*** Supportive Friends -- Looking to Release 50+ Pounds ***



  • Jaylaan
    Jaylaan Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone, thanks for inviting me... I am a yo yo dieter, I put on 20+ since last year... I started exercising and dieting a week ago, I know it's not much time but I haven't lost a pound (on the contrary I put on 2 lbs.), it's very demoralizing, I started eating again. I've gone through this yo-yo dieting before but I've never seen the weight go in the opposite direction. I'm a night eater... my brain goes wacko at night... even after I go to bed. I would appreciate any ideas you may want to throw my way. Thanks.
  • Congrats on the wonderful blessing of the bundle of joy! I am sooooo happy for you!

    Two- Bokwa - it is a new (relatively speaking the guy has been doing it in LA for years, just got popular) low coordination alternative for Zumba type aerobic dance. It is really easy but really effective. Even kids can do it although not as effective as the adult. The moves are based on letters and number outlines - think of the old time dance mats where the steps were traced out. The instructor doesn't have to focus on coreography, they sign the symbol for the move and ten focus on the fun and motivation. there is a website if you search for it but no dvd yet.

    Good Luck everyone ! We can do it!
  • glittersamsara
    glittersamsara Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I'm a new member. :) I'm Midge, 24, and am looking to lose 27kg which is about 60lb!
    I had two pregnancies in a row and after a bad, long postpartum lupus flare I'm here with a baby boy turning one in March, and all this weight to lose.

    I'm determined to see what I can do with a healthy mum body! :)
  • Hello All..
    My name is Rosalind; I'd love to take part. With my thyroid barely functioning, I got into a slump, then the RA didnt help, I was walking, trying to get up to jogging and boom, it made itself present in my ankles and feet along with my wrists, fingers, right shoulder and elbows, but I refuse to give up. Its not easy by any means, but I'm finding the more active I am and the more weight I lose, the RA doesnt take me out of doing things like it did when first diagnosed. I just want to be healthier and have more energy so when my grand kids come, I wont be stuck on some sofa unable to enjoy them.
  • misspinkshorts
    misspinkshorts Posts: 41 Member
    Hey everyone. Sorry I've been MIA for the past week or so. Here's my update:

    I've been doing good with eating right (even on the weekends). I've packed lunch and ate dinner at home (or had something semi-healthy when my friend meals me in at the campus dinning hall) every day for the past two weeks. I've only eaten out once and I stayed semi-healthy.

    Even in the midst of all the stress an chaos of the semester I'v still managed to workout every day (except Saturday its my rest day). Im loving (and hating) 30DS. Just started lvl 2 and its kicking my butt. I've also gotten back into the running. Its a huge stress release.

    Penny- I saw you mentioned 30DS. You should definitely start it. Im loving the quick and "easy" full body workout and Im really feeling the burn.

    Steph- Just Dance is a GREAT way to get in a good burn and entertain the lil ones. Way to be creative in finding ways to work out.

    To everyone else HELLO and I look forward to getting to know you all!

  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Super quick check-in... hope everyone is doing well. I've been watching & reading but still have posts to read through...

    Today... is my birthday! :) And part of my day includes going to the gym... and part of it includes cake and alcohol. Figure it's a good balance. Tomorrow is my 1st of at least 13 runs/races/events for 2013 (goal is 13 in '13). Also Saturday Sampler at the gym, a chocolate event, a funeral, and then ojt for my "birthday bash" which includes more drinking and lots of dancing.

    So, overall? I'm well...

    Again, I'll be back later to get a better read on how everyone is doing!! Till then? Make it happen!
  • misspinkshorts
    misspinkshorts Posts: 41 Member
    Happy weekend ya'll. Just sitting here watching tv/movies with my roommate. Didn't work out yesterday after work. First time in 3 weeks I skipped a scheduled workout. Im gonna have to figure out how to motivate myself to workout on Friday's. Today was my scheduled rest day so I didn't work out today either. Trying to stay healthy this weekend but 3 weeks and Im finally craving things I've cut out like fried foods, soda, and sweets. I gotta stay strong and tomorrow its right back on the exercise train.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Tomorrow I'll have weigh in to post. It better be good. :)
  • lynnmariestan1
    lynnmariestan1 Posts: 36 Member
    Can someone tell me how to join this group? I've never joined any groups here before, and am not sure how to do this.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Can someone tell me how to join this group? I've never joined any groups here before, and am not sure how to do this.

    Just jump in and join the conversation. Some of us have been friends here a while so don't be put off my that....we are a friendly bunch. Tell us a bit about yourself, share your successes, struggles, things that help you. Welcome!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    My goal for February is 5lbs minimum with a push to 7lbs. I'm also aiming for at least 4 days of real exercise a week, minimum of 10 glasses of water a day and tracking my food at least 5 days a week. What are your goals for this month? Keep it skinny!:flowerforyou:

    Well trying to stay accountable. Lost 0.6lbs this week and haven't been on the scales since...a little nervous about it...just feeling heavy if ya know what I mean. I've got the 10 glasses of water every day and am aiming for 12. I've tracked 6 days this week. As for the exercise, I had 2 days of Just Dance Sweat, 1 day of 30DS and 1 very long walk with the baby which I am going to chance given the fact that it involved big hills (change in elevation of 300ft) and I was all hot and sweaty when we got home 90 minutes later. Hope you have all had a great weekend! Happy birthday Becky, hope its been fabulous!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Hi everyone! I just came across this group and saw how friendly and supportive everyone was.

