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All the Little People (5"1 and under)



  • i'm 5"1 and am currently about 120 lbs. when i started on MFP about a year ago, i was 150 lbs. it's true, keeping weight off being so short is definitely more challenging, but it doesn't mean it's not possible! i lost 35 lbs in about seven months, and it took 100% focus and dedication every day. it was definitely hard, especially since i'm in college and being in that sort of environment isn't exactly the most "supportive" when it comes to weight loss. but i promise, take it one day at a time, set tangible goals, log everything you eat (and stop eating dairy and meat! it'll help with your weight loss soooo much), exercise every day, stay positive, and you'll see results! they say it takes 4 weeks for you to notice a change in your own body, 8 weeks for your close family and friends to notice, and 12 weeks for the world to notice. give it 12 weeks :) you can do it!
  • DKrisAn
    DKrisAn Posts: 43 Member
    I am also 5'1 at 181lbs. I want to get down to about 115-120lbs. I am fairly muscular for a woman. Once I am at around 140lbs I will reevalulate my goals. It is taking my full determination to lose this weight. Since January 2, I have lost 8lbs.
  • JemS_21
    JemS_21 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm 5'0, mediumish build...not too sure what that means but im not huge n not tiny either.
    im 143lbs but would like to get down to about 110lbs to be healthy
    i only just joined this today. i've been putting on weight/losing weight/putting on back on forth since i moved home from uni in the last 18 months and this is the biggest i've ever been at a UK clothes size 12/14. i don't look huge but would like to lose some weight esp from my stomach n hips (arms too!) n tone up.

    i started my 30 days no chocolate/no alcohol challenge on Sunday 10th Feb
    the no alcohol is easy, the chocolate slightly more difficult as i snack on sweet things but luckily these first 3 days have been ok and i even said No to some today without thinking about it :smile:

    I'm great at starting diets/exercise...rubbish at sticking them out so need to make sure im gettin a kick up the backside occasionally!

    but it is really motivating to know that it does work and is acheivable!
    i've found my motivation to be my jeans! sounds odd..but i have a pair of jeans i absolutely love that completely shows my curves and my great bum *vain moment* :laugh: HOWEVER i no longer wear them as they feel tight and no longer comfortable.
    i'm keeping them though as my aim is to lose weight tone up n love myself again and fit into my amazing jeans!

  • Hey everyone,

    I have grown to perfection at 5'1" ;) I just started again the on February 10 at 168.6lb and now I'm at 167.2lb. Last year I was down to 153.4lb after a juice fast and then getting into running. Unfortunately, I had a pretty bad accident in May and didn't get back into it until now. I am lucky because my husband is on board and we support each other. MFP is a great motivation for me and keeps me on track. Another trick that I used last time when I lost the weight was to challenge myself to go to the gym every day. I wrote out a training plan, so I knew what to do, but gave myself the freedom to just do 20 min of easy biking if I didn't feel good or was still sore from the day before. But I had to go to the gym. This put me into the habit of adding fitness into my schedule and not putting it of (we all know how it goes... the first week you make it 4 times, then 3, then once and then every other week...). I just started this commitment again two days ago, but this time it is easier, because I know I can do it! AND... I am getting married in July, so there is another huge motivational factor!

    I am looking forward to hearing more stories of people with the same goals, and shorty-problems. Does anyone who already lost some weight have any before and after pictures? I would love to see a realistic image of how it'll look....15lb 30lb 45lb down the line... so I can have some positive reinforcement through visualization!
  • Persianpug
    Persianpug Posts: 3 Member
    I am so glad that this topic is being brought up. I am 4'11 and weigh 145. I am not sure what size I wear because I will wear anything that fits and looks decent. I refuse to buy new clothes, I just want to fit in my old clothes. I would love to weight 125 but will settle for 130. I was 130 but last year I was planning my wedding and the stress made me eat none stop (and drink). Anyways, I have been trying very hard to stay within the 1200 - 1300 cal range but that doesn't seem to work for me. I eat healthy enough but I always end up going over and is very discouraging. Oh and when I do keep in my range I am STARVING. I am working out-I aim for 3 times a week, but usually do 1 day. I am anemic and so I feel like I have to eat red meat which I know is high in calories but I need to get my iron from as many sources as I can.

