Why do some people bother?



  • tpfoodie
    tpfoodie Posts: 148 Member
    Most of that I agree with, but I also think that doing anything is better than doing nothing!
  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
    It's probably so they can check in at the gym on social media so everyone knows how "fit" they are :laugh:

    I'll text sometimes when I'm on my cool down on the treadmill (usually to tell my fiancé I'll be home soon) but the gym is small and rarely used in the clubhouse at my condo so I'm not bugging anyone or taking up space.

    That said, I know they're being rude, but at least they're doing something? Why doesn't the "doing laps around people on the couch" thing apply to people that look like they're relatively healthy? It's no excuse for bad behavior (and the smarmy looks at "interrupting" someone's conversation when they have no business being on the phone anyway is just obnoxious) but still, maybe they do have health motivations for being there and they're just not mature enough to handle themselves properly in a shared space /shrug
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    It's probably so they can check in at the gym on social media so everyone knows how "fit" they are :laugh:

    I'll text sometimes when I'm on my cool down on the treadmill (usually to tell my fiancé I'll be home soon) but the gym is small and rarely used in the clubhouse at my condo so I'm not bugging anyone or taking up space.

    That said, I know they're being rude, but at least they're doing something? Why doesn't the "doing laps around people on the couch" thing apply to people that look like they're relatively healthy? It's no excuse for bad behavior (and the smarmy looks at "interrupting" someone's conversation when they have no business being on the phone anyway is just obnoxious) but still, maybe they do have health motivations for being there and they're just not mature enough to handle themselves properly in a shared space /shrug

    I guess the dig at their workout was retaliation for making mine less enjoyable as much as anything else. People can walk/run at whatever speed they want - I'm sure many people would see my pace as being slow. What really bugged me was the rudeness, and behaving like she's the only one in the room. I think the cherry on top was that she was not just playing music, but music with profanity which not everyone wants to hear.
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    I find this divisive, insulting and unnecessary public judgment.
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    Yes. Why do people bother making posts about how they look down on someone else's treadmil workout while saying they don't want to get dirty looks for their own.

    ^ Exactly

    So taking a loud 15 minute phone call on a treadmill - less than 5 feet from someone running on the next treadmill - is ok?

    Playing your music in a shared space with no headphones is ok?

    Getting snarky with someone using that space for how it's intended because it's interfering with your rude phone call is ok?

    If you can't tell the difference here, then I can't help you.

    Like I said before, if you don't like it then get some earplugs or headphones of your own and ignore everything but your own workout. It's not that hard and there is WAY more to worry about in life than the small stuff.

    So what you're saying is that instead of people having basic courtesy for others, everyone else just has to buy headphones to block it out. Genius!

    I shall change how I teach my daughter about socially acceptable behavior immediately. Do what you want, honey, if it disturbs other people - **** 'em. They should just buy headphones to block you out, or leave.

    By the way - I have headphones. I could still hear her.

    What I'm saying is, don't let the little stuff bug you! There are annoying people in every aspect of life and everyplace you go. Don't let them bug you, as hard as it can be sometimes.

    If it was that big a deal you should have told her to shut up! Like when people take 20 items into the 10 item check out line. No one says anything, they just mumble and whine to each other. I'm the a-hole in the line who says something like "counting must not be your strong suit" or something, just to let them know they are doing the wrong thing. It does no good but at least you get it off your chest.
  • mili5726
    mili5726 Posts: 116 Member
    I have my headphones blasting at the gym and barely notice what anyone else is doing because of the intense focus on my workout. I do use my phone for Pandora though, and sometimes I walk on the treadmill at a 2.5 but that is because I am focusing on high incline.
  • manhn1
    manhn1 Posts: 137 Member
    I know it sucks having to wait for a machine and it's easy to have nasty thoughts about the people who are using it (I do it all the time). I don't know if you want your nasty thoughts confirmed by the public. If every single person on the treadmill were running at speeds of 8.5 and inclines of 5.3, would the time waiting go faster for you? As long as the person finishes their workout within the allotted time, does it matter how hard they worked out?

    At least with the slow walker, there won't be sweat all over the machine.
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    I know it sucks having to wait for a machine and it's easy to have nasty thoughts about the people who are using it (I do it all the time). I don't know if you want your nasty thoughts confirmed by the public. If every single person on the treadmill were running at speeds of 8.5 and inclines of 5.3, would the time waiting go faster for you? As long as the person finishes their workout within the allotted time, does it matter how hard they worked out?

    At least with the slow walker, there won't be sweat all over the machine.

    agreed - i cannot abide the nasty judgments people throw around here about people working out at the gym. No one is stopping you from working out or forcing you to work out unsafely. if other people affect your progress this much, it's time to step back and rethink what you allow to trigger your hatred of people.

    And there's no rule saying you have to be quiet in the gym. Too many people think it has library rules.... it doesn't.