help I'm I spending to much time on my reps [lifting]



  • loveswalking
    loveswalking Posts: 354 Member
    yeah, sounds like the amount of time your spending on one rep is far more then typical. A legitimate way of doing it, but as long as you don't use momentum to swing the weights, you don't have to go that slow, unless you want to.

    I'd also suggest super sets of opposing muslce groups. do your curls and then immediately do your kick backs after. after both sets are done, rest and repeat. saves time and you get a better pump.

    I would like to try the super sets you suggested. So how would I go about doing it with the lifts I have mention? Would you mind breaking it down for me please. I would like to try it this Friday after a days rest inbetween. Thanks for your help.
  • loveswalking
    loveswalking Posts: 354 Member
    Could you try alternating sets? Do a set of upper body exercise then a lower body one and cut your rest time down since a portion of your body was resting during the alternate set. I do circuits like this to save time since I work out on my lunch and between getting to/from the gym, changing and showering I only get 35-40 actual minutes on the floor.

    The ones I have llisted are for upper body. I don't know what to do for lower body besides squats and lunges. Which I will try once my knee feels stronger. But I will try that when I can. Thanks
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    well you can really superset any exercise, even one for the same muscle, but its more pleasant to do differnt ones. I'd probably do it something like this. (although i rarely if ever do an entire work out in supersets, I just pair a few together if i have to save time).

    dumbell chest press -2setx8reps
    one-arm dumbell row 2x8

    dumbell fly -2x8
    dumbell pullover 2x8

    seated dumbell press -2x8
    seated dumbell lateral raise 2x8

    dumbell extension 2x8
    alternating dumbell curl 2x8

    triceps kickback 2x8
    seated dumbeel curl 2x8

    personally, i'd probably choose different exercise, but thats the best i could do with the ones you chose. The two chests togther (fly and pullover) wont be too bad, but the shoulder exercises will be tougher to get through. Consider subsituting some dumbell squats for the seated laterals. your not going to fail at 8 but its better to get some leg work in.

    also consider doing it like a curcit, where you start with the first exercise and contiune to the last one, thats one set. rest, repeat. thats better for weight loss anyway if thats a goal.
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Here is something I would do based on your request:

    Upper Bod:

    Bench Press
    Bent over row

    Standing Press
    Rev Fly's

    Pull Ups

    This is just to get started and have an idea. What Pax was getting to was to do a lift and then immediately do another lift of an opposing body part (Chest then Back, Bi's then Tri's, ect).

    Others (I personally) will do more of a spit body routine if I am in a volume kind of training mode. Here is what something like I would do.

    Dumbbell Bench Press (15, 12, 10, 8, 15)
    Push Ups (15)

    Incline Press (15, 12, 10, 8, 15)
    Incline Flies (15-20)

    Decline Press (15, 12, 10, 8, 15)
    Underhand Fly's (15-20)

    Dips (15, 15, 15, 15)

    Rest Time Between Sets 60-90 sec

    This worked great for me for building and shaping, and gaining a little strength. Currently I am in more of a strength program (Strong Lifts 5x5) but soon plan on getting back on a hypertrophy plan.
  • loveswalking
    loveswalking Posts: 354 Member
    well you can really superset any exercise, even one for the same muscle, but its more pleasant to do differnt ones. I'd probably do it something like this. (although i rarely if ever do an entire work out in supersets, I just pair a few together if i have to save time).

    dumbell chest press -2setx8reps
    one-arm dumbell row 2x8

    dumbell fly -2x8
    dumbell pullover 2x8

    seated dumbell press -2x8
    seated dumbell lateral raise 2x8

    dumbell extension 2x8
    alternating dumbell curl 2x8

    triceps kickback 2x8
    seated dumbeel curl 2x8

    personally, i'd probably choose different exercise, but thats the best i could do with the ones you chose. The two chests togther (fly and pullover) wont be too bad, but the shoulder exercises will be tougher to get through. Consider subsituting some dumbell squats for the seated laterals. your not going to fail at 8 but its better to get some leg work in.

    also consider doing it like a circuit, where you start with the first exercise and contiune to the last one, thats one set. rest, repeat. thats better for weight loss anyway if thats a goal.

    Today I did my workout in the order that you put it. I did it as a circuit and also subsituted the dumbell squats for the seated laterals. It took me 32 mins. to go through the circuit twice.

    Because I'm new to weights lifting I used 5 lbs for everything except shoulders I used 3 lbs. What I want to know is I have decided to do this as 2 sets for now 2x8. And after 3 weeks will do 3x8. Does this sound like a good plan for starting out? Do you see anything I should change? Should I be doing this 2 or 3 times a week to start.

    I know you said you would try different exercies what would they be? Remember that I do this at home. And yes weight loss is one of my goals.

    Thanks for your help...........
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Today I did my workout in the order that you put it. I did it as a circuit and also subsituted the dumbell squats for the seated laterals. It took me 32 mins. to go through the circuit twice.

