When does everyone weigh in?



  • zrmac804
    zrmac804 Posts: 369 Member
    I have decided to weigh in each Monday morning, but not I'm not sure as I have eaten not so well on the weekends and will this effect it?

    Not sure when is a good idea, when does everyone else weigh in and how often? :)

    As long as you weigh yourself at the same time and under the same conditions, you'll be able to tell if you're losing weight.

    For me it's a matter of convenience - the only scale is at my gym, so I weigh myself at night, post-workout and pre-shower.
  • about once a week. does anyone weigh in everyday?
  • i posted last night, and said i know some people weigh once a week, some weigh, once a month, blah blah. i am going to start weighing, every morning, quickly right before coffee and getting ready for work. What i find happens is, if i only weigh in once a week, if i have a day or two that i blow it, i get hesitant to weigh in, and i push it off. This way, i will weigh in each morning and just get a feel for what i am doing during the week. I may only decide to do it 2 weeks (LOL) but i started this morning.
  • Druidor
    Druidor Posts: 29 Member
    Sunday morning before breakfast,
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    Weigh in sunday night. Depending on the outcome you'll know whether or not to SMASH IT in the week ahead!!!
  • tammycolbert
    tammycolbert Posts: 236 Member
    Every Monday morning
  • CrystalWalks
    CrystalWalks Posts: 84 Member
    I try to weigh in every saturday morning before I eat or drink anything and after I have a bowel movement and urinated....bc this is your true weight...I want to get in the habit of measuring myself bc that can be more telling than the scale....
  • ClairBears84
    ClairBears84 Posts: 531 Member
    Every Friday morning, before gym.
  • mikegl1
    mikegl1 Posts: 238 Member
    Once a week after I shower.
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    try before a shower! body soaks up moisture in there!!!
  • Hi there, I always weigh on a Friday morning, it allows me a treat on the weekend then :)
  • cheexy85
    cheexy85 Posts: 119
    Wednesday first thing in the morning, right before my shower. smile: