Anxiety/ tension/ panic attacks- what works for you?

I have dealt with anxiety and panic attacks for a long time. I'm curious what types of exercise have been helpful for folks with similar issues. I run a lot which sometimes helps, but sometimes the normal physical sensations of running hard will incite anxiety as well. Tension is another big issue- I am constantly clenching my jaw, hoisting my shoulders, etc to the point of being very painful. I was thinking maybe yoga? But I really have no clue. I know exercise is great for all of these emotional conditions, just curious what works for others!


  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Mindfullness, meditation, or Prayer. Whichever you choose.


    Working out and eating right REALLY helps me to maintain focus and not feel overwhlemed. I have really wanted to mix in yoga or Tai Chi, which bring together mindfullness/meditation and fitness.

    And good sleep.
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    Not related to exercise, but I cut out all caffeine (except what's in chocolate) and I noticed a great improvement.
  • mmc92
    mmc92 Posts: 1
    Staying in control of healthy eating and putting foods into your body that are wholesome and good for you. Also, staying organized and keeping up with a workout schedule also helps. I noticed that even if I just do a little bit of exercise some days it helps more than not doing any!
  • strongerthanFAT
    strongerthanFAT Posts: 24 Member
    Running and pushing it. Making myself run because I know I can. Your mind gets to think clearly, your stamina builds, you feel great afterwards. It just puts me on a high!! I like to plan out my runs at the beginning of the month.
  • I recommend Panic to Power by Lucinda Bassett. I have suffered with anxiety and panic attacks for 21 years. About 8 months ago I got her book and it has changed my life. I have taken anti-depressants off and on for those 21 years (mostly on) and I quit taking them in November. You can order it off Amazon and there is choice where you can purchase used for around $4.00. Linda Bassett books is in laymans terms and it has personal stories of her and others who have suffered from anxiety.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    2 to 3 hours cardio a day, it works for me.
  • 13inchestogo
    13inchestogo Posts: 296 Member
    Taking time to separate my anxiety thoughts from what's really happening around me (reality!) and pressing ignore when I begin to feel that nonsense feeling of anxiety for no valid reason. I used to treat all my thoughts the same but now I sift them like at the recycling depo lol :P, useless thoughts here, valid thoughts there!

    A great quote I read that I really could relate with when I was experiencing scary and anxious thoughts was
    'Remember, you have just experienced a thought... it was not the voice of god.' lol

    :laugh: Also yoga is my exercise of choice, helps to nourish and calm my nervous system, and make me a hawt bod too.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    HIIT or heavy lifting seems to help. Nothing like the calm after a set of deadlifts.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I have dealt with anxiety and panic attacks for a long time. I'm curious what types of exercise have been helpful for folks with similar issues. I run a lot which sometimes helps, but sometimes the normal physical sensations of running hard will incite anxiety as well. Tension is another big issue- I am constantly clenching my jaw, hoisting my shoulders, etc to the point of being very painful. I was thinking maybe yoga? But I really have no clue. I know exercise is great for all of these emotional conditions, just curious what works for others!

    Cognitive-Behavioral therapy.
  • Myndi73
    Myndi73 Posts: 270
    Not related to exercise, but I cut out all caffeine (except what's in chocolate) and I noticed a great improvement.

    ^^^ This! I gave up all caffeine, except chocolate as well, and I haven't had an attack since.
  • DarkAngel262
    DarkAngel262 Posts: 118 Member
    I've done it all and I have to say my life changed with medication. Guess I was super imbalanced!
  • jimmie65
    jimmie65 Posts: 655 Member
    Heavy metal. Generally squats, deadlifts, and presses.
  • Adw7677
    Adw7677 Posts: 201 Member
    Taking time to separate my anxiety thoughts from what's really happening around me (reality!) and pressing ignore when I begin to feel that nonsense feeling of anxiety for no valid reason. I used to treat all my thoughts the same but now I sift them like at the recycling depo lol :P, useless thoughts here, valid thoughts there!

    A great quote I read that I really could relate with when I was experiencing scary and anxious thoughts was
    'Remember, you have just experienced a thought... it was not the voice of god.' lol

    This is such EXCELLENT advice. I might actually have to print it up where I can see it everyday. Thank you for posting! :drinker:
  • mlemoignan
    mlemoignan Posts: 8 Member
    I would highly recommend yoga as well as mindfulness and meditation! Also, if you like to read, I'd recommend books such as "Hope and Help for Your Nerves" by Claire Weekes or "Calming Your Anxious Mind" by Jeffrey Brantely!
  • ChapinaGrande
    ChapinaGrande Posts: 289 Member
    Yoga. Also, cognitive-behavioral therapy and an awesome diet. I notice that if I eat badly or don't exercise for a while, I'm much more tense and anxious and mean to my husband. :(
  • _crafty_
    _crafty_ Posts: 1,682 Member
    prescription drugs, a hell of a lot of gym time and good friends to talk you through them
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    cut back on caffiene- none after noon.
    Get at least 8 hrs of sleep at night even if i have to take an OTC sleed aid like Zzzzquil
    And i take a wonderful vitamin called Stress B Complex - or Super B Complex
  • LizCO2DC
    LizCO2DC Posts: 92 Member
    Like others have said, yoga and mindfulness and meditation work really well for me. Good luck!
  • fernandesg
    fernandesg Posts: 54 Member
    Not related to exercise, but I cut out all caffeine (except what's in chocolate) and I noticed a great improvement.

    Exactly this. I have also had therapy and medication for my anxiety, and the therapy worked the best, but caffeine is a huge contributor to anxiety. Took me about 3 weeks to get it out of my system, and I've been off most caffeine for 4 years now. If I cheat and have even a pop with caffeine in it, I notice a difference.
    Also, I have the jaw-clenching tension as well. Find a massage therapist who specializes in TMJ work; by releasing the tension in the jaw muscles, I find I am less inclined to clench and grind because I am relaxed.
    I am also planning to start yoga for relaxation and exercise. I am hoping it will help even more.
    Good luck!
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Once you get over the anxiety. Then get yourself in a calm mindful state with deep breathing and relaxing music then I find facing whatever cause the anxiety head on helps me tremendously.