Can't seem to consume enough to meet 1200 calories... Help!

I'm finding it very difficult to reach 1200 calories a day (and I feel like I'm eating a lot!) Any suggestions?

Today I had:
2 hard boiled eggs (130 calories)

1 slice of Domino's Hawaiian pizza (280 calories)
2 cups romaine lettuce (15 calories)
1 tbsp Caesar dressing (40 calories)
Parmesan cheese 1 tsp (20 calories)

2 cups romaine lettuce (15 calories)
1 tbsp Caesar dressing (40 calories)
Parmesan cheese 1 tsp (20 calories)
Diced grilled chicken breast (100 calories)
Diet Pepsi (0 calories)

1 medium banana (84 calories)

10 calories from crystal light
8 cups of water

The dinner salad was to help consume more calories but I wasn't hungry. I have 463 calories remaining. Help?! As it stands currently, I feel like I am having to force myself to eat more often... and that's rare for me. My diet had been piss-poor, I won't lie, and my calorie intake was probably massive. I would eat once a day and maybe munch on a few things here and there. Perhaps my body is just trying to adjust to 3 meals+ a snack?

Any food recommendations would be fantastic. It isn't healthy to eat less than 1200, and it shouldn't be a struggle to hit that! I am just over paranoid and want to make healthy decisions. I obviously want to lose weight, but I want to do it in such a way that it's 1) healthy, 2) safe, and 3) something I can sustain long-term. There's no need to drop a ton of weight without being able to maintain it once it's gone!


  • GCLyds
    GCLyds Posts: 206 Member
    You are kidding right? You ate 2 cups of lettuce in an effort to get MORE calories?!

    Eat some bread.
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    Add more things to your salad.

    If I make a salad I can easily hit 500 calories with just veggies in it.

    Eat some complex carbs....
  • haha! put that way, no, that makes it sound really dumb ><. What I meant to say is that 1) I'm not eating enough so I figured tossing in chicken and parmesan cheese would help, but I'm more or less looking for something that is equally as filling and will give more calories but is also healthy. I suck at making choices... especially since I could live off of bread, pasta, and mexican!
  • I am struggling with the same thing. I am know on Herbalife and doing better because I only have to eat once but like today I have days where I just don't make it to 1200. You can always add almonds as a snack 20 almonds have about 170 calories. If you are stuck on the salad you can add dried cranberries 1 oz 90 calories, sunflower seeds 1 oz 86 calories. The list goes on. If you are eating like this regularly you are not intaking enough protein. My diary is public if you would like to check it out.
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    I can't imagine 1 tbsp of dressing come close to covering 2 cups of lettuce, so I would add more to that. 1 tsp of parmesan cheese is almost pointless, add more of that. Have some yogurt, popcorn, apples, bread, ect.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    I had the same issue when I started, because I went at it with a sledgehammer and eliminated all high calorie density food from my diet. Carefully reintroduce higher calorie density foods and you'll find it easy to up your calories without bloating yourself.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Nuts, peanut butter, full fat dairy, oils, avocado, eggs, cheese, food in general. Losing weight doesn't have to be all lettuce and chicken breasts.
  • missmince
    missmince Posts: 76 Member
    Toasted walnuts taste good on salads, as well as feta and dried cranberries with a good dressing. Nuts add a lot of calories and are still healthy
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
  • NaurielR
    NaurielR Posts: 429 Member
    Adding healthy fats is a good way to rack up the calories. For example

    Peanut butter (you will hve just about everyone tell you this). Two tablespoons is about 190 calories.
    Other nuts are high in calories two. An ounce of walnuts is 180 calories.

    Add avacado to your salad.

    Make your own salad dressing with olive oil and vinegar. I don't have any recipes off hand, but I'm sure you can find pleanty on the Internet

    Use full fat products instead of fat free. So for example, pass up the skim milk and get whole instead.
  • dittmarml
    dittmarml Posts: 351 Member
    Peanut butter, nuts, avocados, beans.
  • Krysannis
    Krysannis Posts: 17 Member
    Don't eat bread. You can add stuff to your breakfast like turkey breast or veggies. I love doing eggs, tomato slices, and avocado. Avocado is a great source of healthy fats. As for your salad add more veggies- cucumber, tomato, avocado, you could even add hard boiled egg to it. I usually eat a tablespoon of peanut butter after a work out and thats about 80 calories but it's also really good for you. Load up your fridge with some fresh veggies and grab a carrot if you're feeling hungry or like you're not eating enough calories. Don't grab carbs. They might add to the calories but they're not calories that you want. Keep your head up, the longer you make healthy choices the easier it becomes.
  • Ashley_Megan
    Ashley_Megan Posts: 14 Member
    I'm having the sane problem :(
  • Laurenmp16
    Laurenmp16 Posts: 344 Member
    Almonds are a great suggestion! If you really like the salads, make some extra hard boiled eggs in the morning and slice them up in the salad!
  • mrso97
    mrso97 Posts: 147 Member
    mission carb balance tortilla shells....whole grain...or eat a sandwich..i have one for lunch every day....
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    How much chicken did you have? Did you weigh it? 100 calories would be like 2-3 ounces, right? Are you sure that was it? Eat other things other than lettuce and protein. Like someone else said, bread, greek yogurt, more veggies; Mushrooms, carrots, cauliflower, green pepper, garbanzo beans, fat free cottage cheese, one stick of reduced fat string cheese, whole grain english muffin with natural peanut butter. Peanut Butter will really add in the calories.
  • poohpoohpeapod
    poohpoohpeapod Posts: 776 Member
    ckn sammy on a good bread, eggs toast and yougurt, pb and apple, avacodo, nuts, protein shake with pb. You are eating no whole grains, no healthy fat.
  • rell2k13
    rell2k13 Posts: 8 Member
    Sautee your chicken in olive oil and add some mushrooms with a side of brown rice or black beans. Eat a couple tablespoons of PB with your banana. Instead of hard boiled eggs, make an omelet with spinach, orange, red & yellow peppers & mushrooms.
  • mrso97
    mrso97 Posts: 147 Member
    granola bars...
  • luckyclover78
    luckyclover78 Posts: 115 Member
    If you are trying to loose weight it's because you were eating way more than 1200 a day to put the weight on. Add more of what you were eating before starting to try to loose weight. Calorie dense but try to pick healthy choices like others said like nut butters, beans, avocados, whole grains. Add nuts and fruit to your salads. I love an apple in some peanut butter or cashew butter.