Eating before exercise



  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    I don't really care, because i've done a lot of reading on this subject and i'm very confident in saying it really doesn't matter...

    but i do think its funny that the 'don't eat before exercise' side is the only one to present independent verification of thier argument, but the 'you must eat before exercise' side seems to think they have science to back them up

    wheres the evidence! (its out there lol)

    sorry im board and no ones arguing on the car forums
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    I don't know what 'they' say but I CAN'T eat before cardio. I've tried eating a banana or an apple before running and each time I thought I was going to puke the whole time and had to walk a lot. I do have to eat a little before lifting/strength training though. I usually have a few slices of green apple dipped in pb.
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    Ok lets end this. If your hungry before you go workout then eat. If your not hungry then don't eat ;-) BAM!

    I concur
  • Energizer06
    Energizer06 Posts: 311 Member
    4 hours - are you freaking kidding Hell you should be eating something every 2-3 hours such as: breakfast , morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, after dinner snack. Every 3 hours give you a 18 hour day with food and 6 hours of sleep. I like to sleep 8 hours so eat more often....not more calories...just more often. At no point should you go over 3 hours. Best way to improve you metabolism is to keep it in an anabolic state (always working) . Eat at least one hour b4 working out if its a big meal like Breakfast, lunch or dinner. snacktime maybe 30min whatever you only eat like an apple at this time so chances are it won't comeback to see you again.
  • capnwo85
    capnwo85 Posts: 1,103 Member
  • twelfty
    twelfty Posts: 576 Member
    the reason they present sooooo much bull**** articles to back them up is because they can't use logic so they need a *kitten* who wants to come up with the new great way to workout! and put out a book or dvd or just to get attention

    anyone with a braincell can use science and scientificly proven facts (not studies) to back them up and theres a massive difference
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    Hell you should be eating something every 2-3 hours such as: Best way to improve you metabolism is to keep it in an anabolic state (always working) . Eat at least one hour b4 working out if its a big meal like Breakfast, lunch or dinner. snacktime maybe 30min whatever you only eat like an apple at this time so chances are it won't comeback to see you again.

    Thanks for your input. Totally wrong though.
  • capnwo85
    capnwo85 Posts: 1,103 Member
    4 hours - are you freaking kidding Hell you should be eating something every 2-3 hours such as: breakfast , morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, after dinner snack. Every 3 hours give you a 18 hour day with food and 6 hours of sleep. I like to sleep 8 hours so eat more often....not more calories...just more often. At no point should you go over 3 hours. Best way to improve you metabolism is to keep it in an anabolic state (always working) . Eat at least one hour b4 working out if its a big meal like Breakfast, lunch or dinner. snacktime maybe 30min whatever you only eat like an apple at this time so chances are it won't comeback to see you again.

  • 78brownie_wechanged
    Eat before exercise!!!?? Whooooaaa!!! take a step back, lady!!! the way i look at it, food fuels the workout!!

    i want to attack my FAT STORES otherwise im just sweating my balls off to work off the toast I just ate!!! pointless in my book!!!!!
    might as well just bin the toast and not bother with exersices as the results are the same calorie-wise so *kitten* IT!!!

    Your body has FAT to use as energy so USE IT, don't fill up on carbs/sugars or whatever!!!

    Do some FASTED CARDIO!!!! 20-30mins LIGHT EXERSISE!!!! thats all you need!! dont be spending 90mins on a treadmill like the other boffins I see sweating through 7 layers of clothes!!! its unnesseccary!!!

    I lose weight just sitting here yawning!! I havent seen the inside of a gym since Noah built the Ark and Im LEAN AS HELL THESE DAYS!!!


    (just my oppinion, probably totally wrong, but maybe worth a shot, though?! thanks)

    WRONG!!!! Lets keep this simple if you feel better working out with food in your stomach then eat before working out.(I normally eat a small breakfast 30 mins before the gym) If you feel bloated or feel funny after eating and working out then train on a empty stomach. If you train fasted I would recommend a post workout meal for sure and possibly a bcaa supplement preworkout if you are weight training.


