Eating before exercise



  • I have a handful of cashews (and maybe some fruit juice) about half an hour before gym. Leaving it any longer just isn't an option for me; I get dizzy and sick otherwise.
  • LokiOfAsgard
    LokiOfAsgard Posts: 378 Member
    I get up at 8
    Usually start eating around 8:30
    And I'm finished by nine, which is when I do my exercise

    Seems to work okay for me :3

    Some people exercise then eat, but I can't do that. Tried it once and nearly passed out.
  • stacifahlsing
    stacifahlsing Posts: 38 Member
    A friend of mine passed out on the treadmill (she is 5' 4" and weighed at the time 160 lbs and was a regular at the gym) because she hadn't eaten in 6 hours. So, clearly food is necessary. Last night I had a long conversation with someone which delayed my dinner time and exercise time. If I was to exercise and eat before my evening cut off of 7pm for food & drink, I HAD to eat and run right after each other. I run a 5K in 40 minutes on the treadmill ... not fast and not slow! I ate 35 minutes before I ran and nothing came up! I didn't get a stitch in my side or any problems... and it was a 500 calorie dinner and a 535 calorie burn. I don't feel like I wasted the calories I burned with what I ate, because I was still just below 1200 for my day! And I ran so my muscles would be healthy along with my heart! So eat, drink and exercise... be merry!
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    Ridiculous suggestion?! WHAT THE HELL?!! have you never heard of FASTED CARDIO?!

    I never just made that *kitten* up on the spot!! people have been doing it successfully and safely for YEARS!!!

    I'm pretty in tune with my body and know when to use fasted cardio and when not too!!
    It's not my fault if you blacked the hell out, pay attention to your body and you might get more out of it!!!

    My original post stated LIGHT EXERCISE!!! I didnt' say run a damn marathon without eating did i??

    it's just advice anyway, worked perfectly for me and you guys can take what you want or dont want from it!!

    fasted cardio is debated and there are people who say it works and people who say it doesn't - all im saying is it's an option!!!!
  • MJackson54
    MJackson54 Posts: 44 Member
    I've never been able to eat anything within a few hours of exercise because I will throw up. Yep that's right. Guess that's why I do my BEST workout early in the morning. That way I have not eaten anything for many hours before a tough workout. Doesn't matter what the fitness gurus say... I just absolutely cannot eat before I exercise!
  • LokiOfAsgard
    LokiOfAsgard Posts: 378 Member
    Ridiculous suggestion?! WHAT THE HELL?!! have you never heard of FASTED CARDIO?!

    I never just made that *kitten* up on the spot!! people have been doing it successfully and safely for YEARS!!!

    I'm pretty in tune with my body and know when to use fasted cardio and when not too!!
    It's not my fault if you blacked the hell out, pay attention to your body and you might get more out of it!!!

    My original post stated LIGHT EXERCISE!!! I didnt' say run a damn marathon without eating did i??

    it's just advice anyway, worked perfectly for me and you guys can take what you want or dont want from it!!

    fasted cardio is debated and there are people who say it works and people who say it doesn't - all im saying is it's an option!!!!

    Oh look, a study of Fasted Cardio.

    "The group that ate BEFORE the moderate cardio session continued to burn significantly MORE calories up to 24 hours after the exercise bout."
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    I wait at least an hour after I eat before I work out. Otherwise I feel awful and like I'm going to throw up my meal. Do what works and feels best for you.
  • Since I usually workout during lunch hour, I faced with this dilemma...

    Workout before lunch : Feed me! Feed me! Feeed me! (No heavy snacks could convince my tummy otherwise)

    Lunch before workout : So, you do want to lift this iron five times? Let's make it ten.

    Interestingly, many other people told me that they preferred to workout before lunch, since eating lunch makes them feel bloated and heavy. I say try it both ways, let your tummy cast the final vote. :smile:
  • thedescentofhope
    thedescentofhope Posts: 118 Member
    If I go for a run @ 6am I usually eat a banana & a tsp of peanut butter, sometimes a probiotic yoghurt drink & couple of corn cakes. I always have some small before I exercise, it works for me. Oh & I would usually eat about 30-45 mins before.
  • stacifahlsing
    stacifahlsing Posts: 38 Member
    I think Tricksee has more problems than the food issue... Why do you have to be such an attacking expletive!?!!!!! Many people are on here for support, not to be attacked!
  • terem00
    terem00 Posts: 176 Member
    I have to workout on an empty stomach or I'll throw up.
    I stop eating at least 3-4 hours before my workouts. I drink black coffee to curb my hunger and it give me energy.
  • deniseblossoms
    deniseblossoms Posts: 373 Member
    I do fasted cardio, it's what I find I like best and works best for me. I tried the approach to eat 150 calories (or so) about 30 minutes before, didn't care for it. I also tried a small meal a couple hours before, that wasn't my favorite either. Whether to eat and what time comes down to what works best for you. There is some great information on those sites below, I would suggest a visit if you've never been to poke around the articles.
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member

    some say eat 6 meals a day!!! - TOTALLY UNNECESSARY!!

    who do you think funds these studies? People with something to SELL most likely!!!

    of course they're going to say 'eat before this' and 'eat after that' - all people tell us to do these days is eat!! hence the rising obesity epidemic !! 50% and rising!!!!!

    guess who isnt part of that statistic though??? that right!!!


    a bit of fasted cardio by someone who has an ounce of sense never hurt anybody!
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    I think Tricksee has more problems than the food issue... Why do you have to be such an attacking expletive!?!!!!! Many people are on here for support, not to be attacked!

    oops - true, i apologise.
  • nocdpc
    nocdpc Posts: 1 Member
    A serving of oatmeal or a piece of toast with some soy butter about 1hr to 2hrs before a workout. If you are looking at a beast workout on the horizon then give yourself more time to digest. High protein immediately afterwards is recommended as well I recommend greek yogurt with walnuts and a teaspoon of pumpkin butter/jam(low sugar) mixed in.
  • The latest research is that you should execise before eating as this set your metabolisum going. I walk 2.2 miles come home then have breakfast and it has worked for me so far.
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member

    What about Fred Flintstone?:laugh:
  • Riemersma4
    Riemersma4 Posts: 400 Member

    The answer is..... it depends....

    Part of the answer lies in how hard are you going to work out? Are you preparing a monster run, 45 minutes of weight lifting, 20 minutes of cardio.

    Part of the answer lies in what you have been doing prior to work out. Are you 10 hours in to your day and you haven't eaten and supplies are depleted? just getting out of bed?

    If your question is: how quickly can my body metabolize food so that i can work out without experiencing idscomfort? Depends! HGI foods, quick absorbing proteins can be eaten almost immediately before a workout, in moderate quantaites.

    Our bodies are in a constant state of recovery from what we have done. We also need to plan for what we are going to do. Both of these should drive what gets past your lips.

    Personally, i eat or drink something before almost every workout. Part habit, part science...

    Listen to your body.

    Good luck!
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member

    What about Fred Flintstone?:laugh:

    You win.

  • LokiOfAsgard
    LokiOfAsgard Posts: 378 Member