very disappointed



  • julesxo
    julesxo Posts: 422 Member
    Where do you live where a head of lettuce is $4?!? Whaaat?

    You sound WAY too hard on yourself. Changing eating habits doesn't always happen over night, its a transition.

    Your scale probably went up because you started doing a new workout with strength. My scale has barely changed yet I have gone down a pant size within a month. Stop worrying about that number!
  • ajfc1971
    ajfc1971 Posts: 258 Member
    You are doing amazing, you are amazing. Just think what your body does for you everyday that's amazing.
    Keep at it.
  • eloisemonteiro
    eloisemonteiro Posts: 59 Member
    Sounds silly but ask yourself if what you are doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow.

    IF you do, be happy with that, if you don't, change it! This is one of a few things in life you can control so enjoy this opportunity of changing, you are allowed to make mistake, you are HUMAN, it's natural, don't overreact to that, one "good meal" won't make you skinny the same as a one "bad meal" won't make you fat.
    Focus and do your best :)
  • HerBravado
    HerBravado Posts: 392 Member
    WHOOOAAA THERE!!! you sound downright suicidal over this *kitten*!!

    First things first, lady - good job on not eating those damn potato chips!! shows you're in the zone and on the right track!!
    maybe get them out the house though, since through experience I've found food has a tendency of being eaten believe it or not.

    No need to disspointed! you're doing the right things!! trying hard and being here is more than what most folk do, so chin up!!

    Secondly, ignore your scale! it's useless. YES USELESS! anyone who tell you to weigh in once a week is a total *kitten*-wipe. Scales weigh every single part of you from your brain to you bowels and I will tell you this now.

    When you weighed in 3.8 over ?? THAT WAS WRONG!!

    oh and something else...

    When you weighed yourself last week, THAT WAS WRONG TOO!!!

    Scales are seldom right and even when they are, I'd still pay no attention to it.

    Weight loss is about RESULTS NOT NUMBERS!!!! go by your jeans size and the mirror or a tape measure!! far better and more motivational unlike those unproductive scales!!

    thirdly!! *kitten* YEAH!! lettuce and other healthy foods can be expensive, but it you cook it right you make that little ball of leaves last 3 or 4 meals if your portions are right!!! look online for cheap food shopping lists! some stores actaully give you the prices/ receipes for a weeks worth of food for $15 or something!! shop around look online!!! there are so many bargains!!!

    Treadmill in the basement? it's hot in there!!?? Take tons of water and do 10 mins!!! the heat will make you sweat!!! it's all good!!!

    good luck on your Journey!!


    jsfhoshowh LIKE. :smile:
  • lovemykids58
    lovemykids58 Posts: 195 Member
    Not sure where you are but if you have an Aldi close go there! I get all my produce there. Its cheaper, taste better than walmarts and is ALWAYS cheaper! I can get all my salad greens for less than $2 a bag
  • otterish
    otterish Posts: 50 Member
    Hang in there. You are doing the right things and lasting results will come over time. Toss that scale out the window and get a good tape measure.
  • FitMrsR
    FitMrsR Posts: 226 Member
    WHOOOAAA THERE!!! you sound downright suicidal over this *kitten*!!

    First things first, lady - good job on not eating those damn potato chips!! shows you're in the zone and on the right track!!
    maybe get them out the house though, since through experience I've found food has a tendency of being eaten believe it or not.

    No need to disspointed! you're doing the right things!! trying hard and being here is more than what most folk do, so chin up!!

    Secondly, ignore your scale! it's useless. YES USELESS! anyone who tell you to weigh in once a week is a total *kitten*-wipe. Scales weigh every single part of you from your brain to you bowels and I will tell you this now.

    When you weighed in 3.8 over ?? THAT WAS WRONG!!

    oh and something else...

    When you weighed yourself last week, THAT WAS WRONG TOO!!!

    Scales are seldom right and even when they are, I'd still pay no attention to it.

    Weight loss is about RESULTS NOT NUMBERS!!!! go by your jeans size and the mirror or a tape measure!! far better and more motivational unlike those unproductive scales!!

    thirdly!! *kitten* YEAH!! lettuce and other healthy foods can be expensive, but it you cook it right you make that little ball of leaves last 3 or 4 meals if your portions are right!!! look online for cheap food shopping lists! some stores actaully give you the prices/ receipes for a weeks worth of food for $15 or something!! shop around look online!!! there are so many bargains!!!

    Treadmill in the basement? it's hot in there!!?? Take tons of water and do 10 mins!!! the heat will make you sweat!!! it's all good!!!

    good luck on your Journey!!