    So if anyone has suggestions for my little issue it would be greatly appreciated!
  • shannonsky
    shannonsky Posts: 75 Member
    I'm 5'2" and losing steadily at ~1700 cals/day. I have a couple goals this year - 1) get to a healthy BMI; 2) run a half marathon; 3) get back to lifting. Once I get down to that healthy BMI (which is 132lbs), I'm going to switch focus and worry about BF% instead of the scale. My goal there is 20%.

    thank you Shannon - how long did it take you to drop those 10 lbs at that level of calorie intake?

    I keep putting it back on (not at 1700 calories...I just suck at staying focused), but so long as I stick to it, I lose 1-3lbs/week, on average.

    Read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    I am 5'1" and 140. Looking to get to 115-120. I am staying around 1200-1300 calories a day.
    EDIT: I am a small frame.

    Tried doing the 'eat more weight less' thing, and it just didn't work for me, I gained weight, and I couldn't lose. Once I dropped to 1200, I lost, but now I'm stuck. Was over 160, so I know I can lose weight.

    If anybody would like to add me, please send a message so I know who you are!
  • roughneckswife
    roughneckswife Posts: 341 Member
    I'm 5'1, started at 252...HORRIBLE for someone my height!
    I'm currently 221!
  • squigglypuff
    squigglypuff Posts: 279 Member
    I'm 4'11, 120.5lbs (down from 148lbs when I joined Spring/Summer 2010). I've gotten as low as 115lbs twice since joining MFP -- January 2012 I was 115lbs, but then I changed jobs in March and my dog passed away in April, I stopped tracking calories and I wound up around 125lbs in the summer. I was a bridesmaid in a wedding October 2012 so I worked my butt off to get to 115lbs and squeeze in a size four strapless dress! Two days after the wedding, hurricane Sandy hit my home on Long Island and I was without heat, power, hot water, and fresh food for thirteen days -- I gained twelve pounds in those thirteen days, bringing me back up to 127lbs!! Months and months of progress lost, I was devastated but it was hard for me to get back into a healthy routine.

    Right before New Year's Eve I decided to join a gym and get healthy and active again. Since January 1st, I've lost 4.5lbs. I set a goal to run/jog/walk 125 miles by Valentine's day, and as long as I do my usual 3-4 miles tomorrow and Thursday, I'll reach that goal! I weigh in every ten days, and I net around 1400-1500 calories daily. I try to burn 300-500 calories, mostly via cardio. Not because I hate strength training, just because I really enjoy running. When I first started on MFP I netted 1000-1200 calories and my only exercise was 30-45 minutes of walking and 30DS. I lost the majority of my weight that way but I was always hungry and miserable.

    My goal is to get to 110lbs. I currently wear size 4-6 jeans and dresses, I'd like to be a size or so smaller. I weighed 97lbs in high school so maybe my super long term goal is to get to that shape again, but for now I don't think that's realistic, especially since I gain weight so easily! I did recently learn that my chronic migraines are triggered by my favorite foods (chocolate, deli meats, and most nuts/nut products) and that cutting them out might make a world of difference for my head and my body!
  • reneeroberts_88
    reneeroberts_88 Posts: 31 Member
    I am 4'11 and weigh 142 today. ( weigh in tomorrow hoping for lower). I wear size 2short in jeans. I carry a lot of weight on my butt legs and stomach. Problem areas!!!! Although since losing weight and noticing my body, I see more fat everywhere!!!! I do my own thing with a nutritionist as far as my calories. ( I won't post because that causes uproars from so many ppl) I don't feel hungry but my problem sticking to calories is I want high high calorie treats! Cakes, little Debbie's, ice cream!!!! I work out 6 days a week and have one rest day. I weigh every other week and the week I don't weigh, I take my measurements. Hoping with the workouts that if one doesn't move the other will! I just want to feel great on the beach and in my boutique clothes!!! We all know the boutique shops sizes run crazy! I wish everyone luck! Feel free to add me! But Be supportive! ( biggest pet peeve with mfp users) I have an open diary to friends!
  • I'm 5'1 and currently 207.5. BUT a fair amount of it is muscle (I have an active job) and I wear a 36F bra. I'm pretty proportionate, just a little stocky. I want to get under 200 by April, and ideally 170 by the end of the year.

