Being too unfit to do any form of excercise ?



  • leankaybee
    leankaybee Posts: 24 Member
    Hello All ,

    I have a big update for you all .

    Ok little background first . I have always felt like a big loser when it came to weight loss . No i did not loose anything . Just that I couldn keep up with anything . Whenever I spoke to anyone , they also made me feel more like a loser !

    I was in 2 serious relationships and both the guys broke up with me cos I was fat . They also made me feel like such a loser .

    This is the first time ever that I have shared my problem of finding exercise too hard and found so much motivation and love ... ! for the first time ever , reading all your replies I felt wanted and like someone was out there who has been through what I am going through ! Oh my god , I had tears in my eyes , reading all the replies !! The whole week I was sneaking off the MFP in office and reading and reading and reading all the replies over and over again .

    I cant tell you how good I felt .

    I want THANK all of you !!!!! I love you all ! Thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u !!!!! :*

    Ok , so now I want to tell you what effect your words have had on me .

    Today I completed one workout completely . I am sore , I am shivering , but it feels great to have done something and completed it till the end .

    ok and the workout was " JM 30 day shred day 1 level 1 " !! I did it with 2.5 kg hand weights . I did the half push ups that Anita does! I wont say that I did 100 % justice to it . I can say I was 65 % on track !

    You all are so so so right . Its a mind game . !!! I convinced myself first that i wont put the dumbbells down till am done ..
    And all your replies have pushed me more than ever .

    You guys are in a huge way responsible for my great success today . I know its nothing ! ! Its only day 1 level 1 but but i feel great that I din give up !

    Thaaaaaaank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu alllll . !

  • leankaybee
    leankaybee Posts: 24 Member
    Before I started C25k, I made a point to walk the dog at least one mile a day. He's a Pekingese with three inch legs, and that little fluffball was dragging me. Within a month of starting C25K, I was able to run one mile straight. In two months, I could run 3 miles. In three months, I kept up with my brother who's been running for 30 years in a 4.5 mile race. That was about 2 years ago, and now I regularly run anywhere between 3 and 8 miles, three times a week.

    When I first started any kind of strength training, I did EA Sports Active 2 on the Playstation with two pound dumbbells. At the end of the first 20 minute workout, I just laid on the floor, panting in a puddle of sweat. The first few weeks, everything hurt. Just squatting down to sit on the toilet made me wince. Now, I do Stronglifts 5x5 and can overhead press more than 50% of my body weight, bench 75% of my body weight and deadlift and squat 120% of my body weight.

    It gets better. Maybe not easier, because you'll always want to challenge yourself more and push harder, but better.

    thank thank u thank u ....... i think i can do this too after reading your story !! :)
  • geojeepgirl
    geojeepgirl Posts: 243 Member
    I havent read all the posts so this may have already been said....try zumba gold, its lower impact and they just put some gold dvds on their website.
  • leankaybee
    leankaybee Posts: 24 Member
    Siince you love to dance,. I suggest you get Richard Simmons Dancing to the Oldies. It has been around forever, works and is fun. Has some great old songs and makes you wanna dance. I am gonna do the exact same thing. I am a senior citizen and have a pinched nerve in my neck so I cannot do the gym for upper body. Well I can dance. My local community center has line dancing once a week it costs $3.00 check where you live and if they don't have one ask them to consider starting a line dance. It is not a class and you don't have to have a partner to dance with. Lots of fun and great exercise.

    hello :) I checked out a video of the oldies on yotube seems to be funnnn and is very very me !! :D thanks for this great tip . I am in india , asia , no way I can find a class here , but i guess i will watch youtube and follow it ! :)
  • lizlkbg
    lizlkbg Posts: 566
    Worry about what you CAN DO, before you worry about what you can't do.

    You can probably jog at a slow pace for some distance, start there.
    Within 2 weeks you will feel very different and go from there.

    Good Luck.

    Walk. Just walk. Walk for 30 minutes a day, straight. At first don't worry about distance or speed. Just one foot in front of the other, 30 minutes.
    When that gets easy (and it will more quickly than you think), pick up speed. Go farther. Then add a hill one day. Next maybe a flight of stairs. Enjoy feeling your body getting places under its own power. Commit to it every day.

    You will be amazed at what this will do for you, physically and mentally.
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    You gotta remember that you start out bad at everything and push yourself to get better, a little better each time. If you're bad at something and quit, you wont change your body to be able to handle it. Sucking at something is the first step to being kinda ok at something. Do it again and again, at your own pace but HONESTLY pushing yourself and not only will you get better, but you will be physically and mentally stronger. The harder you have to work, the better your results will be and.... it truly does get better. You WILL get better.
  • altinker
    altinker Posts: 173
    I can speak for myself. I work at a desk/sedentary job. When I first started working out this time around, my motto was that 1 minute was better than no minutes and 10 minutes was better than no minutes and that if I strive for 11 minutes next time, that is good. I just keep increasing till it gets better. I started about the middle of November. I had an old bellydance CD that is very beginner. About 10 minutes into it, I was winded and done. That's okay that I didn't do the whole thing. I personally like dance DVD's because it is more fun. So, I decided to order core rhythms on Amazon used. I used to want to try them out but I didn't like the infomercial/billing your credit card forever stories. I ordered a Fluidity Bar, and I started doing that as well. The beginner workout is low impact and 35 minutes or so. I couldn't finish it the first time. The second time I was able to finish it, but I stopped a lot to catch my breath. By the second week I was able to do the whole thing. Core Rhythms showed up, and I had a hard time with my hips hurting. I did about 15 minutes of it and was done. That's okay, I'll do more tomorrow. Same thing when I ordered Zumba DVD's. I took the learning one where they break down the moves into 2 or 3 minute increments. I did one section, and I was winded and out of breath. I walked away for 10 minutes and then came back and did another section, etc. Now, I can do a whole DVD.

    Just work up to it and set small goals. Tell yourself that you just need to work out for 5 minutes today. Then, tomorrow 7 minutes. Then 10 minutes. Then 12 minutes. Before you know it, you will be able to go 20 or 30 minutes straight and then an hour straight. It takes time. Be gentle with yourself.
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    Options ok I took bellydancing before and this looks like a blast!, have you thought about something like this?
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    Glad you got the kick in the *kitten* you needed and if you need another one let us know:bigsmile:
  • uwharriegold
    Hey, it helped me to read all that advice, too! Thanks to everyone!!!:smile:
  • tricelive
    tricelive Posts: 93 Member
    Just start walking. Take walk around your neighborhood or in the park or at the local track. Any form of movement is good. As you go along your capacity will increase. First 10 minutes then 20 then an hour. Then a few pounds will have dropped and you will be ready for something new. But give it time a few months of.just walking.....