What are you giving up for LENT?



  • swonn
    swonn Posts: 323 Member
    Going to try giving up eating out. Need to concentrate on making healthy meals at home. Also going to try lessening my stress level. I love the Lenten season.
  • I have given up a few things for lent over the years my hardest one was cooked foods aka the Daniel fast. It was hard to get enough calories and you have to plan well for it.
  • jcwmarch
    jcwmarch Posts: 8 Member
    Milk chocolate, pizza, and swearing haha.

    Okay, I guess I'm cheating a little with the MILK chocolate part...
  • This is the first year that I am going to convince myself to give up something food related - for the past few years I have given up "unnecessary spending", which helped my bank account in the long run and really taught me to look at things on a want/need basis. But given that 2013 is the year of change for me I thought it was finally time to change another lifestyle habit of mine, which is unnecessary eating.

    I am going to attempt to give up chocolate, junk food, sweets and basically anything that I don't think will help my body in the long run and try to substitute these foods with healthier choices. It's going to be tough and I initially thought I will have a treat day each week but I think that abuses the whole point of Lent so I will avoid doing that.

    Good luck for your goals everyone!
  • tenajh
    tenajh Posts: 208 Member
    Love this thread, I have decided to give up time for reading and prepaing meals for others on Fridays and attending stations weekly.
  • RachaelKaye4
    RachaelKaye4 Posts: 57 Member
    Anything chocolate covered
    Ice-Cream (allowed sorbet/Frozen yogurt)
    Pastries- sweet and savoury
    Pies and tarts of any kind
    Fizzy Drinks (except fizzy water)
    Bread (can still have cracker bread!)
    Unhealthy take-outs- Chinese, Mickey D's, Burger King, KFC, Fish and chips etc...
    Chips (I can still have potatoes :D)
    BBQ Ribs
    Chicken nuggets
    Prawn Crackers
    Anything battered i.e. fish, chicken dippers, onion rings etc…
    Sweet/toffee popcorn but allowed salty popcorn
    Buffet/Party food (like Iceland crap and pretzels/mini crackers)
    Tea and Coffee

    When I complete this itll be my 14th year in a row! :)

    Rach x
  • nerchk
    nerchk Posts: 136 Member
    white carbs
  • Rssblade
    Rssblade Posts: 46 Member
    Tempted to say dieting..:wink:
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    I gave up Christianity for Lent a couple years ago. :P
  • Soda, diet or otherwise.
  • Laziness!!

    That is my lent goal, meaning Iwill give up being lazy on planning my meals, lazy on my workouts etc... give up laziness and everything will improve, diet, exercie, general lifestyle :)
  • Not giving up anything in particular (I'll be fasting on Ash Wednesday and on Fridays). I also donate to the food shelf basket at church weekly.
  • cmm7303
    cmm7303 Posts: 423 Member
    DH and I were discussing that last night. With the exception of his birthday (mid March) we're going to give up eating out. We're also going to give up 60 extra minutes a week of our time to do reading and crafts with our kids (doesn't sound like much, but there are 13 hour work days).

    Personally, I'm going to add in morning prayers and do them with my daughter at night, working through the basics.
  • galenofedgewood
    galenofedgewood Posts: 146 Member
    I gave up giving up stuff for Lent years ago. Still rockin' strong!
  • Hope everyone's lenten goals are off to a good start!!! I have a friend who is not Catholic who uses Lent as a time of renewal and setting habits for the year, it is when she lost her first 20 pounds toward goal.

    I love the positivity and goal setting everyone has shared. Good luck all, I hope these weeks of prayer and self control lead to kicking these last 5 to 8 for me and all good things for you!!:flowerforyou:
  • Giving up cigerettes and refined sugar. I know if I gave up just one, I would double the other. This is going to be tough.
  • cosmic0074
    cosmic0074 Posts: 91 Member
    Pizza and ice-cream......*slow, labored breathing*
  • suzy1220
    suzy1220 Posts: 118 Member
    I think I've already given up all of my vices since starting MFP, there's nothing left! So I'm going to try to convince my body to give up 15 more pounds!
  • mcalichio
    mcalichio Posts: 2 Member
    Soda and Fast food
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    I am giving up eating out