Post Partum Mommies!

Hi! I have used myfitnesspal on and off for the past 3 years. In 2011 I lost 30 pounds and reached my goal weight. Not long after I fell pregnant,but unfortunately lost that pregnancy. Then in May 2012 we found out we were blessed with another pregnancy. I gave birth to my sweet little boy Jan 19th. He is now almost 4 weeks old.
Between two pregnancies,working full time and breaking my foot at 24 weeks pregnant and being in a cast for 6 weeks I managed to put on 55 pounds all together. I lost about 24 in the first 2 weeks post partum. I am trying to lose another 20 or so,and get healthy and back in shape. Also to eat healthy while breastfeeding my baby.

Any other new mommies want to introduce themselves?!

Feel free to add me as a friend,I plan to log in everyday.


  • llstrength
    llstrength Posts: 44 Member
    I had my daughter four months ago. I was overweight before having her. Now, I've lost all my pregnancy weight, but look worse then ever! I need to lose about 80lbs! :/

    I breastfed for the first 3 months. I was planning on bf for a year, but I was having trouble with my pump so I introduced some formula, and there was no going back!

    I'll add you!
  • abbyblackcft
    I had my son Riley 11 months ago. He turns 1 next week! He is my first baby! I am excited to see other moms on here. I breastfed for the first 6 months, but because of work I had to stop. I will add each mom on here as well!

  • llstrength
    llstrength Posts: 44 Member
    . I breastfed for the first 6 months, but because of work I had to stop. I will add each mom on here as well!

    I had to go back to work too. That's why I was trying use my pump.
  • eacgfambam4
    eacgfambam4 Posts: 4 Member
    i am trying to lose baby weight too! I have a 28 month old and an 8 month old. So I never lost the weight from the first pregnancy, ran into depression issues during my last pregnancy and then moved cross country lol! FINALLY getting back on track. My goal is 80-100 pounds, but taking it 20 pounds at a time so not so overwhelming. Feel free to add me if you want :)
  • KayAnnett08
    KayAnnett08 Posts: 9 Member
    i had my daughter 6 months ago, I got up to 230! im down to 175, and my goal is 135-145. I formula feed her, got my butt a gym membership and really trying to get these pounds off! going to Jamaica for my wedding in november, need to look good haha. Anyone can add me if you'd like! :)
  • abbyblackcft
    Hi ladies!
  • Davina_JH
    Davina_JH Posts: 473 Member
    Any positive ladies can add me! :) I nurse my 10 month old, and I have a 29 month old as well. 19 lbs down, 26 to go to my goal. Positive and supportive :drinker:
  • nikkilynne59
    nikkilynne59 Posts: 14 Member
    Hello all

    My baby girl just turned 1 last week it has been a fun year and I have lost about 30 pounds before I
    joined i still have 30 to go. I need all the help i can get.. I put on a lot of weight during the pregnancy because i lost my first baby in Dec 2010 then i got pregnant again 6 months later and had my beautiful girl last February. Now i need to change for her so I can keep up.

    Congrats to all the new moms and the time really does goes by fast so enjoy every moment.

    feel free to add me everyone
  • Jessimaaka
    Jessimaaka Posts: 127 Member
    I have a six month old, and gained 50lbs...I finally just shed the baby weight and am now working on the weight I gained quitting smoking and another 10lbs-ish to get to a healthier weight for me. I just logged in for the 91st day straight :) I am also EBF at the moment.
    RAINBOWBRITE2016 Posts: 20 Member
    Hello all - I am a mother to 2 (11 week girl & 3 year old boy). I want to lose 100 pounds but am setting small goals (20lbs). Please feel free to add me!
  • nikkifumasta
    Hello fellow Mama's!

    I have a (almost) 5 month old healthy baby boy, and a gorgeous (almost) 2 year old daughter!

    It sounds funny, but this 2nd time around the weight has been easier to lose than the first time. I credit the fact that I am nursing (my daughter and I were not successful at it), and I was aware of how hard it was to lose all the weight I gained with my daughter (gained 55 lbs during pregnancy, lost 45 in 11 months before getting pregnant with my son) that I didn't want to go through that again. I gained only 35 lbs with my son, and through healthy eating, exercise (and yes, nursing) I have lost it all! Now I just got to lose that last 10 lbs before getting back to pre-baby weight. However, I was a heavier person before getting pregnant ... so even after I hit my major milestone of "pre-baby" weight, I still have about 65 lbs before I hit my ultimate goal!

    I am always looking for new MFP pals to share our journey's with and encourage along!
  • MrsMeisner
    MrsMeisner Posts: 40 Member
    Feel free to add me! I joined MFP to lose my last 18lbs of baby weight before my wedding January. I accomplished that and extended my goal a little farther. My daughter is 13 months old and I'm just trying to get healthier all around so that I can continue to keep up with her.
  • learningtolove
    learningtolove Posts: 288 Member
    bump :)
  • buckeyehc
    I just joined yesterday and this is my first post. I had a baby September 17 (and have a 2-year old) and I am still nursing him and will start solids next month. I figure I better add 200-500 calories a day? What do other nursing moms do? I get SO hungry. I don't want to see a dramatic drop in supply.
  • learningtolove
    learningtolove Posts: 288 Member
    I am rbf right now,adding 500 for now. Guess its a test to see if I am able to lose weight with that ,or if lowering it a bit will mess up my supply.
  • CaliSteph
    CaliSteph Posts: 142 Member
    4 1/2 months post partum. Started MFP in Jan and have lost 9lbs so far. Feel free to add me if you need support.

    i log my breastfeeding/pumping at 500 cals. It's worked so far for me.
  • tanyakay87
    tanyakay87 Posts: 223 Member
    My little one is nearly 2 and the weird thing is that I actually only put on weight after she was born.
    I am still trying to get back down to my pre-pregnancy weight after stopping and starting. This is the longest I have stuck to it though and I have less than 3kgs to go! Please feel free to add me all the other mommies, I am on everyday and offer encouragement and congrats wherever I can :)
  • lauraturburville203
    My youngest is nearly 12 months old. When she was born I lost nearly 20lbs within the first 4 weeks of giving birth. Since then my weight has probably doubled but thankfully now I am head strong and determined to loose the baby weight and more. Good luck and feel free to add me if you need support :-)
  • Kristen81
    Kristen81 Posts: 342 Member
    I just had my baby girl 5 weeks ago and also have a 3 year old boy! I'm working my booty off to get this baby weight off of my belly.
  • Elicur
    Elicur Posts: 78 Member
    Hi Ladies.

    I was overweight before my first pregnancy in May 2011 ( due in January 2012 ) I had problems with the pregnancy, and breastfeeding and when I finally lost the baby weight by April 2012, I found out I was pregnant again!
    Because I worked as a housekeeper during my second pregnancy I gained only eight pounds ( on top of the twenty I wanted to lose anyway ) I gave birth to my son a week before my little girl turned one in December 2012, lost the eight pounds with the birth and a unsuccessful breastfeeding attempt with my grumpy,very jealous daughter making things too difficult.
    Now I'm trying to lose those twenty pounds I gained since high school.. jeepers! It crept up on me!