does anyone else have a small amount of weight to go?



  • breza262
    breza262 Posts: 40 Member
    I am like you. I joined last March and have slowly lost 16 pounds. My goal would be another 15 pounds (ish) and I don't have a set time frame for this. I'm not trying to make any radical changes that will result in gaining it back. I'm trying to continue with this lifestyle and know that I will be healthy and get rid of the weight if I can do this.
  • littlelaurie14
    littlelaurie14 Posts: 224 Member
    I'm trying to lose the last couple pounds and I swear they will never go! Ugh!
  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member
    I slooooooowly lost weight and was down 13lbs and now down 16lbs since November.

    I'm trying to gain more muscle then lose weight, however, if i go based on weight, I have another 9lbs to go. I'm 142lbs and I want to range between 130 and 133lbs (I'm 5'7).

    I've given up sweets for lent and am keeping my fingers crossed I see the scale go down to the 130's by March and the 'lower' 130's by April - my birthday is April 30th and I'd like to reach my goal by then!

    A lot of self discipline will be required!
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    I have some body fat to lose still (I'm down 30 lbs)...I'm planning to shake things up in March by replacing some of my cardio workouts with weight training :)
  • frood
    frood Posts: 295 Member
    1) Find a very heavy thing.
    2) Pick it up.
    3) Put it down.
    4) see step 2.

    Jokes aside, check out stronglifts or new rules of lifting for women.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Codefox
    Codefox Posts: 308 Member
    I've got 2lbs left and my BF is down to 13.5%. I've started to switch more into maintenance now and its slowing the loss down but I really had the weight fly off me...25lbs in 3 I wanted to start putting the brakes on as I got to my goal. I do want to see those last two lbs gone though!
  • SamanthaClarexo
    SamanthaClarexo Posts: 353 Member
    I've got 18lbs to go, hoping to lose this by July :) x
  • surromom2010
    surromom2010 Posts: 457 Member
    I'm 5'3 sitting at 121-123 ish for the longest freaking time now. I kinda stopped tracking when I got to the last 8lbs, I'm sure that has something to do with it...I'm glad I haven't gained but I'm really tired of seeing that number lol. I can't wait for it to be nice outside for a long run, rejuvinate my motivation.
  • taranj21
    taranj21 Posts: 83 Member
    i have 10-13 lbs left to get to my ugw! it is sooooo hard!!!
    i've lost almost 12 lbs so far, and feel soooo much better!!
  • daniellegwilliam
    daniellegwilliam Posts: 122 Member
    I also have about 15-20 to lose to reach my seems really slow...(although 8lbs in 7 weeks is ok I guess)
    but im just excited and impatient. one week I lose. the next week nothing.
    but keep telling yourself its a lifestyle change, this is forever...dont give up.

    I agree with the PP, switch it up, from what you eat, to your workouts. If you have oatmeal and fruit everymorning. start eating scrambeled eggs and veggies instead. or a smoothie

    I know I always ate a whole grain english muffin, PB and banana every morning for breakfast. Than I switched it up to greek yogurt, fruit and a little granola, and started drinking more water, tried a different workout DVD...Help move things along again, You need to trick your body, just like humans, we get accustomed to routine and the same thing day after day
  • GetFitE
    GetFitE Posts: 247 Member
    I can relate to most posters. I lost 50lbs in 2008-2009 (which I had been able to keep off until this year) and joined MFP to help me get through my plateau to lose my last 20ish lbs... They haven't budged...I've been bouncing back and forth for the past 2 years it seems. I get all the way down to 198...and then a month later I'm back at 203...Now recently I'm at 211 from winter/holiday weight gain and now THAT won't budge. It's becoming frustrating and discouraging. I've been changing it up and increasing my workouts (now training for my 4th half-marathon over these 2 years), and I've been trying to clean up my diet (from eating whatever I wanted under calorie goal-to now eating more fruits/veggies/protein), but nothing seems to be working for me to kickstart weight-loss again. I'm in a wedding at the end of April and would like to get slimmer in the next 2 months (started weight-training 3x a week, plus cardio 3x a week, aiming for 3-5 days a week of exercise with my work schedule) and I will begin trying on wedding dresses at the end of this year and would like for that to be an enjoyable experience...

