This subject pisses me off (pun intended)



  • ilia1221
    ilia1221 Posts: 1
    Thank you so much to everyone for sharing. I am 33, small build, no kids, do pilates and kegels yet the jump rope makes me tinkle. Not a lot, just a little squirt (with each jump of course). You ladies have given a lot of insight so I am going to start tracking if this is happening around my cycle. I have a sneaky suspicion that it is. I am a little worried since I do have strong pelvic floor muscles, so I am also going to check it out with the doctor. I'll post if I get new info. Thanks again to everyone for normalizing a "girl issue."
  • mistyneeb
    mistyneeb Posts: 1 Member
    I too have this problem. For awhile, taking Sudafed before I went to run at the gym or do jumping jacks would help. Jumping rope with both feet though and I still struggle. Sudafed really does help though. I had two kids (10+ pounds) and a hysterectomy and now use an estrogen ring in my cervix. Kegels don't do crap - no offense. That's ALL I hear and I did them forever. It never helped. I'm going to ask my doc about Detrol LA, but definitely try Sudafed. :)
  • lilmiss_sunshine29
    lilmiss_sunshine29 Posts: 136 Member
  • megtwittles
    megtwittles Posts: 22 Member
    I had the same problem since I was 12 years old! I have had two surgeries to fix it. The first one didn't work because my body had a reaction to the material that was used and pretty much "spit out the sling". I was told that the first material that was used was made from pig intestine so the next time I had the surgery they used a synthetic material. I had the second surgery about 5 years ago and it was the most WONDERFUL thing, I no longer pee myself :-). I had no complications with the second surgery, it was easy breezy. When I had my studies done prior to the surgeries I was told that I have the bladder of an 85 year old, I was 24 with my first surgery. I hope you are able to get the issue resolved :-)
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    I almost pee'd a little on my last rep deadlifting last night. I think its a necessary evil, lol.
  • I feel your pain. I was fine until after my 2nd child. Then I couldn't stand in line without peeing a little. I will say that drinking tons of water helps. I know. That sounds stupid. But really... I have found since I up my water from about 4-5 cups a day to 12-15 cups a day, it is not a problem as often.
  • SarahCW1979
    SarahCW1979 Posts: 572 Member
    First off, let me just say I love to read everything you write. You are awesome!

    I have another suggestion related to kegals. Hope this doesn't offend. I used to sell "adult" novelty items at house parties. (Fun job BTW) One thing we sold alot of was these things called Ben Wa Balls. Heres the deal. They are little metal balls both equal in size. You insert them in your area and hold them in as long as you can. Many of the women who purchased them had this problem and they were recommended by their OB's. They are actually for strengthening the kegals, just a tool to let you know just how you are doing. If they fall out, you have a ways to go. If you can keep them in while you mow the lawn, you're golden. I had an office manager that used to put them in and continue working... It was a bit TMI for me, but then I started selling them and understood a little better why she seemed so much happier after wards, lol. (They also have other benefits, sexually, but I won't get this thread shut down, so if you want, you can see here
    Don't worry, its not actual video of someone using them, just an explaination.) You can purchase them where ever you buy naughty items.

    Now I have to pee again.

    They really do work! My mum was giggling over 50 Shades and when I asked her what was so funny she said 'Oh Ive had some of those ball things for years, pity they served no purpose other than stopping me from peeing myself, not that your dad would notice any....' UGH MUM! TMI TMI!!!
    Im tempted to try them myself because during Insanity I have a LOT of UH-OH moments. Im also re-training my bladder since having the kids, drinking 3 litres of water a day but only peeing when I cant hold it any longer. Bladder is getting stronger and I dont have to get up in the night anymore *\o/*
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    I had to give up tap dancing after my second because my jazz pants would be wet half-way through. I use "special" liners (not quite tena lady a sort of half-way house). I've got a little "internal" device which is supposed to "do" your pelvic floor exercises for you - and it does work, I just have to remember to pop it in while I'm reading a book. I also am worst just before a period, and if I have to do jumping. I'm hoping the weight loss will help.
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    Reading this, I realized that this happens to me about once every week or two, but only when sneezing. When I'm running or doing jumping jacks or anything, I will feel the need to pee, but I can hold it til the end of my workout (for now). I think if it gets worse, I'd talk to the doctor personally but you probably should now!

    BTW, I'm 24 and have no kids so you're definitely not alone!
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