Muscle soreness after 30 Day Shred!

I just started the 30DS yesterday .. I found it challenging but definitely not impossible. The hardest part was doing all those pushups! However, today my muscles are really sore .. while I would like to do the 30DS again today (and every day), I just don't know if it will be possible to do the exact same exercises day after day. Perhaps modify some exercises or take days off? Any tips?


  • JayMri
    JayMri Posts: 241 Member
    30 Day Shred is one of my favorite workouts and I've done a few rounds of it. What I have found is that pushing myself into doing day 2 usually helps with the muscle soreness. A lot of the time it's my shoulders that are sore so I may do a couple less reps the second day, or do a few with out weights. If I am sore after the third day I take a break.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    My personal opinion is that it's not a great idea to do the same routine if you're really sore. You'll likely have bad form and may cause an injury if you push yourself too hard. Also, it is important to give your muscles time to recover.

    A lot of sources say rest is important to muscle recovery but I don't think that means you have to just sit on the couch. Active resting and recovery is possible by doing something less intense (like going for a walk) and then stretching really well afterwards, or doing yoga which covers both angles.

    For instance, I started a new circuit training routine a few weeks ago and was really sore all over for the following two days. So I went to some old standards and used the elliptical and stationary bike and did some stretching. By the fourth day I was ready to do the circuit training again and only had to take 1 day to recover. So this first week, maybe you can only do 30DS 3 or 4 days but next week you could do it 4 or 5 days as your body adjusts and gets stronger.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I did two days, then I took a rest day. I had to since I could hardly walk, nevermind do anything else.
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    this is why i quit it after the first session.
  • DoingitWell
    DoingitWell Posts: 560 Member
    I was very sore.
  • JennKie1
    JennKie1 Posts: 200 Member
    Jillian is evil. I think the reason she claims you'll get such wonderful results / weight loss from 30DS is because after the first day you're so sore that you can't even crawl to the refrigerator. :wink:

    Honestly, I've never made it past a few days because it got boring doing the same thing every single day. Other people have had great success with it though. I think it's just a matter of personal preference.
  • _Tara_R
    _Tara_R Posts: 688 Member
    I'm currently on Day 14 of the Shred. I was sore in the beginning as well but I will pass. :)
  • tararocks
    tararocks Posts: 287 Member
    i by no means am saying that I have any idea what I am talking about...but here goes anyway...i just read an interview with her for her new book and in it she says 30 day shred was a marketing gimic, that what she really envisioned was 2 days of shred, a day of cardio, 2 days of shred, a day of rest...rinse repeat. this seems smart to me. I started it last killed me...i posted here that it almost killed me....i was so sore, i pushed myself to do it again on friday, knowing i was not doing it on saturday due to literally not being at home for 24 hours...i did it friday...saturday i was so sore i couldnt bend down to pick something off the ground, i listened to my body, i let it rest another day on sunday, by monday i was feeling mostly better but bad decisions got in my way and i didnt do it monday....i did it again last night so it took me from thurs-tues to do three not near as sore today, i didnt have to quit at all last night, my form probably got sloppy towards the end, but it was an improvement and again...sore enough today that i know i worked it, but not so sore that i need my husband to help me up....thats my experience for what its worth:)
  • BettyBlueEyes
    BettyBlueEyes Posts: 56 Member
    Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) is a natural part of strengthening exercise. It's usually worst around 1-2 days after a workout, as your muscles are repairing after doing some microdamage through exercise you're not used to. However, it's this that makes your muscles eventually stronger as they start to bulk out; don't give up! Sure, if you can't do it due to pain then "active rest" as already suggested is fantastic. Be assured though, that next time you do it, it won't be so painful afterwards, and eventually you won't be able to feel anything after. If this is the case, you need to step up your routine, go to the next level on the DVD, as DOMS is a necessary part of getting stronger! It won't always feel like this though, a gentle ache is the norm if you've worked hard. Enjoy it :D
  • justdance06
    justdance06 Posts: 23 Member
    Wow, thanks for the quick responses everyone .. what I was thinking of was doing cardio (walking/running) today and hoping by tomorrow I will feel well enough to do it again! But as someone mentioned, sometimes the soreness gets worse day 2 after exercising, so we'll see ..
  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    It's up to you if you chose to do 30 day shred or not, but you REALLY want to do something the day after your first work out or else you will be even more sore the following day - you want to warm up and stretch your muscles.

    As for being tired and sore after 30ds - what did you expect? How do you expect to get in better shape without at least a little 'pain'? Maybe you need to ease into it a little bit slower, but just quiting or thinking it is to hard because you are sore will not get you were you want to be. Don't quit, you do not fail until you quit. You got this!
  • JezzD1
    JezzD1 Posts: 431
    muscle soreness is actually caused by the muscle tears caused from working the muscle during strenuous workout. If you are super sore it is better to rest that muscle and allow it time to repair.

    allowing the muscle time to repair actually helps it create more muscle fiber so you will be a bit stronger for your next workout.

    A lot of people mistakenly believe that muscle soreness is caused by lactic acid but in truth cellular respiration rids the muscle of all the lactic acid built up from a workout within one or two hours after the workout. so the real cause is torn muscle and the only cure is rest and allowing your muscle fibers to repair.

    I agree don't quit, work a different set of muscles and as soon as the soreness goes away get back to doing JM.

    Also be sure to stretch before and after. I feel the stretch session after that JM does was not enough so I did extra whole body stretching. Stretching promotes healing so it is very important. Do not skip stretching.
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    I do M-F and a different routine on Saturday, and REST on Sunday.

    I use Epsom Salt baths
    Those hot pack things at the mall Kisoks Natures Comfort heating pillows
    And Little Moon Magic Muscle Oil

    I have a bad ankle, knee, and wrist ALL on the same side.
  • justdance06
    justdance06 Posts: 23 Member
    See below
  • justdance06
    justdance06 Posts: 23 Member
    It's up to you if you chose to do 30 day shred or not, but you REALLY want to do something the day after your first work out or else you will be even more sore the following day - you want to warm up and stretch your muscles.

    As for being tired and sore after 30ds - what did you expect? How do you expect to get in better shape without at least a little 'pain'? Maybe you need to ease into it a little bit slower, but just quiting or thinking it is to hard because you are sore will not get you were you want to be. Don't quit, you do not fail until you quit. You got this!

    It's not that I didn't expect to be sore, it's that usually when I'm sore I can take a day or 2 off and I thought the whole point of the program is to do 30 continuous days. It's not like this is my first time working out, I lead an active lifestyle and am basically on here to tone up..
  • twelfty
    twelfty Posts: 576 Member
    eating extra protein really helps with aches, a high protein meal after your workout will give your body plenty to work with repairing while you're asleep (this is when it repairs best) meaning after 8 hours sleep you should feel much better with alot less aches
  • justdance06
    justdance06 Posts: 23 Member
    Also, I never said anything about quitting or giving up .. I asked specifically for tips on quicker recovery from muscle soreness so I can continue doing 30DS as soon as possible.
  • justdance06
    justdance06 Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you everyone for the tips, I really appreciate it!!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Movement cures muscle soreness. When you do the workout again, the soreness goes away.
  • EmmaJean7
    EmmaJean7 Posts: 163 Member
    I have found for me alternating 30ds with a cardio day works best. So I do 30ds every other day and on the "off days" I go for a run/walk for 30 mins. It's helped my soreness tremendously :)