Looking for C25K Buddies



  • thanich2006
    thanich2006 Posts: 14 Member
    I am in week 2 and love it. My brother is a runner and has said he would run a 5k with me as soon as i am done with the program. So looking forward to that. Anyone can friend me I am open to support anyone who needs it. I am loving this program and know it can work.
  • lainglesita
    lainglesita Posts: 90 Member
    Hi there! I'm having another shot at this and am about to start week 3 so feel to add me as I know this is when it gets tougher.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    I'm on week three! I'll friend you. :)
  • tap_0072
    tap_0072 Posts: 22 Member
    I have run many 5Ks; however, I haven't ran in a race since I had my first baby 3.5 years ago. My goal is to run a half marathon in May. Please feel free to add me as I would love the support!
  • sandiki
    sandiki Posts: 454
    Btdt..would do it again. Add me too.:)
  • DustyBanana
    DustyBanana Posts: 37 Member
    I am also starting to blog my progress--- so we can all motivate each other--

    Week 1 30:00 min
    Day 1: 1.86 miles//214cal
    Walk/warm up from 0-3.6mph
    Run/Jogs @ 4.8mph

    Happy Running!
  • beauty411
    Since there are alot of C25K veterans on the thread, which programs or apps do you recommend? I'm using one called The 5K Runner program. I used the C25K Free by Zen Labs, but there were so many ads, etc., I deleted it. Thanks!
  • lamilli09
    lamilli09 Posts: 354 Member
    Bump! I'm in week 4 of c25k, would love to have more of you lovelies on my newsfeed.

    Also as for the above post, I use c25k by Zen Labs... the advertisements don't have audio so I don't really notice them.
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    I love this thread. I am a verteren marathoner who got herself badly injured two years ago (wasn't even running); I let myself go completely and I now dealing with 60+ of excess poundage (I don't even feel like myself). I just came back from week 2, run 1 of the program and found this thread as I was logging my cals. I could really use the support.

    @Beauty411: I also purchased the Runner Program for my iPhone but I got the 10k one as I'd like to be able continue with it past the 5k mark. So far, I love it (and well worth the money, in my opinion). The thing I loved about it is that the company has also made a 21k (half marathon) app. It would be cool if they let us post the badges here to MFP.
  • roswyn80
    roswyn80 Posts: 114 Member
    I've just finished week one, day two. :)

    As someone who's never been athletic and who's always hated running (I had big boobs from an early age and got a lot of teasing at school because of it, so I stopped doing pretty much all sports), I find it surprisingly fun! I was actually keen enough to want to go to the gym to do it twice yesterday, but I held myself back. XD
  • shaneewilliams51
    I'm currently doing c210k which is basically the same thing but more weeks. My C25k app stopped working for some reason. Right now I'm doing it on a treadmill because I absolutely hate running in the cold. I do it every other day because I'm afraid of hurting my knees.
  • kae_blah
    kae_blah Posts: 180 Member
    I am using a treadmill and have the walking times written in a notebook.

    I am on Week 5 now and am working to complete the programme as written rather than repeating weeks otherwise I know I will cheat myself rather than push myself.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    I just started c25k on Sunday. I'm using the NHS podcasts on my MP3 player, first day was okay but today it's cold, snowy and frosty so will only be going out if the footpaths are clear. I take my dog with me and kill two birds with one stone. Feel free to add me.
  • Liss416
    Liss416 Posts: 209 Member
    Just found this thread! Tomorrow I will do week 6 day 3. My goal is to run a half by June. I started P90X yesterday and plan to do both programs. Currently running on a treadmill due to weather, but definitely prefer running outdoors. I'm a former runner, but injuries and children (I have 4 boys) have prevented me from doing anything on a consistent basis the past couple of years.
  • slimdowntoneup
    slimdowntoneup Posts: 3 Member
    Took a few too many days rest, oops, but did W2D1 today, went surprisingly well, I'm really enjoying this so far, more than I thought I ever would :)
  • kae_blah
    kae_blah Posts: 180 Member
    I have stumbled at week 5 day 3. I only ran for 15 minutes, then after a couple of minute break ran for another 2 minutes.

    I will continue with week 6 next week and am trying not to be discouraged.

    The distance moved and calories burned still show a lot of progress, and until today the longest I had run on a treadmill straight was 8 minutes so 15 minutes is still good.

    Do I sound convinced yet?
  • kniga025
    kniga025 Posts: 7 Member
    I just finished Week 3 Day 3. I'm probably going to repeat Week 3, since it was a crazy struggle for me.
  • howebrook
    howebrook Posts: 28 Member
    How is everyone doing? I have finished week 3 day 2. I skipped a few workouts for other things (like zumba etc) so I was behind. Some runs are definitely harder than others -- like the day I picked the wrong trail and ended up facing a very steep hill just as a jog interval hit. Yesterday was a great run though it really felt like it was really working and even added time because I wasn't ready to be done at the end of the 30 mins.
  • sclarktiw
    Six months ago if you asked me to run a 5k I would still be laughing now.

    After dropping about 45 lbs, I know think differently.

    I recently downloaded My C25K to my Iphone and am now I week 2.

    I am hoping to run this summer.

    Please add me if you want...
  • reese3592
    Hi. I started the C25K program last week. Start on week 2 tomorrow. It's definitely been a new experience because I've never been much of a runner. After experiencing this first week, I am anxious to see how I do with the rest of the program. Could use some encouragement as well. I'm looking forward to running my first ever 5K in the Torch Run in May. Add me if you like.