what is your reward?



  • HunterTrouble
    HunterTrouble Posts: 24 Member
    I reward myself with new workout clothes. Having something new and cute (and hopefully smaller) encourages me to keep on sweating!
  • schaskes
    schaskes Posts: 103 Member
    I have rewarded myself with fitness stuff - Zumba game for Wii, new exercise bras, and other similar items. Of course, new clothes! :) But also perfume and jewelry.
  • As I get smaller, I am cleaning out my closet. At present, I don't have much to wear...I haven't been this small in over 20 years. Right now I am buying thrift store clothes cause I hope to be out them soon....and they go back to the thrift store. So my reward comes when I reach 145...and maintain it for a couple of months. All brand new clothes!!
    YES,me too! I also am going to get a belly button peircing.
  • Squeeks70
    Squeeks70 Posts: 157 Member
    My reward to myself is small compared to what I have read! After a workout I reward myself with a great smelling shower gel (Bath & Body Works). No workout = no yummy smelling shower, just plain soap!
  • My Onederland goal is a necklace

    my final goal is a tattoo on my wrist of the first few words of the Desiderata in my mom's handwriting. It's her favorite poem and she gave me a framed copy when I moved out on my own. I read it every day and try to live by it.

  • when i lose 15 lb i'm going to get my nails done! I love having them done and i figure this would be a nice treet. than when i get to my goal weight my uncle said he would give me 100$$$ and i am getting cute clothes to wear on my hubby and i's anniversary trip :)
  • My ultimate reward is a new tattoo on my left arm :) I'm excited for it!!
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    My reward is how I feel! :smile:
  • katie1286
    katie1286 Posts: 26 Member
    My reward to myself is small compared to what I have read! After a workout I reward myself with a great smelling shower gel (Bath & Body Works). No workout = no yummy smelling shower, just plain soap!

    I do this too! I splurged on some awesome sugar scrub/body wash for myself, but I'm only allowed to use it after I work out! I like the immediate reward each time I work out rather than having to wait until I've accomplished a bigger goal (like losing pounds).
  • I have a bit of a ways to go still, so I am planning on rewarding myself for milestones:
    When I am 20 lbs down, I am getting myself a brand new pair of professionally fitted running shoes (ones that match my gait).
    At 30 lbs down, I will buy myself new workout clothes (hoping I will be significantly smaller by then).
    40 lbs down, I will get my hair done at a nice salon.
    50 lbs down, I might get a tattoo.
    60 lbs down, I will buy a new wardrobe! :) (and maybe go on a nice vacation)!
  • marianneread
    marianneread Posts: 21 Member
    Spa treatments are a great reward, a massage, facial, or new haircut/color. I like to cook, so a new kitchen gadget or healthy cookbook.
  • sugboog29
    sugboog29 Posts: 630 Member
    Books...I love to read while walking on my treadmill! And new clothes now and then!
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    As much as I love food that would definitely be a problem reward for me lol. It would be giving myself an entire cake or pie as a reward! :laugh:

    At 1/2 way and all the way I am rewarding myself with tattoo's. They will not only be reminders of what I have done for myself by they also will have their own particular meanings, the first one I will get at 1/2 way is a dreamcatcher with my grandmothers name subtly put into it. I am getting it in remembrance of her. The second one has yet to be officially decided but I was thinking to dedicate it in some way to my family since they are extremely important to me, this one will be done when I reach my goal. I am currently 1 lb away from 1/2 way!
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    My ultimate goal was an expensive (to me, I'm a cheapo) retro style bikini. Now it just has to be summer so I can wear it!

    When I was loosing, I'd pick up some clothes every 10 pounds or so. It was expensive but fun. :)
  • kbeech06
    kbeech06 Posts: 328 Member
    When I get down to 199 (my first mini goal) I plan on a day of pampering. Hair cut, mani/pedi, eyebrows waxed...maybe even a massage. Next goal I hit, it will be some new clothes!
  • MG_Fit
    MG_Fit Posts: 1,143 Member
    Ohhh new tattoo sounds good!

    But realistically, I want some LV sunglasses :glasses:
  • nikibob
    nikibob Posts: 165 Member
    My reward to myself is small compared to what I have read! After a workout I reward myself with a great smelling shower gel (Bath & Body Works). No workout = no yummy smelling shower, just plain soap!

    i love this idea for a daily reward to stay motivated! especially if i want to go out and smell really nice that evening!
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    That's a good question. Little rewards....big rewards...and not about eating. Hmmm?

    My big reward will be new knees. At 200 pounds or less, I will be able to walk again and be rid of my wheelchair. That is huge.

    However, the little rewards is a harder question for me. I was just thinking about how to celebrate Valentine's Day with my hubbie, and all I could think of was the old stand by...'going out to dinner'. That's food again. It has always been our perpetual way of celebrating anything. I need to find something different but not fattening. Hmm? That is another good topic.

    I can definitely say that I would never think of a tatoo. That would be the last thing on my list of rewards. I know too many old folks who are regrettng their youthful tatoo choices that now look like ugly bruises on old skin. :noway:
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Two rewards I have in mind.

    Shopping for a new wardrobe and nice clothes that "fit" instead of baggy.

    To enter a few national tennis tournaments and compete my butt off!
  • Liatush
    Liatush Posts: 627 Member
    If I make it to my goal weight by December, 2013, we are going for 5 days to Hawaii (with hubby, no kids). This is my biggest motivation at the moment to make sure I stay on track and not take it too easy on myself.... A deadline works for me.

    I'm shopping for bathing suits and living in lala land as we speak :)