Anyone Doing Low-Carb High-Fat?



  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    The only prob with this diet is that Im constipated a lot.

    More veggies will solve the problem. Veggies are naturally low in carbs. :smile:

    I am currently dealing with this problem. I have not had a problem with constipation until about a month ago. I've done a lot of reading regarding low carb, keto, paleo diets and constipation. Fiber is not the answer. Based on what I've read supplementing with more fiber can actually make it worse. The issue is the lack of sugars is starving out the good flora in the tummy. The answer is probiotics. I just ordered some. If you eat dairy, add yogurt or kefir into your diet. If you don't eat dairy, raw sauerkraut adds good bacteria into your stomach.

    I take a tsp of coconut oil in my coffee every day. I don't usually have a problem if I do this.

    On the rare occasion, I'll drink Smooth Move tea (avail in health food stores).
    I consume a lot of coconut oil and other fats daily. I also consume a lot of fiber. I drink tons of water and other fluids. I take magnesium every day. I have resorted to taking stool softeners regularly. It's still a problem. Every indication is that it is due to a lack of flora in my tummy.
  • ruthiejewell
    ruthiejewell Posts: 134 Member
    I've been on a very low carb diet and in ketosis for 9 months. I am healthier than I have ever been. My diabetes is under control without medication. My total cholesterol, LDL and triglycerides all dropped and my HDL went up. My A1c went from over 8.0 down to 5.7. I have a Dr. appointment tomorrow and I'm expecting the A1c to be even lower. Increasing my fat macro has given me even better control of my blood sugars. My doctor wants me in ketosis until I reach a healthy weight. That is still a long way off but I'm a lot closer than I was 9 months ago.

    Are there issues with a low carb/moderate protein/high fat diet? Yes: Better skin, better sleep, no bleeding gums, no sugar cravings, healthier hair, no feeling of deprivation, less aches and pains, no acid reflux, very little gas, no bloating, no swollen ankles, all the bacon I want... I could go on but that might get discouraging for some.
  • ruthiejewell
    ruthiejewell Posts: 134 Member
    I've been on a very low carb diet and in ketosis for 9 months. I am healthier than I have ever been. My diabetes is under control without medication. My total cholesterol, LDL and triglycerides all dropped and my HDL went up. My A1c went from over 8.0 down to 5.7. I have a Dr. appointment tomorrow and I'm expecting the A1c to be even lower. Increasing my fat macro has given me even better control of my blood sugars. My doctor wants me in ketosis until I reach a healthy weight. That is still a long way off but I'm a lot closer than I was 9 months ago.

    Are there issues with a low carb/moderate protein/high fat diet? Yes: Better skin, better sleep, no bleeding gums, no sugar cravings, healthier hair, no feeling of deprivation, less aches and pains, no acid reflux, very little gas, no bloating, no swollen ankles, all the bacon I want... I could go on but that might get discouraging for some.

    Well said Laura and my experiences have been v similar although I don't/didn't have diabetes. It's a great way to eat and just feels so much healthier!!!
  • windyleal
    I am doing low carb by follow Diane Kress's book called The Metabolism Miracle. I just count carbs and she prefers that we choose lower fat foods but sometimes I don't. She basically explains that if you eat really fatty stuff your body will first have to burn the fat you ate before it gets to burning the fat on our bellies and rear ends :) I have lost 40 lbs on the plan and still have another 20 to go before I'm at my current goal.

    Also - with that 40 lbs of fat I've lost I've gone from a size 24 to a 16. pretty substantial difference!
  • mrscarrey
    mrscarrey Posts: 47 Member
    Yes, with much success including losing 68 lbs and getting of my epilepsy meds!! I use the primal/paleo template as well. Best thing that ever happened to me health and nutrition-wise. It's made me SO much more aware of how important WHAT we put into our body is vs how much we put into it and how each type of food affects our body. It totally changed my understanding of nutrition.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    I don't follow any specific diet plan, but I have evolved into 50%Fat/30%Pro/20%Carb.

    I started off at 30/30/40, but found that eliminating grains and added sugars from my diet helped with inflammation and arthritis pain, and going lower carb helped me not have sugar cravings, mood swings, etc. I just feel better all around.

    I get fats from nuts, avocados, etc. Carbs from non-starch veggies. Some fruit as well. I don't eat fried foods, but I use heavy cream in my coffee. I usually eat fat free cheese, just because the cals are lower, but I use reg cheese at times too.

    It has become a way of life for me, so I see no problem continuing it long after I reach goal. I will just eat more calories then.

    The higher fats help with dry skin and hair, and constipation problems that some people can have when they cut calories.
  • YouAreTheShit
    YouAreTheShit Posts: 510 Member

    Please read this.