    ^^^This!!! Meal timing is of no importance when it comes to weight loss. Being at a calorie deficit at the end of each day is what induces weight loss, not whether or not you ate something before you worked out. It is all about personal preference and what will help you perform better!

  • Change_is_Good_
    Change_is_Good_ Posts: 272 Member
    Me 3
  • Energizer06
    Energizer06 Posts: 311 Member
    I'm going to assume you're a troll.
    With the use of caps and multiple punctuation and inability to do any kind of research.

    Guess what, I use to eat just three meals a day, and while you don't really have to to lose weight, eating 5 or 6 small meals /is/ healthier. Of course, eating 5 or 6 of crap food like wendy's and Mcdonalds- yeah that won't work.
    But it keep your metabolism up, if you do it eating healthy foods.

    The only reason obesity is rising is because people don't understand what's actually healthy or they don't care.

    Wow. I guess pointing out peoples grammar over the internet is easier than being clever.

    meal frequency does not matter at all. 3 or 6 -NO DIFFERENCE. your metabolism will rise slightly but not enough to make ANY KIND OF DIFFERENCE!!!

    I will say people who eat 6 meals tend to make better choices when it comes to food but how often it's consumed doesnt matter!
  • GainsAndGuitars
    I seem to have better gains when I am in a fasted state. Don't know if it makes me focus more or what. I can't eat (unless it's like a protein shake) earlier than an hour or so before a workout. Everyone is different though.
  • wrotruck
    wrotruck Posts: 72 Member
    Here's what works for me and I feel the diffrence if I don't do it. I workout 1-2 times per day depending the day. My main stay workout is always at 5:30 am after a 6-8 hour fast and varys between cardio and strenth traning. 30 mins before I drink a shake with the following:

    Beta Alanine
    Creatine Monohydrate

    Afterward, I drink more protein and have either Kashi cereal or Oatmeal.

    Afternoon workout, when it happens, is at about 5pm, it is always cardio, and I have usually eaten almonds at about 3pm and maybe a bottle of vitamin water after.

    I DO NOT buy into fasted cardio. I have never seen a that in the training plan of a top perfroming athlete. It's a short term gain and a long term loss in terms of preserving lean muscle. Not to mention the very real possibility of a Bonk.

    Most people I know, say that a solid food pre-work out meal is effective 1 - 2 hours prior.

    My 2 cents...
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    the eating before exercise thing is more a matter of preference from what i can tell.

    the eating often thing will provide a definte advantage to say eating 3 meals a day from a weight loss/increased metabolism perspective.

    is it necessary to lose weight? of course not, but i'd argue that most people will see resluts faster using that method
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    I seem to have better gains when I am in a fasted state. Don't know if it makes me focus more or what. I can't eat (unless it's like a protein shake) earlier than an hour or so before a workout. Everyone is different though.

    i don't really understand what you mean by 'better gains when in a fasted state'.

    are we talking about losing weight or putting on muscle? cause i definetly don't see how fasting is going to help anyone put on muscle.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    For me, it depends on what I'm doing and what I'm eating. I don't do well on an empty stomach so I always eat something before a morning workout. I also can't workout right away if I eat a real breakfast. After work I will have some trail mix or a small snack and run almost immediately. You just have to figure out your body. Like I learned recently that what works on a 5K doesn't work before a run longer than 4 miles. I need to eat more and closer to race time for 4-6 miles.

    The only thing I've seen where it's recommended not to eat for 2-3 hours before is bikram yoga. I would guess that is because of the heat but I haven't fully researched or tried it yet. Oh and if I recall right, P90X says wait an hour after eating.
  • twelfty
    twelfty Posts: 576 Member
    the original question was answered definatively in my first post this has been a massive waste of time i don't even know why i bothered correcting someone who clearly just wants to spread bull****.
  • kimberly728
    Ok lets end this. If your hungry before you go workout then eat. If your not hungry then don't eat ;-) BAM!

    ^^^^ THIS! every peerson is different, everyday is different. this is good advice.
  • NutellaAddict
    NutellaAddict Posts: 1,258 Member
    I eat 45 mins to an hour before my workout...By eat I mean something like a Chobani yogurt or a Protein Shake with a slice of toast...Everybody is different..:smile: