
  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
    bump for tomorrow:flowerforyou:
    Happy "Fat Tuesday"!!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    bump for tomorrow:flowerforyou:
    Happy "Fat Tuesday"!!

    Why is it "Fat Tuesday"? I have never heard of that. Could you explain (honest question)

  • I hope everyone is doing well. I have had a busy week so far and it doesn't look as though it will slow down a bit.

    Sasha4427 - Yes, we have a farm. DH and I purchased my grandparents farm and have been living on my family's "Home Place" for about 10 years. DH does the heavy farming/gardening (plowing, planting, hoeing, etc) I help with the gathering and do the canning/freezing/preserving. We also raise our beef and pork. We are very fortunate to be able to do this. Home-raised and fresh is best if you can manage it.

    Sunshine61250 - Your trip to Italy sounds dreamy. The lbs you gained may have been pure muscle. As you know, a pound of muscle is quite smaller in size than a pound of fat. I have a body fat% scale that I use and I don't mind an extra pound or two as long as I see the % of fat going down.

    Deb - Congrats on your son's accomplishment!

    Aroundthemulberry - I am a fan of magnesium. I started taking it several years ago when I developed heart palpitations. My Dr at that time prescribed magnesium. Now when I skip several days, I can tell I need to get back on track. It is true that magnesium is difficult to absorb. I have used the "CALM" brand, but my favorite brand is called Ionic Fizz Magnesium plus from Pure Essence Labs. I mail order mine from VitaCost.

    MTGWW - Regarding FitBit. I have one and when I scync my fitbit on their site, it is connected to MFP and I get a calorie allowance based on the info from fitbit. I hope you figure out how to get that done. I went through that several months ago and don't remember the exact process...good luck!

    For those of you who are a bit under-the-weather, I hope you feel better soon.

    It is time to turn it for the night. I must go to work in the morning.

    All the BEST!!
    Mary in TN
  • sunshine61250
    sunshine61250 Posts: 68 Member
    Well, I'm really excited today!!! When I came home from Rome I was tired and sore. My whole body ached, I had walked over 120 miles, my blisters had blisters. I came home from Rome and had lost exactly 0 weight! Really?!?!?! That was on Sunday. On Tuesday the scale showed that I was down 2 lbs, which was only 2 of the 3 that I had gained before we left for Rome. I just couldn't understand it. I've done no exercise since I got home. Trying to pamper my feet. Sleeping in my own bed. Went to the chiro and she said my hips were all out of whack. I weighed today and I am down 4.5 lbs since the day I left for Rome! I'm REALLY happy! I'm not sure if we are allowed to talk about our blogs, but if so, I have started blogging about our Italy trip. Only day 1 is done now, and I'm hoping day 2 will be up today. We were there for 13 days so I have lots to do. If you want to see it, it's here: http://ronandjoyinnorway.blogspot.no/

    LucyT4Dieting - thank you! I was actually disappointed but I should have looked at it like that!

    Fiferize - welcome! I just joined this board last month. I turned 50 in November. They are are GREAT group of women. :)

    megblair1 - It seems like you could be right! :love:

    exermom - Thank you! And it seems that you are right too! I am just so extremely happy this morning! WOO HOO! :bigsmile:

    ohiomomof2 - that sounds like a wonderful motivator! And you're right, whatever works! Congrats!

    RebelRenny - I've had cancer twice and that is a major sign that something is wrong. You should make sure he gets to the doc ASAP.

    nonnicee - it was dreamy! My scale does body fat too but I've never paid attention to it. Maybe I should be logging that as well as weight!

    Have a GREAT day everyone!

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Lori H:smile: Congrats on being 2 pounds lighter!!!! I need to start spring cleaning too:frown: !

    Renny:smile: Yay for training 3 times a week:bigsmile: , we`re training twice a week for a 5K, however we have homework to do on the days we don`t get together:grumble: , today is a 45 minute walk at an easy pace:bigsmile: ! I hope your friend gets checked out soon by a Dr., that could be anything from cancer to a hyper active thyroid! My dad had a hyper active thyroid, and lost a lot weight, had no energy, didn`t sleep well and was a bit shakey, I`m sure there were more signs, I was a child at the time, once they killed his thyroid and got him on medication he was fine. Happy Birthday to your mom, 90 years old, that is so great!!! The video sounds like a great present!

    Kate:smile: Hope the "funk" will leave soon:flowerforyou: !!!

    Mary in TN:smile: Farming sounds like a lot of hard work!!! The outcome is wonderful though!!!

    Joy:smile: Congrats on being 4.5 pounds lighter!!! Your trip sounds wonderful! ...blisters on blisters...ouch, sounds like you did a lot of walking! I`m hoping I have time to get to your blog, I would love to read about your trip!

    As usual I`ve run out of time:sad:! I have read all the posts and I`m wishing everyone a good day!
    Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in once again rainy NC:frown: !
  • BetsyAnn2013
    BetsyAnn2013 Posts: 37 Member
    Bump :yawn:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I just responded to everybody!!!! It took a long time!!! And it just said, 'the topic is locked" when I submitted it. Oh boy.

    I hate when that happens! LOL. I mostly open a word document and make my replies as I read. Then it is easy to recover all the work. Not doing that at this moment, however.

    With sympathy..
    Katla in NW Oregon
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    barbie - that must have been something for Jake to see his friend become a us citizen!

    Did 45 minutes of a step DVD today. Tomorrow I'll do Jillian Michael's Power Sculpt DVD.

    We have the Newcomers general meeting and then senior bowling. We were asked to go into this bowling "tournament", which to me sounded interesting. For each time you got 9 pins down, you were credited with a strike. Vince wasn't too keen on going so we won't. I'll probably work on cleaning up for bunco tomorrow.

    Cut up the lemon bars that I made last night and then put them in the freezer so I don't see them each time I open the refrigerator.

    Renny - has your friend had his thyroid checked? Anyone who is diabetic, before you were diagnosed, did you lose drastic amounts of weight? I just remember when our cat had hypothyroidism, he would eat and eat and eat and constantly be hungry (not cute at 3am), but only got skinny. Also, before PJ (who was something like 21 lbs) was diagnosed as being diabetic, he rapidly lost weight until he was 9lbs. Congrats to your mom on her 90th birthday! That's some accomplishment. oh, it's called "Fat Tuesday" because on that day there is the ritual of eating fatty, sweet foods in preparation of Lent the next day (a time of repeantance, etc)

    Linda - our bodies DO take time to catch up. Thanks for sharing.

    ahhhh..without thinking, I had a pork sausage today. Should have had one of those meatless burgers. Oh no.....

    Well, off to the meeting. Will be back later.

    Michele in NC
  • allisonlane61
    allisonlane61 Posts: 187 Member
    bump for tomorrow:flowerforyou:
    Happy "Fat Tuesday"!!

    Why is it "Fat Tuesday"? I have never heard of that. Could you explain (honest question)


    Fat Tuesday is the Tuesday evening before Lent begins. On the night before Lent, it was tradition to clear the refrigerator of all foods you wouldn't be eating for the next 40 days, things that are sweet, fattening, and generally pleasing to the taste buds. This is how it was dubbed "Fat Tuesday."

    Jackie in Cherry Hill outside of Philly
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Yesterday I ended the day by going to bed early with a headache. :sick: I didn't even watch the end of the dog show, :noway: which is saying something. I did record it, so I can go back and watch the end if/when motivated. This morning the scale is not heading the right way.:sad: and I still have the headache, but it is milder.:grumble: I hope this isn't the "coming down' stage of something.

    Today is DH's day with the acupuncturist. I go more often than not, but for now I'm the only driver so I will be going every time for the foreseeable future. I like Dr.J and she's done wonders for DH. Her treatments have improved his MS symptoms dramatically.:heart::bigsmile:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    Happy "hump day" and first day of Lent. We took out a ham for dinner before realizing that it is Ash Wednesday, so DH is going to the store to pick up fish. Luckily, he had made tuna fish for lunches. I am sore again today. This time, it's probably from the lunges I did yesterday. This makes me even more determined to stay with it. A little Aleve should help. Do you think I'll ever get to the point where I'm NOT sore? My son called me last night and told me he had gout. Well, at least that's what they think it is. His right foot and left knee are swollen, and he's in a lot of pain. He is awaiting results from testing he had done at the hospital.

    :laugh: ohiomom - I never heard of Dietbet.com, but you sure can find anything on the Internet! I say, whatever works is a good thing.

    :flowerforyou: Michele - Not sure what these random acts of kindness are just yet....I suppose that's why they're random! I'm hoping that by consciously looking for things to do and people who might need a kind word or deed, that the opportunities will present themselves to me.

    :wink: Barbie - I'm going to look into that book. I could certainly use a guideline to help me in my quest for better fitness.

    :happy: Renny - Loved the ides of the UTube video for your mom's 90th birthday. 90 years is quite an accomplishment! Oh, and Fat Tuesday is typically a big party day when people indulge in sweets before the Lent season (40 days of sacrifice before Easter) begins.

    The sun is out, but the rain and snow are coming.......:grumble:

    Lucy in Delaware:bigsmile:
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Goodness me, miss a few days around here and poof! we've moved into Part 2. Isn't life grand! :bigsmile:

    I've been rather swamped with work, busy planning a recital for my guitar and piano students. It's a chore, but always a great show, and of course the parents are always so proud :smile: I might have to have two separate recitals this time since I'm having trouble finding a room big enough to seat everyone that doesn't cost an arm and a leg to rent. :grumble: Lots of calls to make this morning.

