How will you know your done losing weight?



  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    By the number LOL. 199 for me!
  • Lisafrazier71
    Lisafrazier71 Posts: 59 Member
    I will know when I can run up the stair without feeling stuff jiggle, and when the ten pairs of jeans that are collecting dust in my closet fit me again :)
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Apparently I'm already done. No weight loss in at least 7 weeks.
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    I have a lot of mini goals but have no idea where I will finally stop. My first goal is 199 by July. My next goal is 145, mainly because that is where I was before I had babies. I was comfortable there, even though I was probably at the top of my healthy weight zone. Once I get there I will re-evaluate. How clothes fit, body fat, excess skin, etc. I figure I'd work on toning and building muscle at that point and let my body choose its final weight.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I will know when I am down to 21% body fat. Only 10% more to go...haha is sounds SO easy when I put it that way. :sad:
  • shayemimi
    shayemimi Posts: 203 Member
    I'm also wondering this... I am 5'3.5 and according to charts I should be anywhere between 110 and 140 depending on the chart. I know for me when I was in the 120's I was happiest, but now that I have gotten my weight down to 148 lbs.I am getting people telling me not to get 'too skinny'. It's frustrating. Not sure how to deal with it, and it makes me wonder if my goals are off. :( I am so happy I have lost this much (70 lbs) but now people are judging me for being smaller! Life isn't fair, lol.
  • Zuccal
    I think each person has to decide that for themself. Your whole goal is so you will be healthier and feel good about yourself. If you need or want to lose a few pounds or alot, do it for what you want, not for others opinions telling you to. Although when you reach your personal goal, it is nice to hear the compliments. I know I will have a problem knowing body fat from water retintion. I carry alot of water weight and on a very hot day or if I'm ill, I can lose several pounds in one day. So I need to focus on my calorie and exercise day by day and hope I get it right.
  • Zuccal
    I am also 5'3" When I was in my early 20's I was down around 115 and even then looked really skinny. But as I've gotten older, my body has changed and my metabolism also. I don't want to be able to wear zero size clothes. I want to keep a woman's body, just not so round. So go with where you feel comfortable and you like how your clothes look on you. It should also boost your energy and good mood levels.
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    For me, I will know I am done when I reach my goal of looking good naked - firm tight everything. :happy:

    I am almost there!!

    Pretty much this
  • Csoldano
    Csoldano Posts: 34 Member
    I have a lot of mini goals but have no idea where I will finally stop. My first goal is 199 by July. My next goal is 145, mainly because that is where I was before I had babies. I was comfortable there, even though I was probably at the top of my healthy weight zone. Once I get there I will re-evaluate. How clothes fit, body fat, excess skin, etc. I figure I'd work on toning and building muscle at that point and let my body choose its final weight.

    Same here...I started at 299 set first mini goal at 250. hit was 225...platued around 245. Broke that now stuck at 237 I don't seem to be lowing actual weight but gaining mass. Once I hit 225 next is 200 then I'll see. Maily I want to lose the moobs and spare tire.

    For my height my "ideal" weight is 150. I'm physically built like charlie brown crossed with a dwarf...not the "hansom" dwarfs form the hobbit more like gimil.
  • Joey2283
    For me I think my motivator is how my body looks. After being injured and not being able to play baseball or football anymore, I have seen my body change rapidly. I'll know I'm where I need to be when people start saying "you're built like a brick *kitten* house again"lol.
  • brainfreeze72
    brainfreeze72 Posts: 180 Member
    I set mine to my weight (scale goal) from 6 years ago when I met my husband, before thyroid issues and having a chef cook my meals and no longer running around like crazy as only a single mother of 3 children does.... I reached that a week ago but had been re-evaluating my goal as I approached it...knowing I was almost there. Now I'm shooting for a lower weight to finish getting rid of the fat around my thighs and butt (visual). I know I'll be too bony then, I'm kinda tall (5'8") and I've got big bone structure with wide shoulders and hip bones so I need some muscle to balance that out and look "fit" not "scrawny". I plan on re-evaluating until I'm comfortable with the scale and what I see in the mirror (naked or otherwise). I don't go by what other peoples opinions are though. Nobody told me I was getting fat but everybody seems to want to tell me I'm getting too skinny.
  • hmadrone
    hmadrone Posts: 129 Member
    This is definitely a question I've been asking myself. I'm trying to swap fat for muscle more than strictly lose weight (I'm just a few ounces overweight atm) this time. I want to be lean and tight and strong.

    The downside is that leanness emphasizes stretch marks. After 12 pregnancies and 4 kids, I have a LOT of those. Also, there's a point where my bust goes. I wouldn't mind being smaller there, but the wrinkles are not at all attractive.

    I have friends who worry about their faces getting haggard when they lose too much weight, but thus far, I've only made it to gamine.

    So: I look good at 157, still have a decent bust, but still have bulges around the belly and hips. At 152, I have lost the bulges, gained a thigh gap, still have a little layer around the chest and belly, and lost quite a bit in the chest. At 148, my hips, belly, and legs look awesome, but my husband starts talking about my poor little breasts instead of admiring them.

    So we shall see.