    Many people are not aware of the strain in puts on your body to eat SO low in carb, as your diary suggests.

    Thanks for the link, but WebMD is just repeating the party line by quoting the AHA. The fact is, no study has ever proven the cholesterol theory. The real poison to the body that spikes insulin is sugar / simple carbs -- and docs have known this for a long time.

    Gary Taubes explains this well in his book Why We Get Fat.

    I'm excited to see you provide such thorough information and retaliating against the crap that the prevailing medical community, pharma community, and research bodies are spewing at us.

    For thousands of years human beings ate a low carb all natural diet. In the past 150 years we have see a substantial rise in "Western" diseases. Ironically, this rise in these diseases directly mirrors the changes in the Western Diet from lower carb all natural foods to high carbs, high sugar, and highly processed foods. Diseases that hardly existed prior to our day.

    I don't want to get conspiratorial in this post but it is clear that the main benefactors of the high carb healthy diet MYTH are Big Pharma and Big Agra. And they are both VERY BIG! And they control our politicians and the FDA. A low carb approach to wellness on a nationwide scale would result in the reversal of diseases and the reduced need for manufactured drugs. I'll let the readers of this post draw whatever conclusions they want. All I will say is that I know without a doubt that Washington DC doesn't have my best interests at heart. Do they have yours?

    Eat low carb, be healthy, and live long. Glad you have stumbled upon the truth and thank you for sharing it.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    but it is important to get at least 75-100 grams of carbohydrate a day to avoid ketosis

    Ketosis is good, it is the result of fat being utilized. Ketoacidosis is bad.

    It is true that ketoacidosis can quickly kill you. However, the jury is still out on whether or not it is safe to be in ketosis for extended periods of time. To stay in ketosis would likely require severe restrictions on vegetables and fruits and that is an unhealthy diet over time.

    I always thought you had to eat fruits and veggies to be healthy, until I met my husband 15 yrs ago. His idea of a veggie is french fries or mac and cheese. Will eat apples if they are baked in a pie. Nothing green would cross his lips. He is a competitive cyclist and is extremely healthy. Makes no sense whatsoever, but it is what it is.
    Since I have cut out grains and starches, I no longer cook them at home, and he will now eat salads a few days a week. Big shock! I offer to fix him pasta or rice, but he has enjoyed the 15 pound weight loss he has achieved with eating less as well. He is quite happy with a big plate of meat for dinner.
  • sallyaj
    sallyaj Posts: 207 Member

    I don't want to get conspiratorial in this post but it is clear that the main benefactors of the high carb healthy diet MYTH are Big Pharma and Big Agra. And they are both VERY BIG! And they control our politicians and the FDA. A low carb approach to wellness on a nationwide scale would result in the reversal of diseases and the reduced need for manufactured drugs. I'll let the readers of this post draw whatever conclusions they want. All I will say is that I know without a doubt that Washington DC doesn't have my best interests at heart. Do they have yours?

    Eat low carb, be healthy, and live long. Glad you have stumbled upon the truth and thank you for sharing it.

    This is so true! As a health editor I once published an article by pediatrician Dr. William Sears (Sr. - not his son who is on the show The Doctors) who was one of the first to advise parents not to feed their children high fructose corn syrup. Well, the "corn board" came after us big time - throwing reports at me (which they had paid for). Dr. Sears was wonderful! He stood his ground and the magazine I was working for at the time stood theirs too. These days, with magazines under financial pressure, I'm not sure that would be true.

    But just to back up your view, these agricultural lobbyists are powerful. Woe to the university researcher who crosses them. Their university will see funding pulled out from under them and pressure will be brought to bear.

    It is a real problem. The power of these lobbyists is also very likely reason that the "food guidelines" are so strongly pushing grains and cereals.
  • sallyaj
    sallyaj Posts: 207 Member
    Yes, with much success including losing 68 lbs and getting of my epilepsy meds!!

    OMG - really off epilepsy meds?

    When I hear things like this I am so happy but also so very sad for people on the meds who haven't tried this diet. I feel the same when I think of all the cases of diabetes that did not need to be.
  • sallyaj
    sallyaj Posts: 207 Member
    I don't follow any specific diet plan, but I have evolved into 50%Fat/30%Pro/20%Carb.

    This is where I hope I will be able to arrive in my experiment with my carb levels. This seems really livable to me!
  • sallyaj
    sallyaj Posts: 207 Member
    She basically explains that if you eat really fatty stuff your body will first have to burn the fat you ate before it gets to burning the fat on our bellies and rear ends

    Windy, Thanks for your post. And you are so successful, I wouldn't change a thing you are doing. I should be so lucky to have this kind of success.

    I just wanted to comment on the fat makes fat theory.