    I'll have to stop by later and catch up with posts, I'm off to get my exercise done early. Didn't have time to do much of anything yesterday other than walk my pooches! I simply must make time for my strength & cardio upkeep! It's all too easy to slough it off when I get super busy. I guess I'd better start penciling it in, like an appointment. :tongue:

    Happy Weds, let's make it a good one. Eat your greens and beans :flowerforyou:

    :smile: jb in cloudy Portland
  • 50ishFoodie
    50ishFoodie Posts: 82 Member
    Hello, everyone! Just a quick check in. Can't believe we're in Part 2 for the month. Went fast! Decided today that I am going to give up caffeine/coffee for a while. Never was a huge fan, until I discovered espresso about a year ago. Now I want one every day. So, time to walk away.

    Also decided that I have to get a new scale. DH noticed a 5 pound variance while weighing himself 4 times in 2 days. This morning, he weighed himself twice within 5 minute - a 3 lb difference. No wonder I've been so frustrated. SO - any good suggestions for a body scale?

    Been keeping up with the veggie challenge. Easier to do duing the week than on the weekend. Continue to bring the huge salad to work every day.

    Speaking of work - it's getting interesting around here. Seems that someone else isn't producing results on a huge contract, so they are moving me into that position 1/2-time to shake things up and get things moving. Political hot-seat, is what I call it. Trying to be positive.At least the work will be fun.

    We've had terrible inversions here this winter, and the smog is making things hard on my asthmatic lungs. Yesterday, while swimming, had to stop to breathe after every lap. Hasn't happened to me in a long time. Hoping this weather pattern breaks soon. They are calling for storms next week, which should help some. Fingers crossed.

    Take care, all!

    Jane in SLC
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Good morning everyone... although it's almost afternoon! Takes me a while to read everyone's news... so much, so good!

    I LOVE Downton Abby... DH not a big fan, but he knows all the characters.. DDs.. totally addicted with me! haha

    After reading more and more about aspertame and diet soda, I am trying my very best to totally eliminate it from my diet... and my DD as well who tends towards anxiety is giving it up too... I hadn't had one for 3 weeks... and then had a small one last night at the basketball game... it was good, but I wasn't craving more. On the right track...

    Still love my coffee.... :smile: and my green tea:drinker: and my water:drinker:

    Have a happy day...:love:
    Tammy in Va Beach
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day!!
    Have a good one.
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    I get to go to Mexico with hubby this weekend, after all! :smile: :smile: My son volunteered to drive down and take his grandfather to the VA appointments next week, so I just canceled everything else. It's going to be a short trip this time -- only six days -- but I'm really looking forward to sitting on the beach with my book and doing absolutely nothing. :glasses:

    This means I'm in a tizzy, though, trying to get everything done. My daughter's birthday is coming up, so I'll need to send her things this week before I leave. I made her favorite cookies to add to the box, so that is always something of a diet disaster. It's so much easier not to eat them when they aren't here! I bought her luggage, which I'll bring when I go to visit next month, so I took a picture and will e-mail it to her with instructions not to look at it until her birthday. Today is paying bills, doing laundry and trying to get ready for my author reception.

    There is a local glossy magazine in Denver called "Her LIfe," which is similar to 5280 Magazine. I think it's syndicated in various cities. They are looking for a wedding to feature, and are considering using my daughter's. I think it would be fun, but I'm waiting to see if she wants to do it (she's been at work, so I haven't been able to ask her).

    Meg – Thanks for the recipe! With your kids, it would be good to have room in the garage for more cars, for sure. Hubby and I have 3 cars and a 3-car garage, so we’re finally on track. When the kids were living at home, though, there were 5 cars and we were always having to shuffle them out of the way.

    Renny – Happy Birthday to your DH! The video for your mom’s birthday is a great idea. Fat Tuesday has something to do with Mardi Gras in New Orleans, but that’s all I can tell you.

    Laura – Can I borrow your Downton Abbey Season 2 when the family is finished with it? Netflix only has Season 1. It will be an excuse to have to have lunch again! (I just read Jodio’s post that Downton Abbey is on-line for free on the PBS site, so we’ll have to have lunch without the excuse).

    Karen – I’m glad you had fun with your friend! When I have a “break” like that, I always wait about a week to weigh-in, since I have a lot of water retention from the salt, traveling, etc. It’s far less scary that way!

    Michele – 12 lbs.?!!! That’s so amazing and wonderful! Good for you! :flowerforyou: If a game helps that much, I’d definitely try another one.

    Barbie – Congratulations to Jake’s friend on getting his citizenship!! I still remember when my hubby got his, many years ago.

    Jodio – Thanks for the info on Downton Abbey being on-line. I didn’t know that, and will look for it!

