip on reality and know that my eating habits got me here, however, it was not from over eating, as you obviously assume is the issue for every overweight person. But by eating only once a day and when I did eat I would devouring 800-1000 calories of absolute junk in one setting, then the rest of the day, my body went into starvation mode. I am trying to learn more and become a healthier person with healthier habits and avoid the processed foods that got me here to begin with. One piece of advice I do offer, if threads of this type bother you so, scroll past them.
  • graveflower316
    graveflower316 Posts: 169 Member
    It's typically done by attention hoe's.
  • Jred36
    Jred36 Posts: 63 Member
    Wow what a post! I can relate to a lot of the comments. Yes I used to over eat and eat things that had little nutritional value. It was very easy to eat 3,000 calories a day. I'm currently at 1475 calories and all I can say that I have learned is that it really depends on what I eat for the day if I can get my calories in. I alternate between carb days and protein days. Yesterday was a carb day, no problem eating my calories. Today was a protein day and I'm stuffed, couldn't eat all my calories. I'm still losing weight...so I don't know. I have realized though not matter what I need to track what I eat because I could very easily on carb days go back to my old habits, but I've decided to change my lifestyle of eating.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I had no problem hitting 1200+ calories when eating 2 cookies with every meal. It's a lot harder now that I'm not.

    Then go back to eating the 2 cookies. Cookie calories won't stall your progress. Eating too few calories will

    This seems extremely counterproductive and not a helpful thing to say at all. I am trying to have a healthy diet and add extra calories through fruits and vegetables. Eating sugar from chocolate and candy makes me feel awful. (Also that's not 2 cookies per day, that's way, way more than that and I was eating way above any rational deficit.) I'd rather slowly figure out how to have a diet that is nutritious than just eat cookies to get up to some arbitrary number.

    That "arbitrary number" is no more arbitrary than the perceived need to eat only 100% "healthy/clean" foods. And for many people, that "awful" feeling is as much psychological as it is physical. Consider that X amount of calories each day, some "healthy", some "not healthy" will ultimately result in your being overall healthier than if you eat X-500 calories of just "healthy" foods.

    And many have been here long enough to see far more people fail from trying too strictly to adhere to an arbitrary eating regimen than from trying to adhere to an "arbitrary", yet reasonable calorie total.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    You can rant all you want....But I am having a hell of a time consuming 2100 calories a day and I have 16 lbs. to lose.....If you don't get it...I do.....ITS CALLED QUALITY FOOD....So instead of have a bowl of Fruit Loops (or whatever) for breakfast I now eat 6 egg whites with a piece of swiss cheese, a slice of dry toast, 1 tbls of salsa and a fruit smoothie totalling 429 calories in all. I burn damn near 3000 calories a day according to my fitbit. So...yes...its the quality of food that makes it difficult to adjust. We are here to help one another....not rant and complain that you see to many posts with people trying to help one another.

    Amen Brother. :glasses:

    this!!! before i started to lose weight, i could eat a macho bacon and egg breakfast burritto from del taco which is about 2000 calories just by itself... and still be hungry just 20 minutes later... theres a big difference between low quality unhealthy food, and high quality, nutrient dense, filling food. why post this other than to insult others who are trying to better themself? there are days, where im so full now, and still need a couple hundred more calories in, but just cant. i make a salad, full of crap, lettuce, tomatoes, orange, red / yellow / green peppers, red onion, cucumber, pomegranate seeds, avacado, chicken breast, vinigar and low cal italian dressing that actually fills up a mixing bowl by the time im done making it, and the entire thing is under 365 calories... the answer is very simple... before, when i was obese and didnt care, i would eat high cal high fat junk crap, now im eating good wholesome food, and it makes a big difference.
  • lioness803
    lioness803 Posts: 325 Member

    Ohhhhh OREOS!! My favorite store bought cookie of all time! Double Stufs even. My DH came home yesterday and said "I'm not trying tempt you, but I saw Mega Stuf Oreos today". My reaction? "Don't you DARE bring them into this house!" I'm slowly learning to not give in to temptation, but it's definitely slow! I don't need to be tempted by my favorite cookie just yet!