    This is what I had heard too, until I saw the documentary Fat Head. It is insulin that is in charge of how fat is processed. So by merely shutting down insulin production through carb reduction, you are taking care of that.

    The fat is actually good -- for sex hormone production, for skin softness, for digestion, for joints, for all kinds of things.

    And -- it tames hunger. This is the first diet where I am feeling no hunger/cravings.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I am doing low carb by follow Diane Kress's book called The Metabolism Miracle. I just count carbs and she prefers that we choose lower fat foods but sometimes I don't. She basically explains that if you eat really fatty stuff your body will first have to burn the fat you ate before it gets to burning the fat on our bellies and rear ends :) I have lost 40 lbs on the plan and still have another 20 to go before I'm at my current goal.

    Also - with that 40 lbs of fat I've lost I've gone from a size 24 to a 16. pretty substantial difference!

    Your instincts are correct in avoiding going low-fat in addition to low-carb. The idea behind lower-carb diets is to train your body to burn fat for its fuel instead of carbohydrates. When you restrict carbs and fats, you force your body into burning some protein for fuel--not a good idea. You must eat fat if you want to burn fat. People who restrict both fats and carbs endanger their lean muscle mass. At least that is the current thinking among the gurus. :wink: I still think that a ketotic diet is probably not okay for extended lengths of time because of the restrictions on vegetables and fruit. But I can see it working pretty well in the short term.
  • sallyaj
    sallyaj Posts: 207 Member

    I consume a lot of coconut oil and other fats daily. I also consume a lot of fiber. I drink tons of water and other fluids. I take magnesium every day. I have resorted to taking stool softeners regularly. It's still a problem. Every indication is that it is due to a lack of flora in my tummy.

    Sounds like you have tried everything and you are right on the money. Note to self: stop assuming people haven't tried your tricks, Sally!

    Good luck -- I think the probiotics will do the trick.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member

    I don't want to get conspiratorial in this post but it is clear that the main benefactors of the high carb healthy diet MYTH are Big Pharma and Big Agra. And they are both VERY BIG! And they control our politicians and the FDA. A low carb approach to wellness on a nationwide scale would result in the reversal of diseases and the reduced need for manufactured drugs. I'll let the readers of this post draw whatever conclusions they want. All I will say is that I know without a doubt that Washington DC doesn't have my best interests at heart. Do they have yours?

    Eat low carb, be healthy, and live long. Glad you have stumbled upon the truth and thank you for sharing it.

    This is so true! As a health editor I once published an article by pediatrician Dr. William Sears (Sr. - not his son who is on the show The Doctors) who was one of the first to advise parents not to feed their children high fructose corn syrup. Well, the "corn board" came after us big time - throwing reports at me (which they had paid for). Dr. Sears was wonderful! He stood his ground and the magazine I was working for at the time stood theirs too. These days, with magazines under financial pressure, I'm not sure that would be true.

    But just to back up your view, these agricultural lobbyists are powerful. Woe to the university researcher who crosses them. Their university will see funding pulled out from under them and pressure will be brought to bear.

    It is a real problem. The power of these lobbyists is also very likely reason that the "food guidelines" are so strongly pushing grains and cereals.

    I wouldn't exactly say that it is a conspiracy as much as it is a combination of ignorance and (for Big Agra and Big Pharma) a defense of their profits. They have the money to hire the "science" they want to hear. Here is a link to a VERY interesting article (from about a year and a half ago) by Mark Hyman, M.D. who has run afoul of both of those corporate interests from time to time.
  • Lobster1987
    Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member
    Does adding coconut oil to coffee or other things make it greasy tasting or give it a weird flavor? I've heard of people doing that....but what are the benefits of doing it?
  • ldbuster0
    bump for later reading
  • AnguishLanguish
    AnguishLanguish Posts: 149 Member
    Does adding coconut oil to coffee or other things make it greasy tasting or give it a weird flavor? I've heard of people doing that....but what are the benefits of doing it?

    I don't find that it makes it greasy or gives it a weird after taste- it has a very mild taste and it does depend on the quality of the coconut oil you are using. Often I will put the oil in first and then as I'm pouring the coffee I will swirl the cup- I find it helps to avoid the slick on-top.
  • Lobster1987
    Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member
    What are the benefits of adding it? Avoiding constipation?
  • EricCowperthwaite
    What are the benefits of adding it? Avoiding constipation?
    coconut oil is composed of 65% medium chain triglycerides. Unlike long chain triglycerides, which make up the majority of the fat in common cooking oils, MCT's can be easily processed by the body for nutrition. Lots of evidence out there that coconut oil is good for you as a source of energy and good, healthy fats for your diet. I have a cup of coffee with butter and coconut oil every morning as my breakfast, as odd as that sounds.