Losing not loosing!



  • MIM49
    MIM49 Posts: 255 Member
    There is a difference people! Losing is the correct way to say, for example: "I am losing weight."

    Loosing is not a word!

    /end venting

    If you let loose the hounds....you would be loosing them.
    Just saying it's a word...

    No--You would be letting loose the hounds. You were kidding, right? Loosing is NOT a word.
  • DantheMan2517
    DantheMan2517 Posts: 134 Member
    Thank you!! That **** drives me crazy.
  • SDHudgins1976
    No--You would be letting loose the hounds. You were kidding, right? Loosing is NOT a word.

    Oh, but it is. Be patient you'll have to scroll down to find it: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/loosing
    2loose verb \ˈlüs\
    loosed loos·ing
    Definition of LOOSE
    transitive verb
    1 a : to let loose (see 1loose): release
    b : to free from restraint
    2 : to make loose : untie <loose a knot>
    3 : to cast loose : detach
    4 : to let fly : discharge
    5 : to make less rigid, tight, or strict : relax intransitive verb

    Just because a word is not commonly used (unless of course used in an incorrect way, such as the one described here), does not mean it's not a word.
    Next, someone will try to say badinage and obsequious aren't words either.
  • LoganAnthony6
    Technically, 'loosing' is an actual word. It just isn't used correctly. And given the opportunity to use it correctly, most people would choose to either use "releasing" or "loosening".

    Nobody in their right mind would ever say, "I'm loosing the chickens!"

    It just doesn't sound proper AT ALL.

    I agree that it doesn't 'sound' proper, and that is why very few people would actually use it. But that doesn't negate the fact that it IS an actual word in the dictionary.

    Do I have to return my cookie?

    It does negate the fact. ;)

    My last two cents for the day. "If you don't use it, you loose it."

    TROLOLOL. Loosing is not a word. ;)
  • SDHudgins1976
    Nobody in their right mind would ever say, "I'm loosing the chickens!"

    It just doesn't sound proper AT ALL.

    Well, of course not! Letting all the chickens loose would just be crazy, whether announcing it before hand or not :p
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    Marry me.
  • MIM49
    MIM49 Posts: 255 Member
    There is a difference people! Losing is the correct way to say, for example: "I am losing weight."

    Loosing is not a word!

    /end venting

    If you let loose the hounds....you would be loosing them.
    Just saying it's a word...

    No--You would be letting loose the hounds. You were kidding, right? Loosing is NOT a word.

    Oops--My mistake. According to SCRABBLE FINDER (the authority on words--right?)

    Is loosing a scrabble word? Yes!
    v. - Grant freedom to; free from confinement
    v. - Turn loose or free from restraint
    v. - Make loose or looser
    v. - Become loose or looser or less tight

    But ot is a word not in common usage and is usually replaced by other words
  • orapronobis
    orapronobis Posts: 460 Member
    You are all missing the important point here. Think of the environmental damage from all that fat being set loose in the world. I’m telling you, it’s the beginning of the end…
  • junejadesky
    junejadesky Posts: 524 Member
    There is a difference people! Losing is the correct way to say, for example: "I am losing weight."

    Loosing is not a word!

    /end venting

    If you let loose the hounds....you would be loosing them.
    Just saying it's a word...

    You would be losing the hounds... not loosing....
  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    Wow three pages on a word hahahahaha I love it
  • WJZR
    WJZR Posts: 98 Member
    I am typing on a mobile device with very small finger spots to hit for letters. And i am soooo NOT lloooosssing enough! This is a site for support and encouragement. Not grammar lessons, right?
  • upnorthtim
    upnorthtim Posts: 376 Member
    I am going to loose my weight upon the world....watch out
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    Thank you for fixing the internet!

  • MIM49
    MIM49 Posts: 255 Member
    Losing/loosing drives me nuts! The other one is breath and breathe. Breathe is the verb, breath is the noun. I am glad someone mentioned the their, they're and there. Sorry can't help it when you have been a teacher for 32 years!

    Lie/lay get me. Do I lie down for a nap? or Do I lay down for a nap? Maybe it's I lie down for a lay?
  • Tatiyanya
    Tatiyanya Posts: 255 Member
    I find this thread incredibly entertaining , almost arousing.
  • riveraphx
    riveraphx Posts: 380 Member
    Thanks for the awesome post. Those on here *****ing about it, most likely just love to *****. I mean how can you get offended by someone who is trying to teach the correct spelling of a word.

    Even if only a few people read this and realized their spelling was incorrect, then I think you've accomplished something.
  • lorcart
    lorcart Posts: 406 Member
    I just figured, for whatever reason, there were a lot of people wanting their fat just flopping around. I have no idea why, but that's how it seems.
  • Rockytop_relic
    Rockytop_relic Posts: 208 Member
    Now that it's all out in the open I'm sure it'll never happen again. Let loose your OCD and be free.
  • hilldiggity
    hilldiggity Posts: 166 Member
    We're all adults here, we should know how to spell. The occasional wrong their or there slips in now and then, but really, we all went to grammar school. It will never be fixed, and I fear much of the younger generation (definitely not all) will bring grammar and spelling to an all time low.
  • FoldsFive
    I could of told you that.

    (Thats my pet peeve, right there).
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