    My husband brought the Mega Stuff Oreos home yesterday! They smelled amazing..I managed to only eat one. But I was like, what is wrong with you...
  • paulcandlish
    paulcandlish Posts: 1 Member
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    Honestly, I've noticed that a lot of overweight people just aren't that enthusiastic about food. They often have a narrow range of foods that they like (usually the worst possible ones for you) and just want to eat whatever's convenient without really appreciating it. I think it's pretty easy to stay slim if you're passionate about food and seek out quality food items, provided that you exercise portion control.

    Well said.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    That "arbitrary number" is no more arbitrary than the perceived need to eat only 100% "healthy/clean" foods.
    Yep, that seems to be a big problem for people. It's not so much that ''empty calories" are actively bad for you, it's that if all you eat is empty calories, you aren't so likely to get the needed vitamins/minerals to maintain good health. But if you're eating lots of nutrient-dense foods then you're likely better off filling out the rest with "empty calories" to get your body the energy it needs, rather than just eating nothing at all.
    [irony]One piece of advice I do offer, if threads of this type bother you so, scroll past them.[/irony]
  • thejubster1
    thejubster1 Posts: 57 Member
    I am a newbie, and getting used to the whole tracking thing. My problem - like others - is trying to work work out the macro balance right within the calorie limit. And why am I in this place? Years of going 'low fat' - which I am trying to undo and retrain the taste buds, lack of exercise, and yes - under-eating. If there are others like me with these challenges - then maybe this site needs to pay attention to the trends in the blogs/ message boards and update the FAQ's - maybe suggest alternate foods to boost the macros.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I struggle to get my cals in, I really do. I didn't get fat from over eating.... I got it from not doing any exercise at all. We are talking 37 years of not doing a damn thing.

    I've never been a big eater. I am still not a big eater. What would you like me to do? Force my body to be over flowing just to satisfy you? Would you rather I eat like a pig in order to get to a goal my body tells me it does not need..... I eat till full, any further & it's called being a pig.

    How do you know that pigs eat past a point of fullness? Were you a pig in a past life or something? Pigs actually eat pretty healthy, natural diets when under their own steam so I never understood humans comparing their over eating to pigs. Also, it won't be just lack of activity that got you overweight though you can believe that if you wish. Weight is 80% diet. You ate too much for your level of activity which is still overeating.
  • Sherry0000
    I totally understand your rant. In defense I will say that people joined this group to lose pounds but after adding to their diary realized that they were crucially overeating and because of that they became aware and began eating "to few calories". I for one don't have alot of wieght to lose but need to eat the amount of calories given to lose weight. I have a really hard time losing if I don't actually eat enough calories. I know it seems backwards but it's the science of it, bodies starving so it stores calories. I think it's overcorrecting one's mistake of overeating and that's causing the "too few calories"
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I guess I am one of the people this rant is about. A few days ago, I posted a similar question, I did scroll for several pages worth of entries and could not find anything I was specifically looking for. I was not whining and moaning about things just asking questions from a message board entitled General Diet and Weight Loss Help. Pardon me, i thought this would be the appropriate place for the support and a great place to get guidance from that have done so well. I do have a grip on reality and know that my eating habits got me here, however, it was not from over eating, as you obviously assume is the issue for every overweight person. But by eating only once a day and when I did eat I would devouring 800-1000 calories of absolute junk in one setting, then the rest of the day, my body went into starvation mode. I am trying to learn more and become a healthier person with healthier habits and avoid the processed foods that got me here to begin with. One piece of advice I do offer, if threads of this type bother you so, scroll past them.

    Sorry but it is not actually physiologically possible to become so overweight while eating only 800-1000 calories, regardless of what they were, regardless of how many times a day you ate. There are people on here who eat a huge meal once a day, doing intermittent fasting, often including processed foods, and they are losing weight. I doubt very much you defy the law of physics, barring some serious medical issue.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    oh wow, o.p. i haven't read your post a thousand times already. you are sooooo original. :yawn:

    More original than the dozens of posts harping on about not being able to work out how to eat 1200 calories, when using a forum with a neat little search button, and an Internet full of sites on all manner of nutrition. Doesn't take much genius to do a basic search on the healthiest, calorie dense foods.