    I just PRAY this is my year to get slimmer and toned once and for all!
  • blullb
    blullb Posts: 37 Member
    I have 1 pound left till i reach goal!!! The last bit requires serious dedication!! If you allow yourself "cheat weekends" the last bit will never come off, cuz each week you are just relosing the weight you gained on the weekend. I find what works better is allowing yourself to eat the meals you love once in awhile but only have very small portions! Then you dont feel deprived and go on a binge when you are weak!
    Also, eat your last meal of the day as early as possible and NO snacking after that!!
    You can do this!!!
  • CallmeFrida
    CallmeFrida Posts: 197 Member
    I need to lose 10 more and it is not wanting to budge!

    Have you tried to cut back on your sodium? I started staying at 1200 calories and staying under 2300mg of soidium along with drinking more water for a week and it has started moving again.

    thats good advise-i'm the same i'll deffenantly try this thanks!
  • sallyaj
    sallyaj Posts: 207 Member
    I have 16lb left until I have hit goal, i have currently lost 20lbs (slowly over the last 7 months)

    I would ideally love to have lost this by June this year.

    Is this realistic?

    any advise on how to lose those last pounds?

    Thanks :)

    Hi Sadie, I took a look at your food diary. I think you are doing an amazing job exercising and eating only an average of 1200 calories a day. You must have great willpower!

    I don't like to advise. On the other hand, I never would tried what is working for me if I hadn't heard about it on these boards. No one program is right for every BODY and everyone should do what works for him/her. It all depends on one's personal hormonal profile and how your body breaks down food. But I can tell you that I am losing half a pound a day on a high fat diet. I too work out at least five days a week. Have been for most of my life -- yet still yo-yo'd the same 15 pounds over and over. On LCHF I'm eating 1800 calories a day and I never feel hungry. I've lost 7 pounds in 13 days.

    There is a message board for LCHF if you are interested in checking it out.

    Good luck!
  • I have about 11lbs left until my GW & 18lbs until my UGW. I find now that im under 20lbs to lose its coming off alot slower. ( which is frustrating) but i am noticing body changes and am thinking about changing my weight in to measurements . Good luck everyone!
  • I have 7.5 pounds to go before I hit my weight goal. So far the pounds have been coming off smoothly.
  • icmuse
    icmuse Posts: 263 Member
    I have been stuck at "13 pounds to go" for a month now.

    My total weight loss goal is 35 pounds, so 22 is gone already. I have dipped as low as 26 pounds lost few times last year, but let them creep back up. :sad:

    Patience, persistence, working hard, eating enough calories and not giving up WILL be the key to see the scales moving again!!!
  • icmuse
    icmuse Posts: 263 Member
    ^^^ what she said ^^^ :glasses:
  • MsMarlaMae
    MsMarlaMae Posts: 144 Member
    I've got 18 lbs left to my ultimate goal, and 3 lbs do my first goal.

    I've been here now for a few months. I know the problem, it's me. I like my new body, and I'm not working out like I should, or eating like I should.

    Instead of getting to down on myself I try to show myself that I'm also maintaining, with a minuscule amount of weight loss as we go. I'm proud of that fact, because I have no intentions on gaining back those 82 lbs I lost.

    But MAN, I want to be able to say I lost 100 lbs :) So every day is a new struggle, a new opportunity.. but until I get out of my current mindset that scale is gonna keep being ugly to me.
  • Bean5
    Bean5 Posts: 84 Member
    Mid-Jan I had the last 10 pounds to go, and then suddenly I had a formal dinner to go to in February and a dress I needed to lose a couple pounds to fit into just right. Honestly I just thought, I can be really serious about eating clean for 3 weeks and decided to do it, I changed my MFP goals and 2 pounds dropped off almost immediately, and now I only have 3 pounds left here mid-Feb. I really have been losing a pound a week. But my real trick has been eating at home, cooking, very careful eating out. Restaurants are a killer. And exercise at least 6days even if it's just walking a half an hour (but most days I alternate running/yoga and weight lift a little).

    Lunch is big salads with protein - 2 1/2 - 3 C romaine and vegetables -- taco salad (beans, corn, bell pepper and a little cheese), Caesar salad w/steamed shrimp (homemade dressing!), club salad, tuna salad, spinach salad, Asian salad w/roasted tofu, etc! Also a good trick for dressing mix 2T any kind vinegar w/1 T brown mustard. Or if you don't mind artificial sweetener sprinkle over salad and sprinkle rice vinegar as well. I'm not much for artificial but sometimes use Truvia in a pinch.

    And back to the original goal---the dress looked great at the dinner, and more importantly I felt great in it. :)
    You can do it!!
    Good luck!
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