P90X Fat Man - Phase 2!



  • swashburn3
    swashburn3 Posts: 172 Member
    I struggled with Core today. I just felt zapped, and my form was sloppy. Now that my heart rate doesn't peak as often, I find that I work my muscles more. No more excuses to sit the last half of an exercise out.

    But I was able to do three real Prison Cell push-ups today, which is progress!

    Today was tough, but I just keep pressing play each day and I know I'll improve.

    CardioX tomorrow!
  • harlychic
    Good job we are getting stronger everyday we workout.
  • swashburn3
    swashburn3 Posts: 172 Member
    Good job we are getting stronger everyday we workout.
    Yes! Sticking with it is the key to progress!

    I had a great CardioX day today! I was really strong and active. CardioX is still a routine that I need to pause after nearly every exercise, but I've noticed that my pause times are getting shorter. Often I'll finish the exercise just before my HRM kicks in but I'll still pause to get my heart rate further down into my zone and ready for the next exercise.

    I did great on the Kenpo routines. I didn't have to pause at all. Yoga is getting a lot better too. I still struggle on kicking my foot up into runner's pose, but the rest of my vinyasas are getting stronger and more fluid. I'm doing a lot better on Plyo. I feel bouncier; less stepping more jumping, and I can make it all the way through the Swing Kicks routine now.

    It's great thinking back to just over a month ago where these same routines totally kicked my butt. I'm already thinking about doing a second round of P90X when I'm done with this one.

    Pretty exciting! :)
  • _SASX_
    _SASX_ Posts: 255 Member
    I'm glad you had an awesome time with cardioX today. Progress in health and what you find you can do is amazing, isn't it? :)

    secret: I've done P90X a few times and I still have to readjust my knee into runners pose. I can get it 'so' far under me but then have to skip it forward to in between my feet.
  • swashburn3
    swashburn3 Posts: 172 Member
    I'm glad you had an awesome time with cardioX today. Progress in health and what you find you can do is amazing, isn't it? :)

    secret: I've done P90X a few times and I still have to readjust my knee into runners pose. I can get it 'so' far under me but then have to skip it forward to in between my feet.
    It *is* amazing. I've been sort of peeking at my scale this week and my weight has even gone up a bit. But I'm totally cool with that because I sure feel stronger. I love doing this every day.

    So today was CST again. And my triceps are on fire! I watched a video on the web about how to go from zero to 100 pushups. He talked about doing counter pushups if you can't do knee pushups well. Counter pushups are you standing at an angle and pushing against a counter.

    So, it's kind of embarrassing to admit that I can't even do knee pushups well. But I swallowed my pride and tried the counter pushups. They were easier to start with and I could keep better form, and I started to fail when I hit 8-10 reps. So, I think I'm going to stick with these for a while. Maybe the better form of the counter pushups is why I feel it in my triceps.

    Well, tomorrow is Yoga day! Looking forward to it!
  • _SASX_
    _SASX_ Posts: 255 Member
    weight can go up for a number if reasons...but first things first...you are feeling well and how do your pants fit?

    weight can go up because of the water weight in your muscles as you break down the old weaker tissues and build up stronger tissues


    Pushups are a good workout for chest, tris, abs, back...more more more! Everyone has to start somewhere and modify anything you need to. that way when it gets too easy, you can increase your difficulty keeping good form. Good form will work your body no matter what.

    Have fun tomorrow with YogaX
  • swashburn3
    swashburn3 Posts: 172 Member
    My pants are definitely looser and shirts that were tight on me fit better now too. So, yeah, there's stuff going on for sure. It's probably water weight. It's been challenging keeping my sodium down recently.

    But, like I said, I'm not worried. Fitness is my goal and today's workout was a pretty good example of that.

    YogaX! I was able to make it through the strength section without triggering my HRM. And I really pushed myself with the form. I kept falling out of the one-legged warrior three and my legs were ablaze, but I pushed through it all. The balance poses were quite shaky after all that, but I did my best.

    Also, last night I had a bit of insomnia and all this pent up energy, so I decided to do a late night CardioX. It didn't help the sleep this time, but man I sure felt great!

    Legs and back tomorrow. I like this shift from trying to keep up to trying to do things well. I hope I can stay at this level.
  • _SASX_
    _SASX_ Posts: 255 Member
    Nice workout! Cardio was scheduled for me today, too. WAS. I have a wonderful excuse for not doing it today though. I had to get my report cards done (due to office monday. tomorrow night and saturday is all about hockey [like i'll be in arenas] hockey hockey] and I'd like my family to know I'm still alive on sunday) so. sunday. it's my new thursday. and today is my rest day for the week. I hope it doesn't backfire on me for tomorrow's weigh in. but at least i got my reports done!

    man, there are a lot of "I"s in that...

    woot! legs and back for me, too! can't wait!

    what do you do for pull ups? I use my table and do reverse rows under it.
  • swashburn3
    swashburn3 Posts: 172 Member
    Yeah, a mid-week rest day can make a lot of sense.

