extreme constipation from narcotics



  • bpdai
    bpdai Posts: 46 Member
    CALL YOUR DOCTOR! Right now!! A week is way too long, especially after surgery! After my surgery in 2011, I got so backed up I had to go to emergency, with fecal impaction. I also strained so much I gave myself hemmorrhoids! It is scary when you are afraid that going will hurt you, but trust me, NOT going is a bigger problem!

    What she said! This is nothing to mess with after this long.
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    Was it a day surgery? The reason I ask is because here (I'm in Canada) they won't let you leave the hospital until everything is functioning which has always made me wonder if the drugs they use to put you under can cause an issue.

    You are right about laxatives... not the best option considering the proximity to the surgical site. Stool softener is better. Talk to your pharmacist. I would probably contact your doctor if you have no luck with the pharmacists solution. The longer you don't go, the more dried out things will be... if you know what I mean. With narcotics you have to make sure you are drinking lots and lots of water because they dehydrate you (probably also noticed dry mouth?). Milk of magnesia (Phillips for example) actually makes your body send more fluid that way...so a good option for after you get things moving, if you remain on the narcotics. Good luck!
  • willnorton
    willnorton Posts: 995 Member
    Colace..... over the counter....i took it after my surgery.... i promise it will work.....
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,310 Member
    Why haven't you called your surgeon about this? This is a big deal.
  • After having both of my babies my dr prescribed softener because I was stitched up twice and trying to push after birth, even weeks later, is just a nightmare. Just a little pill I took every day to make things super easy to pass without "exploding" as you said hehe. You can also try fiber, will help things along. Call your dr and tell them what's going on and they'll fix it for you.
  • leblanc_kelly88
    leblanc_kelly88 Posts: 68 Member
    I actually have talked to my surgeon and all my visit nurses. they say im doing the right thing by taking my stool softners and i started myralax. They said next step would be an enema but they are worried that its going to put it in more pain than I want. my wound is about 3 or 4 cm from the rectum. So i understand her concern and she understands my concern for being so afraid want to even go to the bathroom.
    I was just looking to see if anyone had any special tricks or advice.

    thanks to anyone with positive nice comments!
  • Katbody10
    Katbody10 Posts: 369 Member
    Actually .. that's very common to "hold back" and not go out of fear. Once you've gone the first time .. you'll realize it's not as painful as you thought/

    No . it won't feel normal .. it won't even feel great.. YES .. you will not feel comfortable . .. but you it will not be so painful that you'll pass out. You may not like it (obviously) but you'll .. "muscle through it" .

    Stool softeners such as Muselix, Phillips, Dulcolax, etc.. will help .. but you'll still have a certain discomfort.. but I promise you... it's not LIFE THREATENING and PASS OUT worthy as you fear. Just go .. if you really have to .. it will pretty much fall out without your effort in pushing, etc. At least.. without too much extra effort on your part. Use TP to pull it out (the bit that first shows) .. won't hurt .. won't exert effort .. won't harm you. don't worry about fully empty-ing.. it will happen when you are ready and won't be as fearsome as you think ❤
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Tonight before you go to bed, take a good shot of a liquid antacid like Diovol or Mylanta.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Didn't read the other responses - start with a stool softener. And then try a gentle laxative (I hear Miralax is a good one). Drink A LOT of water.
  • terijoestoes
    terijoestoes Posts: 205 Member
    Laxatives seem like a pretty obvious solution to me....?
    Im sorry i should have been more specific. when i hear laxatives i instantly think something that is going to just make me explode... im not looking for something that will do that. i just need something to loosen it up - not keep me on the toilet for hours

    Stool softeners inserted rectally. Why isn't your doctor telling you what to do. Lots of fluids prunes and prune juice
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    After having both of my babies my dr prescribed softener because I was stitched up twice and trying to push after birth, even weeks later, is just a nightmare. Just a little pill I took every day to make things super easy to pass without "exploding" as you said hehe. You can also try fiber, will help things along. Call your dr and tell them what's going on and they'll fix it for you.