    Because I'm new to weights lifting I used 5 lbs for everything except shoulders I used 3 lbs. What I want to know is I have decided to do this as 2 sets for now 2x8. And after 3 weeks will do 3x8. Does this sound like a good plan for starting out? Do you see anything I should change? Should I be doing this 2 or 3 times a week to start.

    I know you said you would try different exercies what would they be? Remember that I do this at home. And yes weight loss is one of my goals.

    Thanks for your help...........

    I'd focus on increasing weight on all the lifts (this shouldn't be at the same rate, you should be able to chest press a lot more (close to double) what you fly) before adding more sets. When you successfully complete 2 sets of 8, increase the weight the next time you do the circuit. Once you're to a point where you're not constantly increasing weight on all lifts, then add a set.
  • Thank you for your help.

    What I did was to take my time with my lifts. About 3 seconds to lift, rest 2 seconds, then lower for the count of 4 seconds. I thought I had read somewhere that you get better results doing them slow. I didn't know if I was spending to much time on each lift.

    Yes I do have a barbell but was not doiing any squats for now because my knee tends to hurt. I thought I would wait until I lost about 10 lbs. more before I try to do squats. That way I would have less weight on my knees.


    Actually, you could start compound movement now, and include accessory work to strengthen the muscles around your knees. You're probably quad-dominant (most people are) and would benefit from hamstring work. I've injured myself significantly twice in the 18 months or so that I've been lifting (multiple-roll car accident and torn meniscus) and the only thing that helps is to get back into lifting. Start with the bar, and progress slowly, making sure your form is good.

    Also, a joint supplement may help. I can definitely tell when I'm off of mine.
  • Sammigxox
    Sammigxox Posts: 2 Member
    My suggestion for you if you're wanting to cut down time but also want it to still be intense would be to choose 5-6 moves from the list of ten that you have and be sure to use heavy weights with lower reps.
  • loveswalking
    loveswalking Posts: 354 Member
    Thank you for all of your replys. They have been most helpful.
  • Sycoholic
    Sycoholic Posts: 282 Member
    I would suggest going for a third or fourth set and keeping the reps about 8-10 really... Looks like you're doing back, shoulders, bi's and tri's all in one day. You can split that up between two days since a lot of those exercises use the same muscles as secondary muscles (meaning it's not the primary muscle group being worked). I go with a buddy to the gym 3x a week and we've seen excellent gains. We do bi's tri's one day, back/shoulder & chest another, and keep alternating like that. There's a day or two of rest but never more than 4 when you'd start to lose your gains. If we hurry through our workout we'll get it done in an hour and the only break we take is waiting for each other to finish their set.

    I hope this helps. I don't claim to be some big muscle-builder type but I do a lot of "homework" when it comes to what I do. If you're serious about maximizing your gains you'll want to start incorporating protein shakes before and after as well. If money is an issue you can try the Body Fortress protein from WalMart. It's about $15 a tub and tastes pretty good. I like the cookies&cream and peanutbutter chocolate.

    pm me if you got any questions
  • loveswalking
    loveswalking Posts: 354 Member
    Sycoholic: Thanks... I had a protein shake after my workout. I have Eas 100 per cent whey protein powder that I use. I blend it with water and one half cup of frozen blueberries.
  • loveswalking
    loveswalking Posts: 354 Member
    Today I did my workout in the order that you put it. I did it as a circuit and also subsituted the dumbell squats for the seated laterals. It took me 32 mins. to go through the circuit twice.

    Because I'm new to weights lifting I used 5 lbs for everything except shoulders I used 3 lbs. What I want to know is I have decided to do this as 2 sets for now 2x8. And after 3 weeks will do 3x8. Does this sound like a good plan for starting out? Do you see anything I should change? Should I be doing this 2 or 3 times a week to start.

    I know you said you would try different exercies what would they be? Remember that I do this at home. And yes weight loss is one of my goals.

    Thanks for your help...........

    I'd focus on increasing weight on all the lifts (this shouldn't be at the same rate, you should be able to chest press a lot more (close to double) what you fly) before adding more sets. When you successfully complete 2 sets of 8, increase the weight the next time you do the circuit. Once you're to a point where you're not constantly increasing weight on all lifts, then add a set.

    How long do you think it will take before I notice any results from my lifting?
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I also agree with the compound exercises. I am currently doing New Rules of Lifting for Women and I am usually in and out of the gym with in 45 minutes....I get funny looks from the trainers and other people there lol...but it is working. I can feel my body getting stronger, and while I know I am not really building muscle yet I have started to see areas on my legs where fat is being used.

    I suggest New Rules of Lifting or Stronglifts as other have said. I am really enjoying it.
  • loveswalking
    loveswalking Posts: 354 Member
    I also agree with the compound exercises. I am currently doing New Rules of Lifting for Women and I am usually in and out of the gym with in 45 minutes....I get funny looks from the trainers and other people there lol...but it is working. I can feel my body getting stronger, and while I know I am not really building muscle yet I have started to see areas on my legs where fat is being used.

    I suggest New Rules of Lifting or Stronglifts as other have said. I am really enjoying it.

    I do not have a gym membership. So I'm limit as to what I can do at home. But I will look into compound excercises to see what I can do at home. thanks