What are you giving up for LENT?



  • Debating between protein bars/granola bars, etc (been eating way too much of those lately) and diet soda.
  • DianaMI
    DianaMI Posts: 15 Member
    I will give up the couch, lazyness, waiting till the last minute.
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    I'm not giving anything up, but I am TAKING ON the discipline of running more than I need to in order to simply pass my physical fitness test. (I guess you could say I'm giving up the indulgence of doing just enough to pass.)
  • Amy106Days
    Amy106Days Posts: 172 Member
    I am going to give up being so darn b*tchy to my husband. I am mostly kind to everyone except my poor patient husband who because he knows me better than anyone else I expect so much from him. I get downright nasty with him if he lets me down or makes me repeat or explain myself. It is not the way I would be treated and he does not truly deserve being my outlet for anger. This will be hard because I have quit smoking and am not just eating my feelings anymore.
  • Kamnikar64
    Kamnikar64 Posts: 345 Member
    There were a lot of good options in this list. I'm getting myself together with MFP, exercising, eating healthier, so I'm embracing fiscal responsibility (hate balancing the checkbook) and scaling back tv time to 5 hours a week. I may even go to Mass. I better write those down so I don't forget! I will be simply amazing by spring.
  • allisonlane61
    allisonlane61 Posts: 187 Member
    LOL......love it!
    Are people giving up things for Lent because of religious beliefs or just giving things up because it seems to be the thing to do? Just curious.

    I am not Catholic, but I will usually give something up for Lent.
    I think sacrifice does the body and mind good, and also allows a chance to re-focus on what is really important. (I am fairly religious - but I still think others could similarly observe for their own personal reasons...)

    I'm not Catholic either. I was raised Baptist, and I attend a Baptist church. Even though I don't know of anything in scripture that mandates the idea behind Lent, I think the idea behind it is a good one. For Christians, the Easter season is a time to think about the sacrifice that was made for us, so it stands to reason that we should be thinking about sacrifices that we can make in our own lives for the benefit of others, for the benefit of God's glory, to improve the quality of our own lives so that we have more energy to give of ourselves, or all of the above.

    I am Catholic. It's pretty common for people of other faiths to get ashes on Ash Wednesday and "celebrate" Lent. It's neat seeing different people there. I'm not sure how many non-Catholics attend, but I speak to a few here and there. They seem quite pleased to talk about being there for the ashes, lol. The idea behind the 40 days of Lent is to remember and in some small way "live" the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert.
  • laydeneko
    laydeneko Posts: 54 Member
    Solid food. I'm doing a liquid fast for the next 40 with the exception of 1 day - my sister's birthday - I'm taking her to brunch. It came at a good time. I go through phases when I really dont want to eat anything and the act of eating really bothers me and I'm in that mindset right now so I'll stick with protein shakes.

    I've been doing this for the past couple years, and I'm planning on doing it again this year. Instead of protein shakes, I'm going to try the Special K water mix.
    Swearing... I've made a bad habit of swearing at work of all places. Nowhere else, really... just work.

    Good idea! I'll add that on as well, I've developed quite the potty mouth lately.
  • DianaMI
    DianaMI Posts: 15 Member
    Also Shopping for things I dont need..good one..cuz I love Amazon
  • Lrdoflamancha
    Lrdoflamancha Posts: 1,280 Member
    does sex count?

    if not, ketchup.

    I gotta ask.... Is that the same thing?

    I will be more forgiving to the *kitten* on the freeway.
  • Shrinking_Xtina
    Shrinking_Xtina Posts: 478 Member
    My dignity.
  • robjenga
    robjenga Posts: 175 Member
  • When does lent start? Thinking about giving up the elevator at work (I ride it upstairs, but walk down the stairs, lol) and cutting out diet coke.
  • Ooh, good one. I needlessly shop as well.
  • ctweedie607
    ctweedie607 Posts: 2 Member
    And my 'secret sister' just gave me a gift basket full chocolate yesterday for Valentines day... what to do? Part of me wants to eat it all up before Wednesday, but I know I shouldn't.
  • Vmax1992
    Vmax1992 Posts: 41 Member
    Will be giving up Lent.
  • kw0205
    kw0205 Posts: 62
    Will be giving up Lent.

    I suggested this to a catholic friend of mine after she said she was giving up chocolate. She told me it didn't work that way and I was absolutely no help whatsoever.

    What are friends for? :-)

    For those who do participate - good luck!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    I'm giving up Lent for Lent...

    cause y'know...

    I'm not Catholic. :wink:
  • bcl003
    bcl003 Posts: 331 Member
    I'm not Catholic, but I started giving something up for Lent last year and I want to continue to this year. I have decided to give up soda again this year along with swearing, the scale, and fast food chain restaurants, excluding Subway because I don't consider that really fast food.
  • srpm
    srpm Posts: 275 Member
    A friend of mine a long time ago pointed out that the point of Lent is to grow closer to God blah blah blah so instead of giving something up she added reading 1 chapter or 30 minutes (whichever came last) of the Bible every night. Since she is Catholic she said it was probably the most she has ever read the Bible in her life. I'm not Catholic but liked the idea so I have started doing the same thing every year.

    The priest at my college (I went to a Catholic university) said that the reason for fish on Fridays was because Fish used to be the most common meat and nothing special so instead of going out for shrimp and lobster dinners he recommended that everyone eat ramen and hot dogs in the true spirit of the holy season. I don't know anyone who ever actually followed his advice.
  • Im giving up simple carbs after 2pm
  • cwelch2677
    cwelch2677 Posts: 69 Member
    The snack machine at work! It's been my greatest downfall lately :sad:
  • oh_em_gee
    oh_em_gee Posts: 887 Member
    I may allow wine on Sundays since I have some on hand, but, since my thing is shopping, it's not really a sacrifice if I just wait a few days and buy everything I want. I will allow eating out since there are some family events coming up, but no ordering alcohol or dessert, since those are unnessecary expenses. Instead, I'll have a reasonable entree only.
  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member
    chocolate :sad: Lord help me with this one....

    Don't give up chocolate, just give up milk chocolate :) Dark chocolate is good for you, I have some EVERY night to "mentally" cap that I'm done eating for the day (with coffee or tea).
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Going to church
  • megallegos
    megallegos Posts: 22 Member
    I'm going stick to Paloe no cheats and try to limit the amount of times I use negative phrases...no more I cant's, I won't be able to, I dont want to's and taking up a fast on Friday's. Oye Vey :)
  • justmyalias
    justmyalias Posts: 153 Member
    I'm not giving up anything, but I'm going to go to daily Mass twice a week (and of course Sunday Mass). My best Lent ever though, was around 7 years ago and I gave up sugar. No sweets, no adding sugar to coffee or anything else...and to this day, I've maintained it. Once in a great while, I'll eat sweets, and I do use honey in tea, but I haven't touched a box of sugar or any other refined sugar in darned near 7 years, except when baking Christmas cookies.

    I consider my giving up sugar a miracle, lol.

    that's awesomely impressive (i am terribly addicted to the white poison...)
  • hungergames324
    hungergames324 Posts: 240 Member
    i think i'm giving up all nut butters. I have zero control with them!
  • ashleen7
    ashleen7 Posts: 258 Member
    I'm giving up pastries and alcohol been indulging in both a little too much since Christmas! I gave up fast food and chocolate last year and couldn't believe I made it all the way to Easter.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Wasting time on Social Networking sites. But I have a big project that I need to complete in 8 weeks, so the timing is good.
  • mikek333
    mikek333 Posts: 78 Member
    I'm still deciding between alcohol and animal proteins... can't decide and time is ticking.
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