    My name is Emily. I am 26 and a full time coronary care nurse and a part time student. I am looking to be a nurse practitioner in the next year or two. I do not have any kids, but hope to have some in the future. I just got engaged in December of 2012 to the most wonderful man I have ever met.

    I have already lost 21 pounds with the help of this website. I want to lose about 60 more! I have always struggled to lose weight. I have been overweight probably since the age of ten. I will tell you right now there are activities that I enjoy like volleyball, walks, swimming. But actually convincing myself on a daily basis to exercise is my biggest struggle. I love to cook, but now I have found wonderful sites that can help me cook and eat healthy. Hope to find some new friends!
  • Hello everyone. My name is Danielle and I'm trying to get back down to my goal weight--a place I haven't been since I was an athlete in school. I'm a 33-year-old journalist who spends entirely too much time behind a desk. I try to workout at least 5 times a week and keep my calories between 1,200 and 1,300 a day. I've lost 46 pounds so far, and I have about 74 to go.
  • Hello everyone
    I'm new to this site. I'm a 29 mommy of 2 beautiful girls who are almosrt 6 and 4 and ive been married almost 7 years to an amazing man but i need to loose alot of weight to be healthy and see my girls grow up and have kids of there own. today is my first day so ..... HERE I GO
  • Hiya! My name is kayla I have between 60 and 65 lbs to lose. (: add me if you wish.
  • misspinkshorts
    misspinkshorts Posts: 41 Member
    Scale down 6.6lbs this morning. Im so happy about that. I was seriously struggling to stay on board this weekend and that definitely gave me the encouragement I needed. Back at it today w/ a workout and all that good stuff.

    My goals for the rest of this month would include losing 4 more lbs (total of 10) and working out 6/7 days a week. Have a great day everyone. :)
  • misspinkshorts
    misspinkshorts Posts: 41 Member
    I've got a pretty bad case of the Monday's. Don't wanna get outta bed, don't wanna eat anything healthy. I felt so good the first 3 weeks and now I feel like all the motivation has drained outta me. Hope everyone has a great week. I'll check back in later.

  • miss pink short -

    No- don't lose motivation, keep it up! Treat yourself to something, a new good book, a great cup of tea or coffee, a hot bath with the music blaring - you can do it.
  • MumOfADuo
    MumOfADuo Posts: 294 Member
    Just found this thread and SO needed it today.....been struggling.....
    My name is Kathey, 51, mom to 2 beautiful teenage daughters and wife to grumpy husband almost 28 years lol....up and down for years, mostly up since maybe 1990? Lost about 60 pounds in 2007 on weight watchers, started slowing gaining back....my ticker is from then, however, I am getting close to that 60 pound mark again...and this is where my journey usually stops...for some reason....I am trying to figure that out....when I start to LIKE me again, I sabotage myself....love to blame it on my grumpy husband but I have to take accountability and figure this out. I am starting to sabotage and this time I NEED TO STOP doing it.....SO, thankful I found you guys...still have over 50 to lose.....
    Need to get ready for work....my workout partner and I skipped out usual 5am workout so trying not to start my day feeling defeated lol......it WILL be a great day!!!!
    Kathey :flowerforyou:
  • KathyPBiles
    KathyPBiles Posts: 292 Member
    Hi! My name is Kathy, 48. I have approx 61 pounds left to lose. Would love to offer my support and would also love to be supported on here. I will not criticize your choices, because, after all, they are your choices. However, if you ask me a question, I will answer honestly. You may look at my diary and think I am crazy the way I eat, but it works for me. IF it stops working, then I will make changes.

    Anyone please feel free to add me. Have a great day !
  • hmayo86
    hmayo86 Posts: 81 Member
    . Im gonna have to figure out how to motivate myself to workout on Friday's.

    I've been having a hard time motivating myself on Fridays, too. I've found that working out first thing in the morning is best for me. I started out doing it after work and found myself using any excuse by Thursday to not exercise. It took 3 weeks to get in a morning routine, but now I'm working out 5 days a week and finally seeing some movement on the scale. Don't get down on yourself. Just do the best you can. It helped me to start slow..getting up early one or two days. It gets easier and I feel SO much better going about my day knowing I've done my workout already. Good luck! :happy:

    As for an update on me... I let loose a little this weekend while I was home visiting family, but I'm back at it today. I've been back and forth with this one pound and hope that once I get past it the scale will be more kind however I have lost over 5 inches at this point and can tell a difference in my stomach area when I take comparison photos. Keep up the good work everyone and have a great week! And prayers are with those of you who are snowed in or are enduring other bad weather!