    Mouth -- Congrats on your loss! It is annoying when restaurants don’t post their nutrition information – it makes life difficult for us, doesn’t it? :grumble:

    Joy – Glad the scale finally moved for you – hooray! So much walking should do something for you, after all. I always retain water when I fly, so that was probably it.

    Jane in Colorado
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :sad: In bed with the dizzies again. Just read the posts but need to put my head back to the pillow.

    Everyone have a good day. Drinking the water will be no problem but don't think exercise will be happening today....and Peanut loves when someone is home and he gets to stay in bed:wink:

    Laura 80111 in Colorado:smile:
  • ekafont
    ekafont Posts: 39 Member
    Do you have room for another 50+ woman on here? I REALLY need some motivation on my eating habits .... Ugh! My workouts consist of some serious cardio and weights, kickboxing, and circuit at least 3 days a week. I've been working out regularly for about 2 years and have gone from a size 14 down to a size 10 ... but haven't lost ANY weight. I know it is what I'm eating ... I was raised on meat and potatoes and I can't seem to break the habit.


    Beth in SC
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    :drinker: Hi to everyone! What a beautiful day here! It’s almost 55! I just got back with having lunch with my minister…out of the blue last week she asked me to have lunch with her. So we did and it was very nice…just normal chit-chat. She’s pretty introverted and I bet she doesn’t have a lot of just plain old friends to hang out with.

    My students and I did our service learning this morning. We were supposed to set up an apartment for a family arriving tonight from Bhutan. The family in the next apt is related, so they were busy cooking quite the feast. We went to the dollar store and stocked up on all the required items, went to the apartment, opened the door and OMG. It was in horrible shape. :mad: The floor in the kitchen was soggy and weak and you could have fallen through it in several places. The toilet, tub and both sinks just need to be thrown out. Moldy food was in the fridge, cigarette butts everywhere, broken, torn apart dishwasher. UGH. So I called the resettlement agency and said UM< NO WAY. :noway: So we took our new stuff back to the agency and they will put this family in another building. I was appalled. :sad:

    Well about 2 yesterday I was suddenly hit with another sinus infection…the 3rd one in 4 months. :sad: :sad: This is getting ridiculous. I’ll have to go in the get on the antibiotics again. Poor Benny Beagle…the vet called yesterday and said his liver enzymes are rising again:brokenheart: so we need another ultrasound…..that’s $400. Can’t anyone be well in our house!!!

    Amanda: hope your day was productive enough to get some rest!

    Lentigo: happy Ash Wednesday! One day I’d like to go to new Orleans for mardi gras.

    Jo: flinging pancakes??? Now that sounds like fun but messy if you fling the syrup too!:tongue:

    Renny: glad you go to enjoy your family! Happy birthday to dear mom! Fat Tuesday is called that because you fast on Ash Wednesday and periodically during Lent, so the day before you pig out! No joke! Best wishes to your friend

    Laura: I guess I’ll have to tune in to the show!

    DeeDee: gulp, gulp, gulp…thanks for the virtual soup, Kleenex, and hugs!:flowerforyou:

    Karen: I am all for fun cocktails! :happy:

    Michelle….yes lots of WOPS…quilts, sewing (kinda hard since I sold my sewing machine LOL), embroidery, reading, scrapbooking….you get the idea!

    Ohiomom: I think that’s a great motivator!

    Barbie: I like the thought of doing something positive each day during the religious season! What a great idea!:smile:

    Jodio: I’ll check out the online supply of DA!

    Joy: so glad that weight came off! Good for you!

    Lori: Interesting about rib& BBQ places…I have found several that don’t post information. Makes me convinced it is all bad!

    Katla: hope your headache is better. I didn’t watch the dog show either, but saw a pic of the winner….I think he’s kind of ugly LOL!:bigsmile:

    Jane: where do you live that you are having inversions? I can’t quite figure out SLC

    Tammy: gotta love that water! Bleh!:drinker:

    Janehadji: so glad you can take your vacation!!! That is pretty cool the magazine might want to feature your DD’s wedding!! Wow!! Will that make her a crazy bride?

    Beth: hi and welcome. We can always use more faces around here. Come back often so we can get to know you.

    Well, back to grading careplans. 7 of us are sharing 2 sets of books, so I need to finish so I can leave the books for the next person. Take care everyone! Meg
  • sunshine61250
    sunshine61250 Posts: 68 Member
    Just thought I would share something I heard tonight: "We went skiing last week". "Was it cold?" "Oh no! Friday it was -4 and sunny. Saturday -7 and sunny and Sunday -10 with some wind. Monday we weren't there and it was -27! Glad we didn't stay." (I may have mixed up some of the words but I think the temps are right) .... Strange thing? To me, this made perfect sense. -7 and sunny is not cold. But -27?!?!?! COLD! :tongue: My how things have changed since we moved to Norway!