    THIS^^ Every time!!!
  • HealthWoke0ish
    HealthWoke0ish Posts: 2,078 Member
    Don't sweat it too much, but also don't disregard how you feel. Find a way to turn your feeling now into motivation. The "will" is you just need to find the "way." I don't think you need a major overhaul...but you probably do need to make a few adjustments.

    When I take a rifle out to zero it, I basically begin by taking shots and then adjusting the scope bit by bit until I'm on target. Just a couple clicks at a time and eventually I'm on target--nothing too fancy or crazy...just some small adjustments and I start to yield the results I want. The obvious parallel here for me is that you don't need to herald the apocalypse because of a few pounds. Just keep calm, adjust your scope, and keep pulling the trigger. You'll hit the target eventually. And once you're on the target, stay there, load a full magazine, and blow the **** out of that target. :)

    Good luck.

    p.s. re: the cost of healthy food. I think of it this way. Do I want to spend calories or money? Do I want a couple extra bucks on my pocket or pounds beneath my belt?
  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 662 Member
    I agree, the scale isn't the best thing to go by. You need to measure yourself ( waist, arms, legs, etc.)

    I don't use a scale either, I go by my beltloops.( down 5) I could care less what the scale says.
  • GG70
    GG70 Posts: 232 Member
    WHOOOAAA THERE!!! you sound downright suicidal over this *kitten*!!

    First things first, lady - good job on not eating those damn potato chips!! shows you're in the zone and on the right track!!
    maybe get them out the house though, since through experience I've found food has a tendency of being eaten believe it or not.

    No need to disspointed! you're doing the right things!! trying hard and being here is more than what most folk do, so chin up!!

    Secondly, ignore your scale! it's useless. YES USELESS! anyone who tell you to weigh in once a week is a total *kitten*-wipe. Scales weigh every single part of you from your brain to you bowels and I will tell you this now.

    When you weighed in 3.8 over ?? THAT WAS WRONG!!

    oh and something else...

    When you weighed yourself last week, THAT WAS WRONG TOO!!!

    Scales are seldom right and even when they are, I'd still pay no attention to it.

    Weight loss is about RESULTS NOT NUMBERS!!!! go by your jeans size and the mirror or a tape measure!! far better and more motivational unlike those unproductive scales!!

    thirdly!! *kitten* YEAH!! lettuce and other healthy foods can be expensive, but it you cook it right you make that little ball of leaves last 3 or 4 meals if your portions are right!!! look online for cheap food shopping lists! some stores actaully give you the prices/ receipes for a weeks worth of food for $15 or something!! shop around look online!!! there are so many bargains!!!

    Treadmill in the basement? it's hot in there!!?? Take tons of water and do 10 mins!!! the heat will make you sweat!!! it's all good!!!

    good luck on your Journey!!


    ^^^^ Damn straight!!! ..
    I must add too that you mentioned you were doing 30DS.. if so, when I was doing it I was told to not weigh in until 2 weeks AFTER you finish it!! Your muscles will hold on to water for recovery.. PUT scale away!!

    I think you are making excuses about exercise! I have a sprained ankle and have been hopping on my good foot to get my heart rate up and using weights to support my workout.. cardio shadowboxing with weights for 40 min and I am burning 400 cals.. NO EXCUSES!
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Everyone else has pretty much addressed the exercise = temporary weight gain angle, so I'll address the eating healthy on a budget angle.

    1. Frozen vegetables are as healthy as fresh, and can often be much cheaper
    2. You can buy meat on sale and keep it frozen for several months
    3. Certain healthy items can be bought in bulk, such as lentils, beans, brown rice, nuts, etc.
    4. Canned vegetables can also be healthy, but try to buy them without sodium or rinse them well after opening
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    I am so sorry, I just couldn't help myself

  • gabriellejayde
    gabriellejayde Posts: 607 Member
    As someone else pointed out - muscle is more dense than fat, but you probably have not put on much muscle yet. HOWEVER, when you first start a new routine, and you get sore- your muscles retain fluid and THAT weighs a lot.
    Plus in glancing at your diary, you had some egg rolls - probably high in sodium, which can take a few days to lose as well.
  • Nikky43
    Nikky43 Posts: 34 Member
    WHOOOAAA THERE!!! you sound downright suicidal over this *kitten*!!

    First things first, lady - good job on not eating those damn potato chips!! shows you're in the zone and on the right track!!
    maybe get them out the house though, since through experience I've found food has a tendency of being eaten believe it or not.

