What do you do when you hit a weight loss plateu?



  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    I have done the Lindora Diet on my own before and it was successful, I gained 10 pounds so I am trying to go on the diet again but its not working this time I lost very few pounds and now I am stuck. I dont know what to do or what to eat as a good diet menu that will help me lose the weight.
    I am 42 years old and 5'1. I need some guidance and help since the Lindora Diet is usually allow you to eat 800 to 900 cal Max a day.
    Please help.

    Your problem is the "diet" you're on. Stop it. That's the solution.
  • nitrogen_widget
    nitrogen_widget Posts: 92 Member
    I also take measurements monthly & sometimes weekly if I see little scale progress because I've learned fat loss & weight loss do not always happen at the same time or rate.

    What do I do if my diet & workout is spot on & I don't see a scale drop in a few weeks?

    I go on a binge of horrible food & booze. :)

    Many a time I've been stuck at the same weight for weeks only to go out, eat bar food & drink all night and wake up the next morning (ok afternoon) to a drop in weight that sticks around after I re-hydrate & my plateu is no more.
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    I have found adding two tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar to 4 ounces of water and chugging it down once or twice a day will break the plateau. I also add a packet of stevia and a splash of cinnamon for flavor. If you are only eating 800 calories that is not near enough! You need to eat more to weigh less. Just make sure the what you are eating is good quality food, not crap.

    ACV has not been proven to be a diet aid. You're just giving yourself an extra dose of acetic acid, which can lead to stomach and esophogeal issues. It is more useful as a household cleaner.
  • Pipil503
    Pipil503 Posts: 56 Member
    Thank you very much everyone for all the advice! I decided to take a day off from working out yesterday and went out to Red Lobster and stuffed my face!! I'm going to try bumping my calories up to around 1400 and zig zagging between that and 1200 and seeing how it works out! Maybe my metabolism just needs a little trick like some of you have said since I was starving myself for so long. I really regret doing that to myself but this was my first time dieting and I didn't really look into anything, I pretty much just jumped into it and said, oh well if I stop eating I'll lose weight and went with that!

    Yeah, that was the mistake I did in 2008-2009. Anyways, keep eating at 1200-1400 hundred, the extra calories should be a difference. Include weight training and the first day you do, eat a meal at somewhat of a higher carb/lower protein less fat almost an hour after the workout. The isulin spike may help release some of that water weight you probably are retaining.

    Read below: should help set you in the right direction.

  • Pipil503
    Pipil503 Posts: 56 Member
    Thank you very much everyone for all the advice! I decided to take a day off from working out yesterday and went out to Red Lobster and stuffed my face!! I'm going to try bumping my calories up to around 1400 and zig zagging between that and 1200 and seeing how it works out! Maybe my metabolism just needs a little trick like some of you have said since I was starving myself for so long. I really regret doing that to myself but this was my first time dieting and I didn't really look into anything, I pretty much just jumped into it and said, oh well if I stop eating I'll lose weight and went with that!

    Yeah, that was the mistake I did in 2008-2009. Anyways, keep eating at 1200-1400 hundred, the extra calories should be a difference. Include weight training and the first day you do, eat a meal at somewhat of a higher carb/lower protein less fat almost an hour after the workout. The isulin spike may help release some of that water weight you probably are retaining.

    Read below: should help set you in the right direction.


    PS: NEVER GIVE UP!!!!!!
  • sannsk
    sannsk Posts: 203 Member

    I've been eating 1200 for about 4 days now, with still no results.


    You need to be more patient. You really can't lose fat tissue in 4 days...


    If you exercise, eat more than 1200 kcal. I suggest getting a HRM, so that you know how many calories you burned, and eat half of those back....
  • 748marie
    748marie Posts: 61 Member
    I have been running 5 days a week for 40 min. I keep my calories and salt low but havnt lost weight in like 2 weeks. so I decided to start a dance video as well maybe 2-3 times a week. I am hoping this will help kick some calories off!
  • 748marie
    748marie Posts: 61 Member
    It's only two weeks. Chill out.

    I've gone 6-8 weeks with no loss before, just remember this isn't a race.
    :happy: Totally agree