    For pull-ups, I got a set of resistance bands off Amazon with a door mount. They are nice because they have clip on handles and you can use multiple ones together. So I use the three largest together and put some tape on the floor where I need to be kneeling and do them like that. It works really well for the time being and I think I have some room to grow, since I can still scoot further back for a bit.
  • _SASX_
    _SASX_ Posts: 255 Member
    I have bands, that I don't use. LOL. I've tried the over the door, but had to do it at the hinge and it abraded my bands to the point where I thought they would snap! so I found online a way to do modified pulls by doing them reverse, under the table. They work for me and it means I don't have to run down the hallway to a bedroom to do my pullups now!

    L&B done for the day for me. Sent home early because of the snow, so got it in. Now for a 30 min cardio to offset the restaurant order at lunch!
  • swashburn3
    swashburn3 Posts: 172 Member
    Hey, whatever works, right? :) I just checked out the table pull-ups. That's pretty wild. Man, when I was a kid, snow days meant you got to be lazy, not workout! ;) Great job sticking with it and getting that extra cardio in.

    Legs and Back for me too today. The leg routines still get my heart pumping and there was one I had to quit early because of my HRM (I can't remember which one). I'm still heavily modifying wall squats, those are killer.

    But I'm rocking the arm routines. At the current resistance I'm able to do 10-15 of each exercise.

    You know, I'm not seeing a lot of progress currently as far as NSVs or even SVs go, and I emphasize "seeing". But that's fine because my goal is daily fitness, and I definitely do experience daily fitness.

    Today even I was pretty stiff getting up this morning. And honestly, I had a bit of doubt creep in. "Man I'm sore and stiff, maybe I should just take the day off," I thought. But I quickly reminded myself that if I did that I wouldn't be fit for today. I wouldn't be taking care of myself the best I could. I stuck with it and now I feel so much better. Loosened up energized and ready to go for the day.

    Tomorrow is my favorite, KenpoX!
  • swashburn3
    swashburn3 Posts: 172 Member
    Wow! I had a great burn on Kenpo today! For some reason I was really feeling it. My HRM was kicking in a lot and even now after it's finished my whole body feels heated up and great! I also noticed that my weight is back down enough that I might break even this week at my weigh-in tomorrow.

    Almost finished week 2 of phase 2. Four more days until I hit halfway.

    Oh, some great news! I was talking to my brother about P90X a few days ago. Now he and his wife have started it! He's not as big as me, but still needs to get into shape. It's got me thinking. My family has been out of the country for the past three months (on a mega-vacation with my wife's family), and they are coming back on Wednesday. I wonder if she'll notice a difference. :) Maybe I can get her and the boys to join in with me.

    I've got the wonderful XStretch tomorrow. Really looking forward to it. It's been a busy week.
  • silversociety
    silversociety Posts: 222 Member
    Kudos to you. P90X is brutal.
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Keep up the good work.
  • MsP90X
    MsP90X Posts: 1,053 Member
    Congratulations on your success so far... can't wait to hear how you do by the end of this round!

  • macmac1212
    macmac1212 Posts: 20 Member
    keep it going!! I LOVE reading your updates!! You're motivating so many people!! :)
  • uhmmyess
    You're so inspiring!!! Congratulations on all your hard work!
  • Revmikfrankie
    Revmikfrankie Posts: 8 Member
    Hey Swash, first time seeing this forum and it was incredibly motivating. I haven't been doing this P90X daily as I should but I believe you just lit a fire under me, (no pun intended by the preacher), lol. Great job. Keep at it as well as the posts, they really do help with staying our course.
  • swashburn3
    swashburn3 Posts: 172 Member
    Thanks everyone! I'm glad people are finding this encouraging! Yeah, keep at it Rev. I promise it gets easier, but you need to stick with it. Happy to light the fire! :D

    And, I just finished week 6 of P90X!

    XStretch was great as usual. I did have a strange pop that happened behind my knee when I was doing the Down Dog/Calf Stretch, but there's no pain and nothing looks weird, so I guess I'm ok. It kind of startled me though.

    I weighed in today and was actually down 0.6 pounds! I'm actually quite happy with that as I feel like I've gained a lot of strength this week.

    So, I'm almost to the halfway point! Looking forward to Core Synergistics tomorrow! It's a challenge for me, but the tough stuff is what changes me, so bring it!
  • sixpacklady
    sixpacklady Posts: 582 Member
    Awesome job!! Keep doing it, we are following you :)