    No need to disspointed! you're doing the right things!! trying hard and being here is more than what most folk do, so chin up!!

    Secondly, ignore your scale! it's useless. YES USELESS! anyone who tell you to weigh in once a week is a total *kitten*-wipe. Scales weigh every single part of you from your brain to you bowels and I will tell you this now.

    When you weighed in 3.8 over ?? THAT WAS WRONG!!

    oh and something else...

    When you weighed yourself last week, THAT WAS WRONG TOO!!!

    Scales are seldom right and even when they are, I'd still pay no attention to it.

    Weight loss is about RESULTS NOT NUMBERS!!!! go by your jeans size and the mirror or a tape measure!! far better and more motivational unlike those unproductive scales!!

    thirdly!! *kitten* YEAH!! lettuce and other healthy foods can be expensive, but it you cook it right you make that little ball of leaves last 3 or 4 meals if your portions are right!!! look online for cheap food shopping lists! some stores actaully give you the prices/ receipes for a weeks worth of food for $15 or something!! shop around look online!!! there are so many bargains!!!

    Treadmill in the basement? it's hot in there!!?? Take tons of water and do 10 mins!!! the heat will make you sweat!!! it's all good!!!

    good luck on your Journey!!


  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    thx. i am still at a 250 deficit as i still haven't hit my goal yet.. it's been months of just losing and gaining the same 3-4 lbs. I a not sure when i shall go up in cals to either maintain or have a surplus if i can?

    Suggest you create your own thread. Your diary isn't open and it's hard to make suggestions without more pertinent information.
  • coke_momma
    coke_momma Posts: 34 Member
    I love your way of thinking. You say it just like it is. Thats the way I like people to be.
  • eloisemonteiro
    eloisemonteiro Posts: 59 Member
    I am so sorry, I just couldn't help myself


    That's not always true, it is the most mistake that people commit, the best idea is know for sure that is muscles
  • eloisemonteiro
    eloisemonteiro Posts: 59 Member
    As someone else pointed out - muscle is more dense than fat, but you probably have not put on much muscle yet. HOWEVER, when you first start a new routine, and you get sore- your muscles retain fluid and THAT weighs a lot.
    Plus in glancing at your diary, you had some egg rolls - probably high in sodium, which can take a few days to lose as well.

    Thank you, finally someone who knows muscles aren't built in so short amount of time :D
  • RoseDarrett
    RoseDarrett Posts: 355 Member
    WHOOOAAA THERE!!! you sound downright suicidal over this *kitten*!!

    First things first, lady - good job on not eating those damn potato chips!! shows you're in the zone and on the right track!!
    maybe get them out the house though, since through experience I've found food has a tendency of being eaten believe it or not.

    No need to disspointed! you're doing the right things!! trying hard and being here is more than what most folk do, so chin up!!

    Secondly, ignore your scale! it's useless. YES USELESS! anyone who tell you to weigh in once a week is a total *kitten*-wipe. Scales weigh every single part of you from your brain to you bowels and I will tell you this now.

    When you weighed in 3.8 over ?? THAT WAS WRONG!!

    oh and something else...

    When you weighed yourself last week, THAT WAS WRONG TOO!!!

    Scales are seldom right and even when they are, I'd still pay no attention to it.

    Weight loss is about RESULTS NOT NUMBERS!!!! go by your jeans size and the mirror or a tape measure!! far better and more motivational unlike those unproductive scales!!

    thirdly!! *kitten* YEAH!! lettuce and other healthy foods can be expensive, but it you cook it right you make that little ball of leaves last 3 or 4 meals if your portions are right!!! look online for cheap food shopping lists! some stores actaully give you the prices/ receipes for a weeks worth of food for $15 or something!! shop around look online!!! there are so many bargains!!!

    Treadmill in the basement? it's hot in there!!?? Take tons of water and do 10 mins!!! the heat will make you sweat!!! it's all good!!!

    good luck on your Journey!!


    I AGREE!! I will add in my two cents and tell you to be kind to yourself as well.It's a marathon,not a sprint and all the changes your making will definitely help you.Keep your head up,don't beat yourself up.This is a lifelong journey.I'm sure when you lose the weight you will want to maintain.You CAN do this!!

    Take your time,baby steps and you'll get there.Good luck!
  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    $4 for lettuce is expensive compared to what? What it used to be maybe, but when you figure out how much filling nutritious food you are getting from that compared to a $4 bag of potato chips I don't think you can possibly think that is expensive. Do you buy a latte ever? A head of lettuce is going to do way more for you than that tall cup of calories!.