    BMI is the biggest pile of crap I've ever heard of. I just looked it up and it says I'm morbidly obese (which I'm not!) and that my ideal weight is 101-126. I couldn't get to 126 if I never ate again!

    It's so hard! I keep having a hard time on the elliptical because my legs go jelly before I run out of breath because it's such a big rotation for my legs to make XD
  • kjoy_
    kjoy_ Posts: 316 Member
    can 5'2"'s join? I was 136 on the first of Jan, down to 127 as of today and hope to be 120 in a few months, and then 115-118 maintain for the foreseeable future!

    anyone else have issue with adjusting gym weight equipment? some of them i can't get to adjust enough for me to use them properly! so frustrating. :sad:
  • arlenem1974
    arlenem1974 Posts: 437 Member
    I'm 5"1 my heaviest was 202. Was 190 when I started on here but now i'm 149. I'm medium boned and my goal is 115. I eat 1300 calories a day. Would love to have a healthy BMI for my birthday ( April 30th ). Need to lose another 17 lbs to get there. I'm 38.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Height: 5'
    Weight: 128 lbs
    Goal: 125 lbs
    31 inch waist
    Eat 1750-2000 calories per day

    I started at 208, and it took 11 months to get down to 135. The last ten have taken forever... I think I'm finally gonna get there this year!
  • essjay76
    essjay76 Posts: 465 Member
    Fellow shortie here :smile: Just wanted to throw out a different perspective. Like a few on here, I didn't drastically cut my calories down to lose weight.

    I started MFP in late 2011 and lost 9 pounds grossing about 1600 calories a day. I am 4'10" and have maintained my weight of 103 lbs. since Feb 2012. At my heaviest before MFP I was 125+ pounds.

    I'm not stick thin, have a small frame, but am built more like a gymnast.

    I am very active though (run quite a bit, always training for something like a marathon), so most of my calorie deficit was made via exercise.

    I am currently at a calorie goal of 2000 (my TDEE) and don't eat my exercise calories back. Days when I don't exercise are considerably less than that though.

    I can understand cutting down to 1200 calories or so if you're our size and are just lightly active. It may be hard to sustain that calorie goal for the long haul though.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
  • rems2012
    rems2012 Posts: 33 Member
  • caddygarcia123
    caddygarcia123 Posts: 122 Member
    Same here!!!

    SW: 180
    CW: 152
    GW: 120
  • sptrsen
    sptrsen Posts: 23 Member
    Hello fellow shorties!

    I'm 5'0" and 195lbs. I am very muscular and large chested (currently 40F), but still have a lot of excess baggage in my tummy and thighs. My goal weigh is 110 (right in the middle of what my BMI says I should be), but think I would be happy at a maximum of 125. However, I think I am more concerned about 1) health and 2) pant size rather than weight. I would ideally like to be a size 4, currently a 12-14.

    I try to stay as close to 1200 calories as I can. I find it easier to maintain when I have a large salad for at least one meal, and when I say large I mean like a medium-sized-mixing-bowl-filled-with-spinach-large. Otherwise I am hungry and eat more than I need to, especially while at work. I am also only have a moderate workout routine. On days I have a hard workout I do tend to eat 1300-1600 calories.
  • jjones62301
    jjones62301 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi, I think your goal of losing 50lbs in a year is absolutely doable! I'm 5' (and one half inch, very important of course!) I started out at 251 lbs (47.7 BMI) and have lost 72 lbs (33.4 BMI) in less than 6 months. I exercise 6 days a week for about an hour to an hour and a half. (usually jogging at 5mph, Wii Just Dance and/or more recently the Insanity workout which is as it says, INSANE!) I normally eat between 900-1200 calories a day, which yes, sounds like too few, but I rarely ever feel like I'm hungry because I eat 6-7 small meals a day. I also give myself one free day out of the month to eat basically whatever I want and one day a week I increase my calories to probably 1400-1700. So to me, it all evens out. :o)