    Haha. After I gave birth I my bowels were really loosened up and the hospital kept trying to give me stool softeners. I had to explain to a thousand nurses that I REALLY didn't need them.
  • kobiemom
    kobiemom Posts: 218 Member
    I had surgery three months ago with similar problems. The doctor said that ten days isn't a big deal. It sure seemed like it! I took colace and Metamucil. Miralax is also good. You won't have to worry about bulk laxatives making you *explode*, but they take a couple of days to work through your system. Also drink warm apple juice. It has colloid osmotic properties, which means it pulls water in from the bowel. Don't worry - this too shall pass. Couldn't resist...
  • ishari89
    ishari89 Posts: 86 Member
    There is a chance it is going to hurt. There is really no way to avoid it unfortunately. Keep chugging the stool softeners and if you hadn't had a bowel movement in the next week (or three/four days) then I would go see the doctor or call him/her. Same if you start getting cramps, pains, sweat, etc, from not going to the bathroom. They can manually remove it and you'll feel a whole lot better.

    Do not overload the laxatives. Seriously. You might take one and think it isn't working so you'll take another but it isn't going to help the situation because it'll back you up even more.

    When you want to go, put a small stool underneath your feet too to raise up your knees higher than your waist. Lean forward and you can rest you arms on your knees. It'll put you into a squatting type position which can help it come out more. Sitting on the toilet normally isn't the ideal position in trying to get it out of you.
  • 1brokegal44
    1brokegal44 Posts: 562 Member
    CALL YOUR DOCTOR! Right now!! A week is way too long, especially after surgery! After my surgery in 2011, I got so backed up I had to go to emergency, with fecal impaction. I also strained so much I gave myself hemmorrhoids! It is scary when you are afraid that going will hurt you, but trust me, NOT going is a bigger problem!

    What she said! This is nothing to mess with after this long.
  • LovingLisa2012
    LovingLisa2012 Posts: 775 Member
    Stool softener is different from a laxative - look for one at your pharmacy or call your surgeon and tell them you need a prescription.

    just had surgery on the 5th and from the anst. and pain meds, I too was constipated ..
    they sent me home with an Rx for colace (they do sell it over the counter though) .. its a stool softener

    but call your dr. and see what they say
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Hmmm .I thought doctors tended to prescribe a stool softner to help combat the constipation from the pills they give you after a surgery.

    I think you need to talk to your doctor and see if he can prescribe or recommend something that won't conflict with the pills you are already taking.
  • Jennymcwb
    Jennymcwb Posts: 88 Member
    Since you've talked to your doctor, you are on the right path. Lack of physical movement after surgery is also a factor, can you walk at all?
    I second the warm apple juice as I was going to suggest drinking warm water instead of cold. Warm works for me.
    Good luck.
  • TrishLG
    TrishLG Posts: 173 Member
    Fleets will get right to the problem, then eat just fruit and vegetables.
    Laxatives are a "never buy" item. It solves the problem, but there is a back lash effect.
  • Rosplosion
    Rosplosion Posts: 739 Member
    This is a big deal. Get an Enema bag and learn how to use it. Constipation is a very common symptom of pain pills. The enema will relieve this issue without hurting your surgery site, making you "explode" or keeping you on the toilet for hours. It sounds weird but, believe me, its the easiest, most natural solution to your problem.
  • If you haven't had a BM in a week then a stool softener/prune juice, etc. is not going to help. Once you have fecal matter that has been in your lower large intestine (Colon) for that period of time the above products will not do anything to help move what is already in your lower intestine. What it will do is make you want to explode, but there is a plug blocking the way so to speak . At this point what you really need is an old fashion enema. Trust me. If your surgery site is located that close to your rectum only an enema will break up what has become impacted making it easier to pass. The best enema for doing that is usually a soap sud olive oil enema. I know it sounds crazy but i've been where you are and it works. The soap (castile liquid soap) you can buy at target) help stimulate movement without explosion and the olive oil helps it all pass easily. You will need to purchase an enema bag. If it has only been a week without BM then i would only mix with 2-3 cups warm water. Hope this helps. If you have any questions post and i will check back on you.