day 1 went terribley.



  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    Don't worry about it. If we stressed out whenever we had a bad day, most of us probably would quit everything in a month lol. :)

    Don't think that Day 1 went terribly, because Day 1 was actually a SUCCESS! You LEARNED something! I think if half the hard part is just trying & doing something, the other half is learning. You grow & are even better & more armed the next day!
    And patience - patience helps a boat load as I am learning finishing my first month haha.

    Oh & also - people will have 40million different opinions on here & think they're all correct. Overall, find out what works best for YOU - and yes, lots of trial & error will happen, but it's a good thing. Like today. :)
  • Cynclancurrie
    You didn't blow it. Blowing it is starting the day with a iced tea glass full of gin and half a doughnut you dug out of the bottom of the trashcan.

    On the other hand, maybe you could eat a little more for breakfast. Even lunch, who knows?

    Don't be so hard on yourself. This isn't a competition. You learn as you go. There will be bad days and good days. Hey, even pizza rolls have their place is the creation of the universe (possibly in a chemistry lab, but that isn't the topic of conversation here). Look at other people's food diaries. Become their friend if necessary. You will find this site is a really friendly, accepting place to be, and no one is going to jump on you for not being perfect.

    In fact, being perfect, well, pretty much nobody likes that! Have a great day 2 :wink:
  • girlPaula
    girlPaula Posts: 13 Member

    I know that it says 1200 kcal a day, and it is good to follow advice......
    Work out what your BMR is and cut that amount by half, then you know how many calories you should eat every day. And you will loose weight just like that.
    BUT, you can not just live on fruit and veggies......add some protein - shakes, bars and protein (diet) smoothies for best result. Also some vitamins and minerals ( kalcium, magnesium....)

    41 lbs in 10 weeks....
  • Martucha123
    Martucha123 Posts: 1,093 Member
    eat some protein
    don't diet on vegs and fruit, you will lose more muscle then fat
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    I was doing so good all day... apple for breakfast, fruits & veggies for lunch, salad for dinner. i thought i was done with the day, then i clicked "complete this entry" because i was finished... but then it says that i did not eat enough calories and my body would go into starvation mode if i didn't eat more. so at that point i just completely went all out binge eating; cereal, goldfish, cheez-its, pizza rolls... i went mad. but now i know, and i've learned my lesson that i must have AT LEAST 1,200 calories. no more, no less.

    hopefully day 2 turns out better. gotta get my dream tummy.

    You ate a goldfish?!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    first of all "starvation mode" as define on threads in here and MFP is pretty much a myth. You would have to not eat for 72 hours for your body to start turning to muscle for next time just disregard that one. I have been doing lean gains 18/8 for four months and have added strength gains and lost body fat....

    Second - you would be way better calculating your TDEE and deducting 30% and setting your calories on that...

    Third - I can't really help on the binge aspect that you identified. I have never gotten mad at myself and just starting eating everything in site. This sounds like it may be a psychological issue and perhaps you should go seek help from a medical professional? I would not use the threads for this issue...

    You should also start a work out/exercise regimen as this will lead to endorphin release which will make you feel better....

    good luck to you ...
  • kingofcrunk
    kingofcrunk Posts: 372 Member
    That was a bit of a ridiculous reaction
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member

    I know that it says 1200 kcal a day, and it is good to follow advice......
    Work out what your BMR is and cut that amount by half, then you know how many calories you should eat every day. And you will loose weight just like that.
    BUT, you can not just live on fruit and veggies......add some protein - shakes, bars and protein (diet) smoothies for best result. Also some vitamins and minerals ( kalcium, magnesium....)

    41 lbs in 10 weeks....

    I'm not trying to attack you, but this is both completely wrong and dangerous. BMR are the calories your body uses each day to stay alive. These are the calories that get used up by your heart, your brain, your lungs, your stomach, your liver, etc. You need to eat a MINIMUM of BMR each day, with the exception of the occasional off day. Failure to do so will cause metabolic slowdown (which leads to plateaued weight loss and rapid weight gain), feelings of unnecessary hunger and deprivation, and increased breakdown of lean body mass (i.e. everything other than fat).
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    You only have 13 pounds to lose-- is there a reason you decided on 1200 calories? If it's because you told MFP you want to lose 2 lbs per week, that's really too ambitious for someone with only 13 lbs to lose. Try setting MFP to lose .5 lbs per week. You want to keep as much muscle as possible and too steep a deficit can be detrimental to that goal. Also, if your calories are set too low and you try to eat too little it can lead to binging. Your diary is closed, but I'd suggest adding protein and fat as well. Veggies are good, but protein is really important too.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member

    I know that it says 1200 kcal a day, and it is good to follow advice......
    Work out what your BMR is and cut that amount by half, then you know how many calories you should eat every day. And you will loose weight just like that.
    BUT, you can not just live on fruit and veggies......add some protein - shakes, bars and protein (diet) smoothies for best result. Also some vitamins and minerals ( kalcium, magnesium....)

    41 lbs in 10 weeks....

    I'm not trying to attack you, but this is both completely wrong and dangerous. BMR are the calories your body uses each day to stay alive. These are the calories that get used up by your heart, your brain, your lungs, your stomach, your liver, etc. You need to eat a MINIMUM of BMR each day, with the exception of the occasional off day. Failure to do so will cause metabolic slowdown (which leads to plateaued weight loss and rapid weight gain), feelings of unnecessary hunger and deprivation, and increased breakdown of lean body mass (i.e. everything other than fat).

    Yikes! OP, do not try to eat half of your BMR, for all the reasons above :noway:
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    its okay the first day is always the hardest. youll be just fine if you dont beat yourself up about it. If you can get through the first two weeks, youll be okay. good luck
  • JudithNYC
    JudithNYC Posts: 80 Member
    Don't take this the wrong way, but the first thing you need to do is learn a few facts about nutrition and weight loss.
  • SillyFitMe
    SillyFitMe Posts: 130 Member
    I definitely stay more closely on track when I pre-log my food a day in advance. Sometimes I stray and have to modify my diary as the day goes along but it does help!