How do you reward yourself?

When you've hit little goals? When you reach your bigger goals? Goal weight? I thought it'd be interesting to see what non-food rewards or incentives everyone gives themselves to keep going. When I reach my first big goal of 40 lbs. I'm renewing my Suicide Girls subscription :love:


  • bonsaiblossom
    bonsaiblossom Posts: 133 Member
    I never knew how much drama there was behind the Suicide Girls thing, off topic lol. anyway I'm rewarding myself with an lv neverfull once i reach my goal. food rewards are sort of weird, thats what puppies and pets get, not humans lol
  • booty_wurk
    I'm sure there's a lot of drama. Anytime you get a bunch of girls together there usually will be. ; ) That's a nice reward! At first I thought it said IV , not LV and I was really confused. lol.
  • krystaljarv
    I'm going to reward myself with new little presents, like every 5lbs I'm going
    To get a new mac eyeshadow or lipstick, and when I get to my bigger goals
    I will treat myself to new work out clothes and a trip to the hairdressers!
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    a big bottle of red
    a big hunk of cheese.
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    New clothes :D although I'll be able to wear some of my old ones, so it probably won't be too much.
  • kbella67
    kbella67 Posts: 37 Member
  • LeonnieH
    LeonnieH Posts: 209 Member
    Clothes shopping! :)
  • peopletalk
    peopletalk Posts: 519 Member
    once i lose 20lbs, i'm gonna treat myself to a night out, probably get my hair done as well. i decided i'm cutting out partying for this weight loss journey just to get myself in the zone and stay motivated.
    when i reach 40lbs, i'm gonna get pampered. probably doing just a little shopping. get a massage, a facial, nails done.

    now when i reach 60, that will be amazing. i'm really hoping i can stick it out this long, but i''ve been in it for 2 months now and i'm not losing sight of my goals. i'm very determined.
    but once i reach 60, i'm going on a major shopping spree. i have a savings account that i'm kinda hoping to use in about a year >.> haha also get my hair done again. i wanna look like a new person.
  • Leigh012976
    I don't think I have ever wrote out my rewards. I am currently at 174 (11 pounds lost). I think, no scratch that, I know my rewards will be:

    165 trip to the hairdressers
    155 get a mani/pedi (never had one. but always wanted one)
    145 Go to my favorite restaurant and order anything I want. Not worrying about calories, but just to enjoy the meal.
    135/130 is my BIG goal. When I reach that, I resolve to go clothes shopping and by 3 new outfits. One of those outfits has to be something I would never have ever bought in the past.
  • pattydo
    pattydo Posts: 21 Member
    When I started at the first of the year I made a list in 5 pound increments, it was like making a Christmas list, everything from a new movie, CD, new blouse, new serving piece (my obsession), etc. Every 5 pounds I make it a point to go get my reward. May sound silly but I look forward to them, I've gotten "4" reward gifts since the first of the year!
  • booty_wurk
    I have a massage from Groupon that I plan to use when I hit 10 or maybe 20 lbs. I also saw this idea on Pinterest (where else) where you have 2 glass jars and put marbles or whatever pretty thing you want in one jar labeled weight to lose w/ one object representing each pound. Then every time you lose a pound you move one into the other jar labeled weight lost. Good visual. I think I will make some soon.
  • mesicali_chica
    mesicali_chica Posts: 71 Member
    I enjoy rewarding my self with clothing & shoes....
  • krystaljarv
    I love the idea of the marble jar, that's a great visual motivator, I might use that and sit them on top of the fridge so I think twice before boredom eating. :)
  • Bikini_by_30
    Bikini_by_30 Posts: 51 Member
    Definitely clothes.

    I also rewarded myself with a fitness watch to better track my progress for my first 10 pounds... setting myself up for success on that next 10 pounds!

    :happy: :happy:
  • bluefrog_2001
    bluefrog_2001 Posts: 138 Member
    I have a massage from Groupon that I plan to use when I hit 10 or maybe 20 lbs. I also saw this idea on Pinterest (where else) where you have 2 glass jars and put marbles or whatever pretty thing you want in one jar labeled weight to lose w/ one object representing each pound. Then every time you lose a pound you move one into the other jar labeled weight lost. Good visual. I think I will make some soon.

    That is a great idea! I need a visual reminder to see when I want to get up and snack on that honey bun or ice cream bar. I know I can do this because I quit smoking when I was living with two other smokers in the house!

    I think I need to make myself a "reward' list for reaching certain weight goals.
  • rumplesnat
    A new purse and wallet, new running sneakers, super cute workout clothes.
  • wormy80
    wormy80 Posts: 64 Member
  • PaigeAnderson100
    PaigeAnderson100 Posts: 301 Member
    I just treat myself to things like eyebrow waxes, hair coloring, hair cuts, new jeans, new shoes. (every 10 pounds until I reach my 100 pound goal) than when I lose the big pounds, I get a tattoo! :)
  • mraychel9606
    mraychel9606 Posts: 10 Member
    I am very busy and easy to not stay motivated. So I restrict the things I truly enjoy and use them as motivators at no extra cost. I get to take a bath without kids bugging me once a week only if I do good. Every two weeks I do good I get to buy a gift for myself under $20.00. This week was a food scale. Then every month I do good I get to have a date night with my man without the kiddos. Date night usually is dinner in and a movie rental. Cheap but rewarding.
  • Wanderson1311
    Wanderson1311 Posts: 17 Member
    I have been rewarding myself with special things that I don't normal do for myself. I started with 10pounds I got a new hair cut; 20 pounds I got my nails done; 30 pounds I got new clothes; 40-50 I got new clothes; 60 pounds I havnt thought of anything because i have been really trying to refocus on doing this. My ultimate goal is to take a trip once I reach my goal weight with just me and my husband. We have never had a honeymoon so I would like to take one once I reach my goal weight.