Nike Training Club Group



  • StefB31
    StefB31 Posts: 3
    I am ADDICTED to this app!! :love: BUT has anyone had any adverse effects from doing these workouts? I have noticed that my knees are now making crackling noises when I bend down which has never happened before. I asked my doc about it and she told me it's the squats, that they are terrible for your knees. But I don't want to give up on these workouts, I really feel GREAT afterwards and they get me so easily motivated, unlike a lot of other things!

    Anyone else had a similar experience at all?? :frown:
  • StefB31
    StefB31 Posts: 3
    Oh and badges...I started NTC on January 2nd and I just earned the "Trail Blazer" badge last night, for 1,625 minutes! :happy:
  • SDormer91
    SDormer91 Posts: 16
    @StefB31 - make sure you're doing your squats right - heels on the ground, weight going backward into your butt. I hated squats because of knee pain until I saw a post on Tumblr and realised I was doing my squats all wrong. Otherwise, always wear good shoes while you're doing them - stops your feet from rolling and putting pressure on your knees :)

    As to the app, I'm thinking of starting using it. I did the 15 Min Leg Sculptor but only made it halfway through - absolutely killed my legs. Am going to try more workouts from it this week :)
  • StefB31
    StefB31 Posts: 3
    Yes I was told that the last time I mentioned something and I did double check myself (with a mirror even!) and I believe I'm doing them knees don't go over my toes, all the weight in my heels (I can do them and lift my toes up no problem while I'm in them), but my doc told me squats are a bad idea in general, even when done correctly :cry: This stinks, because I REALLY like these workouts, they really get my heart rate up!!! I don't want to quit them, but I'm an equestrian first and don't want them trashing my kness either...oh WHAT TO DO?!?! :brokenheart:
  • rdranara
    rdranara Posts: 3
    I love this app! I'm just beginning to exercise, so I'm doing the beginner workouts. My only problem is I don't know how to use the app properly, like should I alternate 1 from each group or focus on get lean first, then move on to get toned when I'm done with all the workouts in get lean. My OCD-ness is making me go through all the routines one by one, as they are listed :huh:
  • smoten
    smoten Posts: 53 Member
    i just did the get strong intemediate Drill Sergeant workout. it was good, it moved pretty quickly between exercises but it made it seem doable and i guess it was! i will do this one again and i'm sure i will feel it tomorrow. i just wish i had a better idea of the calorie burn.
  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    Cool !!! I'm going to try this out at weekend. I use kettlebells a lot and love them, so may do these on alternate days - excited already to try the different routines.
  • soontobesam
    soontobesam Posts: 714 Member
    I downloaded this app probably a few weeks ago but just used it for the first time today!

    I did a 15 minute stretch with Shawn Johnson
    15 minute Shaped Back
    30 minute Total Adrenaline (I loved the slide and glide!).
  • prov3rbs
    prov3rbs Posts: 1
    I have used this NTC for a while and it changes you in a lot of ways...but I have stopped using it because either I was busy and just couldn't fit it to my schedule. So I have decided to use this during the summer and it only has been about 3 weeks since I have been using it! This app is awesome! I have lost about 2 lbs...and also using this fitness pal app to calculate the amount food I am engulfing, now I can actually calculate the amount of calories I am burning every week! I work out 6 times a day and man do I feel the burn! My training total is 1382 min I have completed and I intend to keep going. So now I feel energetic everyday. Whoever does not have this, have it!

    Favorite: Bonus: Lea Michele Triple Threat; Calories Burned: Will update tomorrow!
    Least Favorite: Get Focused: Cardio Killer (and it is a killer!!!); Calories burned: 263
  • NoxDineen
    NoxDineen Posts: 497 Member
    Cool !!! I'm going to try this out at weekend. I use kettlebells a lot and love them, so may do these on alternate days - excited already to try the different routines.
    They added a 30 min kettlebell routine as a reward. I think it's 2000 minutes though! I want it so much, love my kettlebells.
  • I absolutely swear by this app! I've been in the lean section and yesterday was fighter fit! I know it works because everyday I'm sore and feel lone I'm getting stronger! I have an active job to so this helps! Love it and it's also fun!
  • mandio23
    mandio23 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm also using the Nike Training App on my Ipad and I LOVE it! The workouts are brutal and awesome at the same time. I feel like I'm working out at the gym although from my house. Each week, the workouts get a little easier to do which shows that I'm getting stronger and more fit! That along with this site has been awesome!! Just wanted to share! :):wink:
  • just started. did my first workout and it killed me!!!! i like it
  • I def love this app!! If you don't know how to workout or what to do, this app is like having your own personal trainer! And the NIke ladies look fab!!
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    just getting back into it and I introduced it to 2 friends ! THEY LOVE IT!
  • queserasara9
    queserasara9 Posts: 2 Member
    I really love the app, and was curious for those of you logging calories burned for the 15-minute focus workouts how you are calculating your activity? I like to choose two of these a day and then add my run to the exercise log, but I'm worried that I'm overestimating my activity on the app (even though it sure gets me sweating)!
  • msjeannettea
    msjeannettea Posts: 18 Member
    I just started the NTC 30 minute "Slim Chance" workout.... i saw on here to log it under "Circuit Training". I didn't wear my HRM this go round but I will and see if it's close to what MFP is saying.
  • I really ramped my use of this app up since like, beginning of December, but I've had it for... ever it seems like. I do it at about 4 times a week. I just recently started doing the Advanced workouts, my favorite so far is gladiator... this app is so great, it's usually an awesome whole body workout to YOUR OWN MUSIC! Best. I have noticed a huge difference in my abs and some in my arms. Improvement is a commitment and continuous, right? :smile: I can't wait to see the changes a few months down the road. I supplement with cardio routines from TurboJam and TurboFire too. Whew!